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Author Topic: Futurama the Novel  (Read 5759 times)
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PEE Poll: Futurama the Novel
Love idea   -40 (80%)
hate idea   -9 (18%)
can't read anyway   -1 (2%)
Total Members Voted: 50

Dr. Morberg

« Reply #40 on: 08-02-2004 13:33 »
« Last Edit on: 08-02-2004 13:33 »

I'd read it, but it wouldn't be as great as the show. The animation, backround jokes, and delivery of lines played a major part in the show and what made it funny. That said, it is Futurama, and it would still be pretty funny.

Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #41 on: 08-02-2004 18:10 »

Originally posted by Prince:
What the worst that could happen?

i dunno, the book could suck ass and the readers could get papercuts and sue FOX and they'd be all pissed at the publishers for making the book based on a dead TV show and the blame would eventually rest on Matt Groening and he's run out of town and his possessions burned by and angry mob of FOX executives, papercut victims, and book publishers. And after all that, Groening isnt gonna make anymore episodes because he now hates Futurama as much as FOX and the rest.

I guess that'd be pretty bad...

Space Pope
« Reply #42 on: 08-02-2004 18:18 »

Well sure, when you say it like that. But how would the novel start. And what would it be about? I guess there should be a cool intro. I dunno I mean if you gave me something to work with I could probably make something of it. That's how I work.

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 08-03-2004 00:05 »

It should start out like any episode.  They should go out on a delivery and one things leads to another.

« Reply #44 on: 08-03-2004 00:15 »

This wouldn't work because Futurama worked well visually too. The gags wouldn't be as funny.

The difference between shows like Red Dwarf and Futurama is that Futurama has comedy driven storylines. Which means the actual plot itself is just to move the jokes along. So it would be kind of hard to take it seriously enough to read a novel about it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #45 on: 08-03-2004 07:58 »

Originally posted by Nasty Pasty:
 And after all that, Groening isnt gonna make anymore episodes because he now hates Futurama as much as FOX and the rest.

If thats true why does he still make the comics???


Urban Legend
« Reply #46 on: 08-03-2004 08:04 »

Er... Nasty was being hypothetical...

Bending Unit
« Reply #47 on: 08-03-2004 14:53 »

I think a graphic novel would be a good idea but just a regular novel wouldn't work.

I think the main difference between Futurama and Red Dwarf is that it's a cartoon... The jokes are far easier to draw than they are to write down.

Space Pope
« Reply #48 on: 08-04-2004 20:24 »

Yeah I mean it's more funnier seeing the stuff happen than trying to picture it in you head by reading it. That would be the flaw.

Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 08-05-2004 14:14 »

yeah, certain things where made only for TV. Futurama being one of them
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #50 on: 08-05-2004 18:08 »

Originally posted by paranoir87:
I think a graphic novel would be a good idea but just a regular novel wouldn't work.

But we kind of already have Futurama graphic novels in the form of comic books.

Space Pope
« Reply #51 on: 08-05-2004 20:40 »

Yeah, it's like a shorter novel with pictures in each panel.

Urban Legend
« Reply #52 on: 08-05-2004 20:45 »

That is the problem.  I want something much longer.  The comics are good, but seem to short.  The episodes are good, but I always feel some are too short.  Sometimes, I wish Futurama was an hour long like other sci-fi shows.
Cap´n Skusting

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #53 on: 08-05-2004 20:45 »

Originally posted by Spacedal11:
I would love reading a Futurama novel. I'm gonna start a Tomb Raider novel as we speak.
Amulet of Power?
That was a fun read. Not War and Peace, but I wasn't expecting that.. I haven't read the second one yet.
A Futurama novel? A novel idea!
I'd read it for sure. Get somebody like Harlan Elison to write one - you just know he'd give us a great Bender.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #54 on: 08-05-2004 23:34 »
« Last Edit on: 08-06-2004 00:00 »

"Good news, everyone!"

Fry looked up from the game of two-player solitaire he was losing against Bender.  Bender, seeing Fry was distracted, whistled quietly and pushed his cards onto fry's pile.

"Today we're going to Afriocon 9," continued the Professor, sitting down at his usual seat at the head of the Planet Express conference table.

"Oh, I've heard of that planet!" said Leela.  "DOOP has protected the entire world as one giant zoo."

"I thought no one was allowed on Africon 9 because the ecosystem is so fragile," said Amy, looking and sounding confused.  "Even the slightest interference could be disasterous."

Fry, now even more confused than Amy was, turned to the Professor.  "So we're not going to interfere?"

The Professor rubbed his hands together happily.  "Oh, Lord, yes," he said gleefully.  "We're going to interfere a lot.  We have to deliver a very rare animal for the breeding program."

Bender looked up.  "Rare?" he said.  "We're delivering a smart Human?"

"No," said Farnsworth.  "Those are only rare on Earth.  We're delivering a Pruple Fruit Snake."

Bender sat bolt upright at the news and spat out a mouthful of warm beer.  "Ai!  Those are dangerous!"

Professor Farnsworth dismissed Bender with a wave of his hand.  "Oh, nonsense," he said.  "They're only dangerous if you're a strappleberry."  Suddenly thinking that there was a small possibility that the robot beside him WAS a strappleberry, he leaned over, sniffed Bender's metal head, then licked his cheek.  "Nope, you're a robot.  You'll be fine." 

He stood, pushing his chair back.  It squealed across the floor.  "Zoidberg is giving the snake a checkup now."


Dr Zoidberg looked up as the door to his office slid open.  "Hello Humans and assorted creatures," he said, raising his claws and smiling behind his tentacles.

"How's the snake, Zoidberg?" asked Farnsworth.

Zoidberg looked at him blankly for a moment.  "The snake?  Ah yes, the snake!"  Zoidberg waddled around to the other side of the examination bench.  The snake laying on it turned its head to follow him.  "Apart from being pregnant, the snake's fine."

The Professor shook his fists angrily.  "Oooh, Zoidberg you fool, the snake's a male!  How could he be pregant?"

Zoidberg stepped back in fear and raised his claws to cover his face.  "It wasn't me this time, I swear!"

"Professor, how are we going to get the snake to Africon 9?" asked Amy.

"In a box," said Farnsworth, holding out his hand, palm up.  On his palm sat a tiny, intricate model of a box, folded out of a delicately patterned paper.

Leela leaned forward to look at the tiny box.  "You're going to put that ginormous snake in that teeny box?"

The Professor peered at the box on his hand.  "Oh, my no," he said.  "We're using that box over there."  With his other hand, he pointed at a much larger box next to the far wall.

"So what's with the little box?" asked Fry.

"I was bored last night and I was thinking about origami," explained the Professor.  "Bender, put the snake in the box."

"What?!" exclaimed Bender.  "Why me?"

"You're the only one strong enough to lift the damned thing," said Farnsworth.

Bender sighed heavily and stepped forward reluctantly.  "Aw, there better be a good reason why we're not using the anti-grav," he said.

"Oh, there is."

"What is it?"

"I lost it," said Farnsworth.  He turned to the others.  "Fry, Leela, Amy, come.  We must prepare the ship!"

As the three Humans and one cyclops left Zoidberg's office, the snake turned it's great purple head to Bender and licked its lips with a sharply forked tongue.

"Oh, he likes you!" orgasmed Zoidberg.


After three days of travel, two if you didn't count the delay caused by Fry holding the map upside down, the delivery crew of Planet Express arrived at the planet Africon 9.  It was a green planet, covered by lush tropical rainforests, drier savannas and arid deserts.  Sensors indicated that there was an above-average number of insect species living on the planet, and as such, Zoidberg was anticipating a feast.

Leela leaned over to the control panel and activated the intra-ship intercom.  "All hands, prepare for touchdown," she exclaimed glancing at the numbers counting down to landing.  "Planetary surface in fifteen seconds!  Ten...nine..."

The Planet Express ship lurched as it slammed heavily into the ground.  Through the windows, they could see a great cloud of dust and gravel that spread out over the landing pad.

"Leela!"  Fry glared at her.

"Sorry," said Leela sheepishly.  "I was looking at the wrong clock.  THIS one's the landing countdown."

"Which one were you looking at?" asked Fry.

"The oven timer," Leela told him.

There was a distant DING and they heard Zoidberg cry out with joy from the galley.  "Hooray!  The potatoes are done!"


I think a Futurama novel could work.  Sure, it would be different, a different style of humour, but I think that if it is properly done, adn if the characters are true to what was on the show, then it could be very sucessful.

Urban Legend
« Reply #55 on: 08-06-2004 00:10 »

hehe i liked that. You should complete it as a fic.  However you did leave a 'teh' in there and we really probably shouldn't hear about Zoidbergs orgasms.

Space Pope
« Reply #56 on: 08-06-2004 00:13 »

Originally posted by Cap'n Skusting:
Originally posted by Spacedal11:
I would love reading a Futurama novel. I'm gonna start a Tomb Raider novel as we speak.
Amulet of Power?

Yup. I was up at the comic store in the mall recently (Ok I'm a geek  :D) And I picked it up.

Urban Legend
« Reply #57 on: 08-06-2004 00:20 »

See, Tiberius has what I envision the novel to be like.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #58 on: 08-06-2004 21:25 »

Hehehe, thanks guys.  That's a nice welcome to this site!   :)  I'll probably complete it as a fan fic.  I've got the whole idea fleshed out, but I still need to finish it.  When I do, I'll come in and put it in the fan fic section.  BTW, I think you misunderstood my use of the word Orgasm, I meant to indicate how happy he was.  Considering he's a lobster thingy - well, let's not go there.  I'll also look the the Teh and fix it.

Starship Captain
« Reply #59 on: 08-06-2004 22:37 »

beautiful story... I have one brewing, its been sitting for awhile now... I think I'll start it sometime soon.

Space Pope
« Reply #60 on: 08-06-2004 22:40 »

Originally posted by Tiberius
"Oh, he likes you!" orgasmed Zoidberg.
Is that a typo or is it deliberate?

Urban Legend
« Reply #61 on: 08-07-2004 16:58 »

What if the novel just featured stories from episodes?  The Red Dwarf novels were just the book form of many episodes on the show.

What if the first Futurama novel, just featured the first 9 episodes of the show, only written in a way to connect them into one big story and add scenes?


Urban Legend
« Reply #62 on: 08-07-2004 17:08 »

That would suck. I don't want to read eps i've already seen. I want all new stuff.

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 08-07-2004 17:14 »

Well, I figure if they did do it like that, they could show just what's inside Fry's mind.  The episodes just let us see the characters, but the novel could show just what was going through inside the minds of Fry and Leela when they first hold hands.

I would want the novel to have new stuff, though.  But if they decided to do it like Red Dwarf, he'd still read them.
John Pannozzi

Starship Captain
« Reply #64 on: 08-07-2004 21:35 »

I'd like a Futurama novel if it was interesting and funny and not too romantic or dramatic.

Starship Captain
« Reply #65 on: 08-07-2004 23:47 »

it would have to be romantic, with Leela and Fry. That would be like the nucleus of a book.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #66 on: 08-08-2004 19:21 »

Good news, everyone!  Mmm, where have I heard that before?  I've finished the fan fic (you read the beginning of it, and I'm putting it up in the fan fic section.  It's called "Out of Africon 9".  I'd love some feedback.

Starship Captain
« Reply #67 on: 08-08-2004 21:49 »

For anyone that's undecided on this issue, think of it this way. Do most Fanfics do justice to futurama?

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 08-29-2004 00:06 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2004 00:06 »

hey if KAH is reading this, ask David X. Cohen if he likes the idea of a novel.

I remember DXC's email you posted on PEEL that responses to his idea for AFF.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #69 on: 09-04-2004 23:30 »

Originally posted by ShortRoundMcfly:
For anyone that's undecided on this issue, think of it this way. Do most Fanfics do justice to futurama?

If Tiberius (or whatever his name is) wrote them, I'd read them. But not otherwise. Apart from that excerpt, I've yet to read a fanfic that didn't have points which seemed out of sync with Futurama.

Urban Legend
« Reply #70 on: 09-05-2004 00:50 »

read Jberges stuff tnuk. i'd deffinately read a novel he wrote.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #71 on: 09-05-2004 15:51 »

I think a futurama novel is a good idea, but it has to be written by the right people. who are those people? Ask someone else. and i want to thank tiberius for his funny start of a fan fic. Ill have to go read it after posting this.
Prof. Wernstrum

Starship Captain
« Reply #72 on: 09-05-2004 16:57 »

Originally posted by ShortRoundMcfly:
For anyone that's undecided on this issue, think of it this way. Do most Fanfics do justice to futurama?

No, but then these are written by amatures in their spare time with no input from anyone who worked on the show. A proper novel would not have these problems. I've never read a Discworld fanfic that really does the series justice but I get the feeling it could work as a book.

Urban Legend
« Reply #73 on: 09-05-2004 17:52 »
« Last Edit on: 09-05-2004 17:52 »

<Gasp>  Discworld could work as a novel?  I never would have dreamed.*  Now a Discworld movie in America, that's what I'd like to see.**

[Flexo] Ahaha, I'm just kiddin'.  You're alright.[/Flexo]
I just couldn't resist exploiting what is either an obvious mistake or a small ambiguity in your sentence.  It'd be like Terry Pratchett not using footnotes.***

*That's sarcasm
**I'm serious
***On every single page

Urban Legend
« Reply #74 on: 09-05-2004 21:02 »

Originally posted by Venus:
I'd definately read a novel he wrote.

And I’d gladly write one if I had the time…and ambition...and ample funding... and a cool pen that glows in the dark.

I don't see the issue with incorporating visual jokes into the writing.  Break away from the prose, and quote the sign or object you’re talking about.  I see it done all the time in fanfiction, and it works fine.

To answer the question, I would read a book if it was written, hopefully by someone better than me.  Also, Venus, don’t you have like 85 pages of story written now?  That’s almost a book right there, albeit drama.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #75 on: 09-06-2004 02:28 »
« Last Edit on: 09-06-2004 02:28 »

Its not just the visual jokes (which can still work okay in SCRIPT form).  Its even more the joke-to-joke, line-to-line form of the show's writing.  Almost every line is a snappy joke, and they rely on timing between lines.  That can work in a script because there's no novel-like "exposition" between lines (for the most part).  There isn't a "he said" or "she said" after every other line.  So it works for a script, but a novel...not so much.  Plus again we're dealing with a show that simply had too many stories that wouldn't translate into novel form.  No one wants to buy a novel of the latest "Bend-Her"-like Bender adventure or silly "Futurestock"-type story but at the same time Futurama just isn't Futurama without those kinds of episodes.

Again...Futurama should go out with a movie or three.  Its just so ideal, and I think there could be more of a market for it then most people even realize.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #76 on: 02-14-2006 08:08 »

Ahem...  BUMP.

I'm bored and I want to work on my style and humour, so I'm novelising the episodes of Futurama.  it's taking a while, but I'll put them in the fan fic section when they are done.

Just don't expect them all.  I'm not THAT bored...

« Reply #77 on: 02-14-2006 08:22 »

I would read it And for some reason when i read a simpsons or futurama comic i can imagine it happening so i'd like that i could probably imagine it on a book and if they were going to make a book it should be actual show writers producers all that not like the books about certain tv shows where the jokes aren't as good because it's written by some author never thats never been heard of any way  alot of the stuff i type doesn't make sense but i wonder if this makes sense

Urban Legend
« Reply #78 on: 02-14-2006 13:03 »

Love the idea.
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #79 on: 02-16-2006 16:40 »

Wow, great idea. It really seems logical, and they can even add pictures on the start of the chapters like in some books.
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