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Author Topic: How does PEEL support itself?  (Read 1657 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 07-23-2005 14:57 »

I'm sort of new here, and got to wondering how PEEL actually supports itself.  It's a huge site, with numerous people posting everyday, and lot of old threads archived.  Obviously a complicated endeavor.  But I don't see any ads (neither do I see ads on CGEF, save for the promoting of Futurama-related products).  So I guess mostly I was wondering about the monetary aspects of how PEEL exists (although I'd be interested in the logistical aspects too).

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 07-23-2005 16:16 »

PEEL supports itself through a variety of means. One is the links to futurama related products on Amazon for example, for which the administrator of CGEF and PEEL (mArc) receives a small commission. When new products came out, members often bought them off amazon so as to help support the site. This brings in a small revenue which isn't enough to cover the server costs.

Another monetary facet is private donations. Some choose to post money directly to mArc, whilst at PEEL meet-ups (not as geeky as they sound, honest) collections have raised money which then goes towards the costs.

I believe, though may be mistaken, that there is enough money at the moment to cover the next batch of costs so donations are not being activily saught after.

Also there is a strict anti-spam policy in enforcement, including up to 8 moderators to close redundant topics. Consistant posting and starting of new threads uses up server bandwidth which can in turn push costs up. Part of the reason the anti-spam policy is so strict is because it costs us all money.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 07-23-2005 16:16 »

[-mArc-] and various collections at PEELathons.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 07-23-2005 23:59 »

Flying buttresses and Roman arches.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #4 on: 07-24-2005 00:17 »


Also.... some of us have been recruited as drug pushers.  :rolleyes:
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