
The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #482 on: 03-03-2005 18:08 »
« Last Edit on: 03-04-2005 00:00 »
You can't attach it yourself, it has to got "through the admin's hands", before you can use it. The rules for avatars are written down here, so that you'd need to edit it to these specifications first. If you can't, or don't want to, do that yourself, post the picture you want to have here and Peelers like me will edit it.  If you got one that that applies to these rules go over to the Avatarize Me! The Avy Thread in the off-topic boards and post it there with either upload to custom or upload to the pool underneath it. Custom means that is is only for you, the pool means that it is added to the others you can choose freely. Both need time until you can use them though. 

Liquid Emperor
Not sure if there is a Avatar of an Referee Alien if not Can you turn this into an avatar 

DOOP Secretary

sorry I misunderstood. yay I got Sweety

Liquid Emperor
Alright. M0le, Me, and Nurdy possibly are going to have interlocking avatars. I want the smallest goth kid. Any episode would do, really. If possible, get me a few screenies and I'll choose. Le thanks! 


como podria poner un avatar desde mi computador how could i put an avatar from mi computer
Guineapig Trick


« Reply #513 on: 03-13-2005 19:22 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2005 19:22 »
Pendajo.  This is an english board, and host it on image shack then use the  tags with the "direct link" code inbetween. EDIT: Yeah, what GFF said, too.