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Author Topic: Most out of place episode  (Read 1753 times)
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Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #40 on: 08-05-2004 13:27 »

Had you scrolled up further, you might have noticed that not only did I give my opinion already but I actually gave my reasons for the choices, albeit in a fairly concise fashion. But were someone to question me on it, I would happily explain.

 The reason I'm questioning others is because I don't understand why they think certain episodes are out of place, that they might be looking at episodes from a different perspective to mine and I'm actually interested to know what that perspective is, as they may have spotted something I've missed and have a good point. However, if they're not willing to explain their opinions in any way, shape or form then their contribution is essentially useless. You get me?

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 08-06-2004 15:38 »
« Last Edit on: 08-06-2004 15:38 »

I name Bendin' in the Wind and Leela of Her Own for the reasons already listed.

Also, I, Roommate. On hindsight, it fits in snugly with the rest of the series, but in Season 1, it was very low key compared to the epic, lasers and chases, daring escapes formula of most of the other eps. Mars University and The Honking I didn't like, the writing was just kind of second rate for Futurama.

Futurestock was out of place too, but it was one of favorites of Season 3. It was like the Dilbert TV show, if it had been good. And, you know, set 1000 years in the future. With different characters.  :hmpf:

« Reply #42 on: 10-04-2004 04:38 »

'Where the buggalo roam' felt different to me. It didn't have that 'futuristic feel' and it didn't show New New York or the planet express building.

Space Pope
« Reply #43 on: 10-04-2004 05:07 »

I think this thread shows that any episode can be logically argued either way, and the suitibility of an episode to the series is entirely a matter of one's own opinion.  I personally see every episode as fitting in some way - they all have at least one element that fits the wacky, wild world of Futurama to some extent, which is the reason they set it 1000 years in the future, instead of a few hundred.

Bending Unit
« Reply #44 on: 10-04-2004 08:01 »

Originally posted by JDB:
'Where the buggalo roam' felt different to me. It didn't have that 'futuristic feel' and it didn't show New New York or the planet express building.

But it did show alien creatures (buggalo) and Zaps Space ship and the natives space ships, also they are able to control dust storms at will. But oh no not very futuristic was it?
Local Jerseyan

Bending Unit
« Reply #45 on: 10-04-2004 09:58 »

The setting might've thrown people off from it.

I actually somewhat *liked* Bendin' in the Wind, but more for little moments than the actual episode (Simon and Garfunkel, hands down). But was is out of place?

Of course. Then again, we're talking more sixties than seventies, and that means hippies, and of course, hippies still run rampant in Futurama.

Go figure. Either way, some of the jokes weren't too great, and it's weird to have Bender at least know who Beck is.

I'm sure there's more too, but I'll think about it.
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