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Author Topic: This should STOP!  (Read 1494 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 03-06-2005 16:23 »

Ok this is out of controll.Why do people have to pick on the noobs because of there spelling and such.Its a constant battle.We where all noobs at once in our life time.Before i came a delivery boy i didnt know what double post ment.But every one had to all gang up on me.Ok my first post in stutart b's thread I said i think theres a lot of futurama scans here.By that i ment that no one should be complaining about that there arent ennough futurama scans.And look what these two retards posted back to me with out even a damn welcome
Originally posted by TheLampIncident:
 You're stupid.
Originally posted by OC_James:
 You're asking all the wrong questions, rookie. Sure, there's a lot of scans but why are they here? Why are they doing what they do? Does it stem from some odd or cruel treatment they recieved from family members? Do they do these things just for sick kicks? What causes a scan's obsession with cross-dressing?

Shit, why do I even ask you these things? All you bureaucrats in Washington care about is who did what. Don't even give a fuck about the psychological science behind it all, so maybe, just maybe we can prevent this sort of thing from happening again.

You make me sick.

P.S. You are a good artist Stu and I would sign you up for my naval brigade any day of the week, if you catch my meaning.
Then I said wtf did i ever do to you.
Look peel isnt a flame board or whatever.Its a place to meet people with common interests and to chat about futurama.
Its out of controll what lampy and GPT are doing and this isnt just about them I tell you.Its about every lilttle prick who picks on people about bad spelling and grammer when most of them are under 14.  :nono: Also about saying lol.Give me a break!(a kit kat.yummmm)What are we suppose to say instead of lol.laughs?It may not sound retarded to you but I think laughs is retarded.And a couple of days ago I said wronge and then every one had to jump down my throat.I mean its just one lilttle spelling error.We can all live with it.Now I understand spaming so I dont have any problem with that.But just because I triple posted(not in the same day)Nibbler Jr. and some one else was acting like a shit head.I mean come on people do we have to act like we have shit in our brains.At least act like your inntelligent.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 03-06-2005 16:32 »

First of all, about 40 people on this board are under 14, a lot of them inactive.

And PEEL is a board for people with a slight grasp of the English language. If you want to triple post and say "LOL!" all the time, go to some crappy free one.

Yeah, sure. We were all n00bs. I double posted once or twice, but after someone told me, I didn't go and do it 3 times.

I'm not trying to be a flamer. I'm just saying, once you're told something, listen to it.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 03-06-2005 16:49 »

GPT is an annoying git, we ignore him  :p
Lampy hates everyone.

PEEL is a board where people talk in proper English, spam and chat speak is very annoying and so we don't use it here, and expect new memebers to respect this and to either fit in or go to another board where they fit in.

You've been here for three months, you should know that we're like that here. Arguments and posts aren't taken so seriously when full of chatspeak and poor grammar and spelling.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 03-06-2005 17:11 »

I know about all of that but the only thing that shouldnt be complained about is lol.all those others you complain about all you want.I dont care.
Guineapig Trick

« Reply #4 on: 03-06-2005 17:32 »

PEEL is a board where people talk in proper English

I'm pretty sure that isn't proper English.  :p

Bad English is hard to read, I usually skip over your posts, blackkatnorn, because I can find a grammatical or spelling error in each and every one of them, nowadays you aren't even spacing after periods, seriously, what the fuck?

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 03-06-2005 17:38 »

Originally posted by blackkatnorn:
I know about all of that but the only thing that shouldnt be complained about is lol.all those others you complain about all you want.I dont care.

Why use lol? Where do you see an occasion where only "lol" will fit? One-word replies of "lol" to quotes aren't useful or constructive. How come everyone else can get along without "lol"? Also, try using spaces, apostrophes and basic spelling and grammar.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 03-06-2005 18:29 »

And also, saying "Snow blah blah" twice is not allowed.

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 03-06-2005 18:51 »
« Last Edit on: 03-06-2005 18:51 »

Originally posted by Guineapig Trick:
 I'm pretty sure that isn't proper English.     :p

Bad English is hard to read, I usually skip over your posts, blackkatnorn, because I can find a grammatical or spelling error in each and every one of them, nowadays you aren't even spacing after periods, seriously, what the fuck?
I can not space after periods or whatever whenever I want.At least you can understand what im saying.Also at least I dont do stuff like some people do.(Im not saying you did)Some people are like making millons of spelling errors in a post.I only make one or two.And that doesnt count being a noob.Get a life GPT.You really need one.
Originally posted by NibblerJr:
And also, saying "Snow blah blah" twice is not allowed.
I was a noob.Forget about it.
And also spamming isnt allowed ether.Edit your god damned post.

« Reply #8 on: 03-06-2005 19:37 »

"Lol" is probably the worst acronym ever. EVER. It could make anybody sound stupid. We have the :laff: smilie, don't we? Isn't that enough?

It's not our fault if you can't spell. To tell the truth, I didn't even bother to read all of your opening post because of the blatant errors. One or two typographical errors are bearable, but not all out lack of punctuation, spaces, and throughly bad spelling. That's just annoying, and it doesn't take all that great of an effort to fix. Then people might actually bother to care about what you have to say. Look around. A lot of PEELers aren't even native English speakers (I could be considered one of them) and you wouldn't even be able to tell.

(P.S. The finger smilie just further proves everyone else's point.)
Guineapig Trick

« Reply #9 on: 03-06-2005 19:41 »
« Last Edit on: 03-06-2005 19:41 »

:sigh: Reminds me sooo much of SuperFry.

"This si my thred do not spam or you will get intruble!!!!!11"

At least you can understand what im saying.

Barely. "im" isn't a word, and neither is "ether" (except in medical terminology) or "want.At" when you don't space it automatically becomes one word, which means you do, infact, make many spelling errors per post.

EDIT: And we aren't ragging on you because you're a newbz0r, we ragging on you because your intelligence could be compared to to that if an orangutan.

« Reply #10 on: 03-06-2005 19:47 »

Listen. I know that my spelling tends to be absolute crap. But I at least make an effort to make it NOT crap. Why do you think I love my dictionary so much? I don't use it to ONLY look up curse words.  ;)
My point is that a dictionary helps alot. And l337 isn't even ALLOWED on this board. If you're unhappy with everyone jumping down your throat about double posting, your usage of l337, and bad spelling, don't use chat speak, try to improve your spelling and don't double post. If it's such a problem for you to do any of that, why don't you use some board where you can't even tell what anyone is fucking saying cos everyone uses chatspeak?!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #11 on: 03-06-2005 19:49 »

Listen blackatnorn.  Number 1 on your agenda, if someone is treating you like shit, just ignore them.  For the most part some people gain intense pleasure from pushing people's buttons, including me some of the time.  Now as I tell people when I mess with them, I don't mean most of the stuff I say; I apologize if I truly feel that I have offended someone, but most of this stuff should flow over you like water (you spell stupid, you're stupid, the all intrusive f-bomb). We're on the internet, people act like dickheads on the internet; it's a fact, and you're going to have to get over it. 

Number B on your agenda, about using correct grammar and spelling as well as the usage of the word n00b.  This place is one of the better message boards on the internet because we weed out most of the crap.  Most of the people on this board are intelligent, including many people that are currently in college or hold degrees.  To a certain degree that elicits some elitism because we are the top educated portion of society.  We only hold you to the same standards as we hold ourselves.  You will conform to these standards if you decide to stay around us for any extended period of time.  Nurdbot himself is the living example of a person who once raped the english language turned into a shining (maybe?) example of the type of people who visit PEEL.  I would advise that you at least try to correct yourself, it builds good habits.  For one, your not spacing after a period is slightly annoying.

And to end this, the reason we act the way we do is because of the subject matter that holds us together.  As I stated earlier, we're an intelligent bunch, mostly because we enjoy Futurama.  Futurama is an intelligent show; no doubt I'm saying that from a biased point of view, but I'm sure even from an outside observance Futurama is made to be enjoyed by a more educated viewer (as proofed by the small jokes that are correctly noticed by a small percentage of the population).  Blackatnorn, I like you... I like you a lot, you're a girl... and also possibly underage.  I hope you stay here for a long time, I hope you come and visit #fc sometime; but you're going to have to give up on this crusade.  In fact, this sort of thing pops up all the time and it dies down in a short amount of time... why?  Because you eventually stop being a "n00b".  This term expires when you become a "regular", and everybody either becomes a "regular" or they disappear, so no one is ever left to argue this point over and over repeatedly.  I suggest you take most everything with a grain of salt and you'll be ok  :D

P.S. What's your screenname and email address?  ;)  :flirt:
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