

Thanks Lemmywinks GFF, you truly are the gerbil German king 

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
dan asked that not too long ago as well.. It depends on what program you use, I use PSP. Here is what I have written: Originally posted by germanfryfan: That depends on the software you are using. I, for example, use PaintShopPro(now version 10, but everything since 7 works well).
There you either have to make the background in one color (edit: that isn't used so far), then click CTRL+SHIFT+v to get the toolbox for transparency. Click on said background and hit accept. Another way there is to make the background transparent with the eraser tool, and then use the optimize wizzard for gif-files to accept this transparency to be the gif's one.
This however is only for PSP, there are other tools around even freeware ones, like gimp or Irfan-view that can do it. Do a google search on them, or search here, since PEELers have explained it some time ago already.


Originally posted by germanfryfan: dan asked that not too long ago as well.. Yeah, but I do not have Paint Shop Pro, and couldn't find out how to do it on MS Paint


Everyone else is doing it... Mario, could you please add an Xmas hat to Paul? Thank you!  
Guineapig Trick


Gff, oh holy master of avies, could you please take my avatar and put a Santa where the little girl was, therefore making santa have the Shounen bat shadow? I know this is a bit heavier of a project than just adding a santa hat, but I know you'll pull through. 

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #319 on: 10-30-2005 20:24 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2005 20:24 »
Here you go Professor Zoidy, the new uploading thread. I'll get around and will upload the next bunch in like two weeks. And then again in the frist or second week of December for the Christmas avatars (that will be the last one this year... i guess  ). @Cujoe, I only did that once with a cat, for Davey's first avatar. (Note that I quite suck with realistics).  Well.. what I did was to scan the lines that mark the face (wrinkles, mouth, nose, eyes, ears, proportions), for the Groening style make sure that the upper lip is sticking out and that the eyes look like table-tennis balls. Then color it in and finally, if wanted, you can use a pen that de-/increases the brightness to add some shading. @GPT:  or with a picture Amy found: 