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Author Topic: Actual Complaints  (Read 64280 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #160 on: 03-16-2005 08:08 »

Probably seems like a silly complaint, but any chance that people can restrict images they post to under, say, 600 pixels wide. I am on an 800x600 screen and anything wider stretches the page making it incredibly awkward to read.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #161 on: 03-16-2005 11:11 »

What's wrong with scrolling?  I mean sure archie, it is annoying, but not that big of a problem.  I'm also on 800x600  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #162 on: 03-16-2005 11:17 »

The problem is that you should be using a better monitor resolution than 800x600.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #163 on: 03-16-2005 16:12 »
« Last Edit on: 03-16-2005 16:12 »

I'd also like to request that at the top of every page, someone posts an image about 1000 pixels wide. PEEL's too skinny and the sides are wasted in my 1280x1024 goodness.  :p


Space Pope
« Reply #164 on: 03-16-2005 17:30 »

Originally posted by Rage Dump:
I'd also like to request that at the top of every page, someone posts an image about 1000 pixels wide. PEEL's too skinny and the sides are wasted in my 1280x1024 goodness.   :p

I use that space damnit! I cover the blue areas around PEEL with chatwindows if i've got a load of them going.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #165 on: 03-17-2005 15:20 »

Why is everyone using such prehistoric screen resolutions?

<------ 1.6x10^23 x 1.2x10^22 resolution  :rolleyes:
Starship Captain
« Reply #166 on: 03-17-2005 15:57 »

DAMN... but clearly inferior to my... 6.02x10^23 by 4.21x19^23 resolution... can't touch that
Starship Captain
« Reply #167 on: 03-25-2005 19:42 »

why does peel have so many 0 post members?  can't the admins do some kind of cleansing? to delete the inactive members?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #168 on: 03-25-2005 19:58 »
« Last Edit on: 03-25-2005 19:58 »

Why should they? The accounts don't take up server resources, deleting would be time consuming and if people returned to post a question they might be miffed to see teir account deleted (I know I was when Toonzone nuked me account without any warning).
Starship Captain
« Reply #169 on: 03-25-2005 20:32 »

understood, but i know other boards do have "ocassional cleansisngs" thought maybe that would be appropriate here

Urban Legend
« Reply #170 on: 03-25-2005 23:27 »

Originally posted by Teral:
The accounts don't take up server resources

Cujoe, if it's pointless, it's pointless. Please don't be another one of THOSE people.

Also, what was that Slackster quote?

Originally posted by SlackJawedMoron:
I think we should keep the null accounts because it makes us look bigger and more ferocious! RARRRR!!!

Something like that.
Starship Captain
« Reply #171 on: 03-26-2005 00:32 »

i'll avoid becoming one of "those" people... whatever that may be  :)
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #172 on: 03-26-2005 03:31 »
« Last Edit on: 03-26-2005 03:31 »

He's refering to people that piss him off.

Which is about half of PEEL.
RS 2thou

Urban Legend
« Reply #173 on: 03-26-2005 05:35 »

When is buddy of the going to change?
If it going to be buddy of the week change it every week

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #174 on: 03-26-2005 07:11 »

Like the Classic episode and the features mentioned above that won't change either.

As far as I know these have to be set manually and Slimmy and mArc don't have the time to do it every week.

« Reply #175 on: 03-26-2005 09:45 »

Hmm, I thought that the Buddy of the Week was automatic, and set the buddy who gives the most PEEL referals each week. That's why each website links to PEEL with an individual buddy number. I remember when I joined, it was CGEF, then in July changed briefly to TFP, and then stayed at SFF.

So, if SFF has had the most referals for that long, it's possible to be Buddy of the Week for as long it has been.

Please don't hurt me if I'm wrong. I recall reading it in some ancient thread.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #176 on: 03-26-2005 10:16 »

That's pretty much accurate YLB. The only additional info is the increase is percentage-based, meaning an increase from 10 to 20 is better than an increase from 700 to 1000. The main problem with the Buddy of the Week thingy is, well, there aren't so many buddies left. Click on the "Proud to be supported by:" link above the button collection below and you get a list of every PEEL buddy, with their total refeal number. Let's take a look shall we?

Futurama Scan Art Central   - Dead
Can't get enough Futurama   - Biggest supporter
The Futurama Point   - Alive and kicking
PEEL People   - Dead
Ain't no such thing as too much Amy Wong    - Inactive
Futurama Merchandise Page   - Inactive
Space Station Futurama   - Sporadically updated
Planet Express Denmark   - Dead
One and only Bender   - Dead
KFNF   - Alive ... but Norwegian  :p
The Fry Hole   - Sporadically updated
Futurama Outlet Germany   - Dead
Sean's Futurama Picture Palace   - Dead
Futurama Nerve Center   - Dead
Free Futurama Project   - Dead
Aliens Unlimited   - Inactive
eMerchandise   - No return link
PimpBunnies - Non-Futurama related

18 supporters, 8 non-existant, 3 are inactive, 2 are non-Futurama related. Leaving CGEF, TFP, SSF, TFH and KFNF as the only contenders. So seeing the same site for several consecutive eriods aren't unusual.

Moreover, this probably belongs in Few Questions/Suggestions

Urban Legend
« Reply #177 on: 03-26-2005 10:26 »

Originally posted by Nasty Pasty:
He's refering to people that piss him off.

Once again Nasty, you prove to me that you have poor reading comprehension and have low skills at reading other peoples emotions.

I was talking about those guys that come into this forum and push their GREAT new ideas on other people that will never work. You know, like Benderboy and his alien language 3 forum? How could that ever work? So please...be curteous with your ideas here.

« Reply #178 on: 03-29-2005 16:13 »

The best part, is he does the same shit...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #179 on: 03-31-2005 03:50 »

Is PEEL on Daylight Svings Time already or did my computer warp back an hour?  The timestamps of my last few posts have been an hour ahead.
Futurama Nerd

« Reply #180 on: 03-31-2005 04:17 »

^Yeah, I noticed that too. I think it is already on daylight savings time.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #181 on: 03-31-2005 04:30 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2005 04:30 »

It's daylight savings time in Germany.

On a completely unrelated note, I've noticed that cuthbertf/CBreregestered's avatar isn't transparent (Woooo! White square on gray! It's madness, I tells ya!). Are there a lot of avatars like that scattered around the pool?

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #182 on: 03-31-2005 07:29 »

As far as I have noticed that is the only one TL. It should heve been replaced when the last update was made to the pool, however it seems as if Slimmy rejected the "do you want to overwrite" message when it came up.

I'll add it to the next pool-update, hopefully it will be replaced then.  :)
Starship Captain
« Reply #183 on: 03-31-2005 15:20 »

why won't my sig show up?  i tried to enable it... what's up with that?

Space Pope
« Reply #184 on: 03-31-2005 15:36 »

Originally posted by cujoe169:
why won't my sig show up?  i tried to enable it... what's up with that?

PEEL doesn't do auto-signatures, it's often annoying to have signatures after every post, and the semi-official limit is twice per page.

To get it to show, you need to click "Reply" and check the "Show Signature" box.

Urban Legend
« Reply #185 on: 03-31-2005 16:05 »

And just as a warning, take what aslate said to heart about signatures after every post. If you become one of those people who uses it every time, you WILL be hanged.
Starship Captain
« Reply #186 on: 03-31-2005 17:04 »

lol... ok, just wondering why it didn't show up is all...

Bending Unit
« Reply #187 on: 04-07-2005 16:55 »

Ok we have a major troll problem. First ROFL! What’s next! He’s always posting pictures about gayness. I think we should take action and ban all those mother f***ers and get life over with.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #188 on: 04-07-2005 16:59 »

I have the same hate for ROFL's actions as well.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #189 on: 04-07-2005 18:30 »

ROFL shouldn't be a problem anymore since yesterday at close to 7 pm.
Nix banned him and reported the evidence to mArc, that's also why some of his pictures haven't been removed, so far.

The problems with trolls is that you can't say who is a troll/fake or not in the moment they join the comunity. These have to make a/some post/s first. Also it is understandable that MODs can't see them in the very same moment they start messing around. Moderators got a life too, you know.  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #190 on: 04-07-2005 19:36 »

Wow where did you hear about the banage? If there’s a thread or any thing I would like to see it but any way thanks for the news.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #191 on: 04-07-2005 19:39 »

No, there isn't a thread.

It's quite simple why I know it: I've talked with Nixorbo and told him about ROFL.  :)
Starship Captain
« Reply #192 on: 04-09-2005 15:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-09-2005 15:00 »

how come when you switch avy's for previous posts it remains... is it also one of those things that doesn't auto update?  not a complain just a peeve of sorts

hehe i should've checked before i spoke... it does auto update   :puke:

Space Pope
« Reply #193 on: 04-09-2005 16:00 »

Originally posted by cujoe169:
how come when you switch avy's for previous posts it remains... is it also one of those things that doesn't auto update?  not a complain just a peeve of sorts

hehe i should've checked before i spoke... it does auto update    :puke:

I can't remember exactly how it works, but very old threads don't have the correct avatar. I think they update when that person goes to the thread.
Starship Captain
« Reply #194 on: 04-09-2005 17:31 »

thanks for replying aslate... and yea that's how it works, cuz certain threads didn't change my avatar till i went to look

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #195 on: 04-26-2005 12:30 »

I would like LLL to be banned because he is dissing people who likes David Tennant and shouts at people who don’t like his crush Billie Piper.

I just can’t stand him.



DOOP Secretary
« Reply #196 on: 04-26-2005 15:38 »

The impact of these people lessens if you ignore them.

Besides, there's only one LLL around here.  I demand precedence.  :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #197 on: 04-27-2005 01:53 »

Someone smack some sense into marky who's spamming our Lightside Darkside thread?


Space Pope
« Reply #198 on: 04-27-2005 07:59 »

The short answer: No.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #199 on: 04-27-2005 13:01 »

It seems like we've had a new influx of fake accounts, marky being one of them.

I mean, come on, there's a new guy name TEHPEELEr.
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