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DOOP Secretary
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #161 on: 12-31-2004 14:57 »
« Last Edit on: 12-31-2004 14:57 »
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
My god. He's gone mad with power, like that Albert Sweitzer guy.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
::laughs for hours::
DOOP Secretary
1st Place - Philip J. Fry 2nd place - Turanga Leela 3rd Place - Bender Bending Rodriguez
I'm shocked! No, that other one. Not shocked.
Results will be tabulated sometime in the next 7 days.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Here is to the victory of everybody's favorite delivery boy! Congrats Fry.
DOOP Secretary
<h1>Final Standings</h1>
1. Teral - 166 2. YLB - 142 3. Jberges - 140 4. Jicannon - 139 5. germanfryfan - 138 6. DrJohnZ - 124 7. Beamer - 123 8. Gambit - 121 9. Jeremy - 116 10. Zoidyzoid - 101 11. Bish - 98 12. DrMorberg - 97 13. evan - 91 14. El Zilcho - 79 15. Shadowstar - 77 16. TLI - 39
DOOP Secretary
I'm going to need mailing addresses for the three winners. Email me.
« Reply #188 on: 02-28-2005 17:35 »
« Last Edit on: 02-28-2005 17:35 »
I won? I was in the top three? ...I WON? *HYPERVENTILATION-ED!* EDIT: Address Sent. Also Edit: Thank you, Bergey. I was even first-last at one point. (Is that a word? First-last? Last is last, so shouldn't it not need the qualifier? Why am I asking so many questions instead of just removing it and posting? Which brings up another point, why don't I just make another post for this? So many questions go unanswered in the mind of YLB...) Congratulations to you and Teral, as well! May death come quickly to your enemies.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by JBERGES: That was one hell of a comeback, YLB. You were second to last at one point, right?
Congrats to Teral; he knows his Futurama, and wisely picked Fry over Leela it seems. Thanks, though I'd say it's more a matter of knowing PEELers and how predictable they are. I knew Leela could never hope to beat in popularity, since the number of Leelaholics have dwindled considerably the last year or so. Address sent. I want my bronze fiddle! Ditto, now waiting for my Angry Norwegian Anthrax.
DOOP Secretary
Okay, I never knew of this. Argh, of course, I come in late. Oh well, I guess there's always next year!