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Author Topic: Actual Complaints  (Read 64279 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #40 on: 10-14-2004 21:50 »

Hell, even I would stop bitching on PEEL and use the alert button if it had an all mods function. There is always #fc, but not all of our mods even go in there. Also, I like TNUK's idea of having more active moderation, with warnings and stuff. I know you guys have been doing this for a few years and are burnt out on it or too busy or whatnot, but we could always appoint new mods if you don't have time...

I'm pretty sure this is a top of the page.
Top of the page slam dance

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #41 on: 10-15-2004 03:39 »

If somebody is really desperate to get swift action it is always possible to press the alert button then add the email address of another mod or mods to send it to.

People complaining here might want to consider that if a warning function were added they might get warned themselves. The people who want stricter moderating are usually the first to complain when they are dealt with in a strict manner.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #42 on: 10-15-2004 04:49 »

Originally posted by Tweek:
If somebody is really desperate to get swift action it is always possible to press the alert button then add the email address of another mod or mods to send it to.

The problem with that is knowing which mods are online.  I usually know when to find you, slimmy and to a lesser extent mArc in #fc, but there's a period covering several late night hours where you and mArc are both offline, and slimmy's usually doing something else.  And I can't recall the last time I saw any of the other mods in #fc, if ever.  So unless they make a post on PEEL that grabs my attention I don't know if they're online or not.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #43 on: 10-15-2004 05:21 »

Nix used to go into #fc, but he hasn't in forever, I don't recall VF ever being in there... and I rarely even seem to see Kryten post anymore. Drippy isn't alive anymore, and Jon is a lazy bastard (no offence  :p).  So it's at least a valid argument.  I still like slate's idea, if the mods were willing to actually look at a new email account on occasion, all we'd have to do is change the address of the alert button from marc's email address to a new joint email address. 

It's also good to note that if this were enacted, we might actually have less people whining in threads about people they hate, although it's doubtful  :(

Space Pope
« Reply #44 on: 10-15-2004 08:19 »

Another benefit of that is that you could see the number of complains about users build up in one account, as opposed to only mArc seeing complaint emails, if people actually bother to send them.

Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 10-15-2004 14:23 »

Would there be a set number of complaints(or users that make complaints) that would have to come in order for the mods to take action if this new email comes into effect?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #46 on: 10-15-2004 14:54 »

I read all the complaints but only react on those I find reaction-worthy. One thing I might have forgotten - and I don't remember if it was you Lamp - don't go around calling people idiots, dumbasses or the likes while meaning it.

If there's something that truly needs direct action, just add the other moderators on your own. I'm pretty much opposed to sending all complaints to a host of moderators, since in my experience that reduces the reaction speed ("someone else will do it"). In addition to that, we'd be forced to use some lame web mailbox no one ever checks in order to share the mail, since I doubt every mod is using IMAP ready mail clients.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #47 on: 10-15-2004 20:05 »

Wouldn't it be a good idea in that case to create a joint email account for the moderators and administrators, whereby the alert button sends the message straight to that address. Then when a mod/admin logs in, the first thing they should do is check that joint account to see if there's anything that needs action.

If there's something to action, the first one to see it ought to do it.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 10-15-2004 20:23 »

 :hmpf: I guess that won't realy work...
Everyone has a lazy part, and won't check this account. Though these complaints will remain for the next mod to check it. I think this is what [-mArc-] meant with :

Origianlly posted my [-mArc-]:
I'm pretty much opposed to sending all complaints to a host of moderators, since in my experience that reduces the reaction speed ("someone else will do it" ).

How ever... another question (I already asked some time ago):

Is it possible to sort the search results in the other direction? Now it is set to descendending order, which gives oldest topics at first.
With ascendending order the newest would be first.

I think doing this would also reduce the bumping of far too old threads! Beside that it is by far faster if you search for a certain thread as a "new-school" Peeler.  ;)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #49 on: 10-15-2004 20:32 »

It should be a moderator's duty to check it. They have the power, let them also take the responsibility.

Starship Captain
« Reply #50 on: 10-16-2004 06:36 »
« Last Edit on: 10-16-2004 06:36 »

good news everyone i can't access chat anymore
i think i have been banned oh well that's my complaint

EDIT oh wait i got on but everyone is ignoring me

Edit now ive been banned by booze i think

Edit tossed out again

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 10-16-2004 17:57 »

i didn't ban you even though i would have done it if i was fast enough

Starship Captain
« Reply #52 on: 10-16-2004 17:59 »
« Last Edit on: 11-09-2004 00:00 »

then who did?
also i don't think i should of been banned!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #53 on: 10-16-2004 18:01 »

well, all ops active at that moment thought you should

Starship Captain
« Reply #54 on: 10-16-2004 18:06 »

will i ever get back on

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #55 on: 10-16-2004 18:12 »

not up to me

Space Pope
« Reply #56 on: 10-16-2004 18:30 »

A) PEEL is not related to #FC, don't bring your problems here.
B) If you have to, take them to the #Futuramachat thread.
C) Stop being annoying, i thought you weren't that bad but it's even getting to me.

Starship Captain
« Reply #57 on: 10-17-2004 06:30 »

sorry aslate i just like using the chat and i don't want people to hate me
i wont annoy you any more i just want to say i'am really sorry it was my own fault
sorry if this sounds to much like spam.

Space Pope
« Reply #58 on: 10-17-2004 06:41 »

Is there really that much stuff on PEEL that requires instant Mod action? Maybe we could all get beepers so if a thread needs closing, or someone was spelling poorly, we could drop what we were doing in the real world and take care of it.

It's a message board.

Starship Captain
« Reply #59 on: 10-17-2004 07:46 »

i would like to say sorry to everyone at peel and would like to say if you could forgive me and we could all be buddies.
at least i'am willing to say sorry and i would like everyone to like me
so here goes
i'am sorry for being a jerk and i won't post crap anymore

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #60 on: 10-17-2004 07:51 »

Hey, Juliet was willing to say "sorry" too, look how well-respected she is.

I agree with VF, it's just a message board.  The only thing worse that those who are annoying, is the fucks who complain about them. 

Seriously, get yourself a life, and this shit wouldn't matter so much.

« Reply #61 on: 10-17-2004 23:21 »
« Last Edit on: 10-17-2004 23:21 »

I agree... if you dont like whats going on, you dont have to be here...
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #62 on: 10-19-2004 07:33 »

M0le has put an invalid email address in his profile by accident and can't reactivate it, he needs it to be reset, if possible.
Thanks a bundle

Space Pope
« Reply #63 on: 10-20-2004 01:31 »

Thanks for fixing it mArc.  :)

« Reply #64 on: 10-22-2004 17:08 »
« Last Edit on: 10-23-2004 00:00 »

How come PEEL seems to be stuffing up once and a while? like this?

some more stuff today:
It says TLI posted...

But He didn't

Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 10-24-2004 22:07 »

Yay!  Now I can see avatars in the profile section with Firefox.  If it wasn't something wrong with my comp and someone changed it, thanks. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #66 on: 10-24-2004 22:16 »

Ooy: Put two and two together. My posts are constantly getting deleted for saying bad stuff. However, they were the last posts in the thread. So it will say that. I had a post deleted because I was trying to stay on topic while making fun of the overuse of question marks and exclamation points in the initial post.

Space Pope
« Reply #67 on: 10-26-2004 17:52 »

In saner conspiracy-less news, sometimes the last post of a thread doesn't show up. It's a glitch in the system and the post will show up once someone else posts there. Occasionally you will see someone post "posting to show ghost post", forcing the new post to be visible. Why it happens isn't yet known. I heard aliens, Area 51 and the Illumanti are getting together for secret meetings though...

« Reply #68 on: 10-28-2004 19:48 »
« Last Edit on: 10-28-2004 19:48 »

Only one thing to be said... Huh?

PEEL-fart? Or the work of Satan? Takin' all bets!

Bending Unit
« Reply #69 on: 10-28-2004 23:10 »
« Last Edit on: 10-28-2004 23:10 »

Speaking of alternative browsers (like firefox), I have a request having to do with the browser Opera. Whenever I try to go to a specific page on a thread directly from the place where all of the threads are listed (I forget what it's called), it takes me to page one. This doesn't happen in any other browser I've used. Normally I wouldn't complain about it, but it gets kind of annoying after a while.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #70 on: 10-29-2004 01:16 »

I haven't used opera in a while, but i believe the solution is to press F12, then in the menu that pops up; disable Javascript.

Also i think it's patched in the latest version.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #71 on: 10-29-2004 04:04 »

You know.... cause Satan loves big blue stars...

« Reply #72 on: 10-29-2004 09:37 »

They're not always blue, though... Some people are the mystical last Urban-Legend star. And the star itself is replaced with Alex's avatar. I cleared out my temporary files, and it's fine, now.

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #73 on: 10-30-2004 04:58 »

Hahaha. My unique avatar completely owned you, for a second. Ahahaha. That made my day. Thank you.

Starship Captain
« Reply #74 on: 10-31-2004 09:48 »
« Last Edit on: 10-31-2004 09:48 »

there's this guy here called hermes on a futurama forum who can't join peel http://futuramagen.proboards31.com/index.cgi?board=jfxschgvjh&action=display&num=10  85613997

please let me know what is the problem with him or with peel so i can inform him

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #75 on: 11-04-2004 13:55 »

I'll send you several pounds over my paypal account if you say no and ban Jerkberg.

Seriously, do not. Also the Politics thread is turning into an annoying pro/against Abortion whine and I want someone to close it if it keeps going, as a personal request can they eat a gummy fetus while doing so?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #76 on: 11-04-2004 13:58 »

Originally posted by Nurdbot:
Also the Politics thread is turning into an annoying pro/against Abortion whine and I want someone to close it if it keeps going, 

Why? Abortion is a political issue.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #77 on: 11-04-2004 14:13 »

1: We have an Abortion thread somewhere.

2: We've gone through 2 1/2 pages about it most of it is politely worded flames.

Urban Legend
« Reply #78 on: 11-04-2004 14:22 »

Nurdo, I don't even want to sit here and listen to this anymore. If a thread annoys you, stay out of it. It's no less interesting than you and your communism anyway.

PEEL's been doing good lately. No trolls to report of(at least none on a large scale). Let's keep it that way.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #79 on: 11-04-2004 14:36 »
« Last Edit on: 11-04-2004 14:36 »

Lampy: I'm not being mean or anything, it's just that I want to read something that isn't a for or against argument about abortion. I wanna discuss and read something else, I want to live! why won't you let me live!

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