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Author Topic: Futurama is over, and there's not much you can do about it.  (Read 14404 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #120 on: 08-17-2004 16:24 »

no, he really doesn't. he's being realistic. by all means, come up with a good plan to bring back Futurama and we'll support you. Until then, rallying the troops with "I love Futurama! I can't believe it got canceled! Death to FOX!" isn't going to cut it.

Starship Captain
« Reply #121 on: 08-17-2004 21:57 »

If your going to get realistic, petitions is going to be the most effective way all of us fans could participate in getting it back. There are spetacular casses of David and Goliath where petitions have succeeded. If FOX realizes it has an audience it might be bring it back. Of course Fox is just going for mass quantities of low quality Reality TV shows and tenth rate live action sitcoms. Maybe some other Network will see the light and buy the rights away from Fox completley. Of course, DVD sales could presuade fox. It got back "Robotech" that hasn't seen the light of air waves for over twenty years.

But that's just my optimism talking.

« Reply #122 on: 08-17-2004 22:12 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2004 00:00 »

Indeed. That is pretty optimistic. 130,000 Futurama fans signed a petition back when it first got cancelled. FOX didn't listen.

EDIT: Thanks, Fred.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #123 on: 08-17-2004 22:21 »
« Last Edit on: 08-17-2004 22:21 »

mic has given links to the two biggest petitions there were in the very first post of this thread. (There the whole thread is summed up)

One got 9257 entries until now.
The other one was started by zeep and got about 4435 signatures.

And as Y_L_B already said, FOX didn't, and still doesn't listen to the show's fans.

Bending Unit
« Reply #124 on: 08-23-2004 08:10 »

Originally posted by hellbot:
  you  suck  big  fat  monkey  nuts  mic!

I love you.  Though I think your monkey-testicle-sucking ablities are far superior to mine.  Mind their hair - it's sensitive.  Search google for tips.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #125 on: 08-23-2004 20:07 »
« Last Edit on: 08-23-2004 20:07 »

Originally posted by hellbot:
  you  suck  big  fat  monkey  nuts  mic!

Hellbot thanks for enlightining everyone but really what the hell does that have to do with anything... You don't like Mic's opinion fine but don't say crap like that.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #126 on: 08-23-2004 22:04 »

Oh boys ...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #127 on: 08-23-2004 23:29 »

Great pic... Nix

Urban Legend
« Reply #128 on: 09-02-2004 23:20 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2004 23:20 »

Futurama is over, only reruns exist.

Let's get something straight, Futurama could make millions on DVD sales.  It could be the highest rated show on CN.  It can make lots of money with toys, games and other things, but FOX will never bring the show back.  Why?  Because they don't like Futurama, they never did and never will.  As far as they are concerned, they'd rather make money from those sales, than spend money on making new episodes.

Nothing will bring back the show.  Unless, one of us works hard in college and majors in something involving the TV business and works their way up at FOX to become CEO of FOX.  To me that is the only possible way to bring back the show, because FOX will never bring it back and FOX will never sell the rights.

I would love to see the show back, but I'm just thinking realisticly.

« Reply #129 on: 09-02-2004 23:27 »

"Quitters never win, winners never Quit"
          George Stienbrenner
         (owner of the New York Yankees)

Futurama's Not Dead Yet!!!

Starship Captain
« Reply #130 on: 09-02-2004 23:30 »

Originally posted by fryfanSpyOrama:
Futurama is over, only reruns exist.

Let's get something straight, Futurama could make millions on DVD sales.  It could be the highest rated show on CN.  It can make lots of money with toys, games and other things, but FOX will never bring the show back.  Why?  Because they don't like Futurama, they never did and never will.  As far as they are concerned, they'd rather make money from those sales, than spend money on making new episodes.

Nothing will bring back the show.  Unless, one of us works hard in college and majors in something involving the TV business and works their way up at FOX to become CEO of FOX.  To me that is the only possible way to bring back the show, because FOX will never bring it back and FOX will never sell the rights.

I would love to see the show back, but I'm just thinking realisticly

Networks don't really have vendetta's against there show. If it started making the kind of money you're thinking of, then it would be back in a heartbeat. More episodes=more viewers=more people watching the sponsor's commercials=more money.

Urban Legend
« Reply #131 on: 09-02-2004 23:37 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2004 23:37 »

FOX never really understood the show, they never liked the violence and language.  Matt and David make this clear in the early commentaries.  I thought Futurama wasn't that violent and I never understood FOX's problem.  Many people at PEEL have stated that FOX has pretty much forgotten about Futurama by now.

I don't think even AFF will do any help in bringing back Futurama.  It will show just how pissed off us fans are of the show being cancelled, but that is about it.  Many other great shows were cancelled ahead of their time, and Futurama is just another show to FOX.

Though, I do like the last statement Matt made on the commentary for TDHAIPT.  He makes a joke about Futurama Season 5 DVD coming soon, which offers a bit of hope.  Though, the commentary was made in Jan 2003

« Reply #132 on: 09-03-2004 00:19 »

ya like Andy Richter Controls the Universe

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #133 on: 09-03-2004 01:32 »

FOX seems to be interested in Simpsons like shows... Matt Groening even said in a old interview when he pitched Futurama a FOX exec said "Is it like the Simpsons in space?"

Urban Legend
« Reply #134 on: 09-03-2004 01:57 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2004 01:57 »

Fox likes sitcoms like the Simpsons because Americans like sitcoms.  Why do we like sitcoms, you ask?  Because they show us that there are other people exactly like us, only dumber.  They make us feel good about ourselves.  That's the part of the Simpsons Fox is interesteed in.

EDIT: Just to clarify, they hate Futurama because its clever, which makes people feel stupid.  The Simpsons is clever too, of course, but there are more stupid jokes per episode, and people can relate better.

Bending Unit
« Reply #135 on: 09-03-2004 03:01 »

Originally posted by Shockwave04:
Futurama's Not Dead Yet!!!


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #136 on: 09-03-2004 05:00 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2004 05:00 »

I like that acronym mic... Fucking brilliant!

I thought of a great way to bring our show... I'll have a friend say he has been diagnosed with a disease.

Symptoms are as follows:

Boils cover your body
All your hair falls out
And a Fate far worse than death happens next... Your penis recedes into your body.

Chances our they won't by it so our show is dead, sorry I tried.

Starship Captain
« Reply #137 on: 09-03-2004 20:20 »
« Last Edit on: 09-03-2004 20:20 »

There is a number of things you can still do to help futurama. You could sign a petition, horde as much merchandise as possible, and positive DVD sales won't hurt much either.

If it could happen to family guy, it could happen to Futurama easily.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #138 on: 09-03-2004 21:19 »

Originally posted by Y_L_B:
Indeed. That is pretty optimistic. Hundreds of Futurama fans (exact number?) signed a petition back when it first got cancelled. FOX didn't listen.

The number you're looking for is in the region of 130,000.  FOX didn't budge.

But of course, they'll immediately change their mind when they get sent a few dozen tins of rotting fish through the post next month.  It's common sense, innit?

Starship Captain
« Reply #139 on: 09-03-2004 21:38 »

That's sarcasm right? They could just throw them out and move on with there lives without a care in the world. These are the conscience's that brought you, "Joe millionaire", remember?

« Reply #140 on: 09-04-2004 21:45 »
« Last Edit on: 09-04-2004 21:45 »

I agree there's not much fans can actually do to get Futurama back, other than maybe keep the DVD sales and ratings on Cartoon Network high. But I don't agree there's no hope, either--look at Star Trek, whose large fanbase years after it was cancelled (partly due its success in syndication) helped convince Paramount to go ahead with a movie 10 years later, which led to a successful movie franchise, spinoff TV series, etc. Something similar happened recently with the TV show "Firefly", which was cancelled quickly by Fox but its high DVD sales helped convince Universal to buy the rights from Fox and make a Firefly movie, Serenity, coming out next year. Maybe if the Simpsons movie does really well, and Futurama continues to have high ratings on CN, Fox might take a gamble on a Futurama movie too, or sell the rights to someone else who wants to make one. It's definitely a long shot, but it wouldn't be unprecedented.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #141 on: 09-04-2004 23:32 »

Now that's a possibility that'll keep me hoping for the next ten years for "Futurama - The Movie". But the game (intended as a continuation of the show) effectively killed (ooh, bad pun) all chances of the story continuing.

« Reply #142 on: 09-04-2004 23:51 »

If there was ever a movie, they probably wouldn't treat the game as canon though.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #143 on: 09-04-2004 23:56 »

They should. It was a fitting ending. It made me scream "NOOOO!", but at the same time, it made me laugh.

Starship Captain
« Reply #144 on: 09-05-2004 00:07 »

I guess they could disregard it. But it would leave to some really gay canon fights for a few years and completley rip apart our fanbase like it did to, "Star Trek", "StarWars", "Robotech", and many more science fiction sagas.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #145 on: 09-05-2004 15:29 »

Someone please tell me that we won't still be talking about getting Futurama back this time next year.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #146 on: 09-05-2004 15:42 »

I think there is a chance of getting futurama back, but that chance is pretty slim, unless another, futurama liking, company takes over fox or fox gets a new, futurama likeing prez.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #147 on: 09-05-2004 16:11 »
« Last Edit on: 09-05-2004 16:11 »

Well that chance (that someone takes over FOX) is really slim and there is nothing we could do to get that chance bigger     ;)

@Nixorbo: I can't tell you that.

As long as Futurama is aired throughout the world it'll get new people into its ban. All these newbs that'll join Peel will believe they could do anything to get it back, even if it has been over for years.

edit: btw Welcome To Peel, LoveForFry!

Enjoy your stay here at Nerd-World   :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #148 on: 09-05-2004 18:28 »
« Last Edit on: 09-05-2004 18:28 »

I can just picture it, 10 years from now, we'll still be getting crack-brained schemes to resurrect Futurama.  For whatever reason, that makes me sad.

Urban Legend
« Reply #149 on: 09-05-2004 18:48 »

Next Year:

Oh I know! We can make our own home-video live-action Futurama movie! TLL could be Leela and Lampy could be Bender and and..........*brain explodes from excitement*

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #150 on: 09-05-2004 18:57 »

Originally posted by Jicannon:
Next Year:

Oh I know! We can make our own home-video live-action Futurama movie! TLL could be Leela and Lampy could be Bender and and..........*brain explodes from excitement*
Great idea  :)

Purple hair color! Eye surgery! Getting a finger cut from every hand!
*almost-crazy yayness*

TLL - Leela
Lampy - Bender
Juliet - Amy ?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 09-05-2004 19:08 »

Oh sweet lord, didn't we learn anything from "PEELurama"?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #152 on: 09-05-2004 19:20 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Oh sweet lord, didn't we learn anything from "PEELurama"?
In case you are talking about the PEELodies, I know what you are talking about.
After a while there were too many of them...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #153 on: 09-05-2004 19:27 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
Oh sweet lord, didn't we learn anything from "PEELurama"?

Nixorbo = Prof. Farnsworth...


Sorry, I couldn't resist. Also, there will be crack brained shcemes to resurrect Futurama every so often, until it is impossible, rather than improbable. Look at Dr. Who... the diffrerence is that the campaign to dig up the Doctor worked.

« Reply #154 on: 09-05-2004 19:35 »

Apparently, Matt Groening has not completely given up hope...in the Fall Preview issue of Entertainment Weekly, there was this short Q&A:

With the brilliant, unjustly canceled Futurama's last 18 episodes now out on DVD (Unrated, 6 hrs., 54 min., 2002-2003, Fox), we asked creator Matt Groening to reflect on the funniest show of the 31st century.

Q: When did you realize that Fox wouldn't make Futurama the next Simpsons?
A: We had the guillotine hanging over our heads before the show even went on the air. Fox's executives never understood the show, and I wasn't able to explain it to them to their satisfaction.

Q: Any chance of a Family Guy-like resuscitation?
A: Our Adult Swim rerun ratings are fantastic, and [codeveloper] David X. Cohen and I are throwing around ideas of how to keep it alive. It's a very ambitious and expensive show, which has been a sticking point.

Q: Do you have unfinished business?
A: All science-fiction epics have an underlying theme that things are not what they seem, and we haven't revealed all of the secrets embedded in the show.  We even have characters we created at the beginning of the series that we haven't gotten around to introducing yet!

Urban Legend
« Reply #155 on: 09-17-2004 02:17 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2004 02:17 »

Well, this sucks, but I'm not surprised.  That rumor that Futurama was being renewed turned out to be false.

CGEF has the story. http://www.gotfuturama.com/cgi-bin/Comments.cgi?action=show&NewsID=1095343442,77755&Page=1

To be honest, I didn't believe in this rumor, but I wished it was true.

« Reply #156 on: 09-17-2004 07:19 »

After reading this whole thread and looking at the responses of older members compared with those of new members I have come up with the following stages of futurama cancellation rehabilitation:

1. Anger: "I hate Fox! Burn Fox Burn!"
2. Sadness: "Sob, I'll never see another episode"
3. Exicitement: "We could bring the show back maybe?!"
4. Sadness: "Our efforts failed..."

What happens next depends on your mentality:

Optimistic: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until futurama comes back or until you become...

Realistic: Go to step 5, then wait for five years (unless futurama comes back in that time) before moving on to step 6

Pessimistic: Go to step 6

5. Calm: "The show may come back or may not, I'll paticipate in efforts to bring it back, but won't get my hopes up"

6. Resigned: "The show isn't coming back, but hey, 72 episodes wasn't a bad run, and the comics are still going strong"

I hate to categorise people's opinions, but I'm not a psychology student, so its the best I could do.

Originally posted by fryfanSpyOrama:
To be honest, I didn't believe in this rumor, but I wished it was true.

*Sigh* I believed in it, simply because it sounded so official. The problem is not the people who made up these false rumours, but the website for pumping up the hype on them, and spreading them to the world before getting them checked out.

I think I'm currently flitting between steps 4 and 5 on my rehab guide.
Local Jerseyan

Bending Unit
« Reply #157 on: 09-17-2004 10:40 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2004 10:40 »

I've gotta agree with a couple responses here, but I'm far too lazy to go back and dig them out to quote them. IMO, Futurama was great while it lasted. Now Matt said he has a lot of unused ideas, but I think I'm among the people who don't want to see Futurama raped of anything interesting in a few years. Of course, Matt would know when the time is right to end the storyline, but let's say FOX actually liked Futurama, and wanted it to become the next Simpsons.

I think there are plenty of people who think the Simpsons is getting rather tired.

The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings offered some closure, and let Futurama leave with a bang rather than fade away, which is probably the best for it. Matt mentioned, and we all know this by now, that he was keen on making Futurama movies. Sounds cool, eh?

Think about it. The series doesn't need a slew of new seasons. Honestly, and now directed to everyone who just started watching the show on AS this year and strive to become crusaders in any possible salvation, let's appreciate what we have. We're probably lucky we got as far as we did with the show! The storyline, as it lasted, was brilliant. And if Matt says there's more he could do, then go Matt! But what if this more is only just a movie or two, or just a miniseries?

And we all now the folk at FOX are a bunch of ........ yeah.

Hmmm... I think I said all I could. I'm new here, by the way.

« Reply #158 on: 09-17-2004 17:45 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2004 17:45 »

Apparently, you people haven't read the CGEF article carefully enough!


The full story is here, but a condensed version is written below:  http://www.moviehole.net/news/4230.html

According to the "Movie Hole" there were a few eps left before cancellation. Due to the record sales of DVD box sets, these few eps will be put into a small box set.

Supposedly FOX is basing their decision of whether or not to bring FUTURAMA back on how well this new DVD set sells.

If this new set does not sell like FOX wants to, they will be passing along the option to CARTOON NETWORK!

So if FOX doesn't bring FUTURAMA back, let's hope that CARTOON NETWORK ain't as stupid as FOX and brings back FUTURAMA!

So, in other words, this will be the deciding box set!

Local Jerseyan

Bending Unit
« Reply #159 on: 09-17-2004 17:48 »

Moviehole? The same people who gave us the BS as last time, eh?

But but, if that's true, bully.
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