
DOOP Secretary

If somebody is really desperate to get swift action it is always possible to press the alert button then add the email address of another mod or mods to send it to.
People complaining here might want to consider that if a warning function were added they might get warned themselves. The people who want stricter moderating are usually the first to complain when they are dealt with in a strict manner.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
 I guess that won't realy work... Everyone has a lazy part, and won't check this account. Though these complaints will remain for the next mod to check it. I think this is what [-mArc-] meant with : Origianlly posted my [-mArc-]: I'm pretty much opposed to sending all complaints to a host of moderators, since in my experience that reduces the reaction speed ("someone else will do it" ). How ever... another question (I already asked some time ago): Is it possible to sort the search results in the other direction? Now it is set to descendending order, which gives oldest topics at first. With ascendending order the newest would be first. I think doing this would also reduce the bumping of far too old threads! Beside that it is by far faster if you search for a certain thread as a "new-school" Peeler. 

DOOP Secretary

Oi! i didn't ban you even though i would have done it if i was fast enough

DOOP Secretary

well, all ops active at that moment thought you should

Space Pope
Jerkberg: A) PEEL is not related to #FC, don't bring your problems here. B) If you have to, take them to the #Futuramachat thread. C) Stop being annoying, i thought you weren't that bad but it's even getting to me.

DOOP Secretary

Hey, Juliet was willing to say "sorry" too, look how well-respected she is.
I agree with VF, it's just a message board. The only thing worse that those who are annoying, is the fucks who complain about them.
Seriously, get yourself a life, and this shit wouldn't matter so much.


« Reply #64 on: 10-22-2004 17:08 »
« Last Edit on: 10-23-2004 00:00 »
 How come PEEL seems to be stuffing up once and a while? like this? some more stuff today: It says TLI posted...  But He didn't 


They're not always blue, though... Some people are the mystical last Urban-Legend star. And the star itself is replaced with Alex's avatar. I cleared out my temporary files, and it's fine, now.

DOOP Secretary

I'll send you several pounds over my paypal account if you say no and ban Jerkberg.
Seriously, do not. Also the Politics thread is turning into an annoying pro/against Abortion whine and I want someone to close it if it keeps going, as a personal request can they eat a gummy fetus while doing so?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Nurdbot: Also the Politics thread is turning into an annoying pro/against Abortion whine and I want someone to close it if it keeps going, Why? Abortion is a political issue.

DOOP Secretary

1: We have an Abortion thread somewhere.
2: We've gone through 2 1/2 pages about it most of it is politely worded flames.