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Author Topic: In honor of the holiday...  (Read 846 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 07-04-2004 13:22 »
« Last Edit on: 07-04-2004 13:22 »

*Stops doing his "Freedom, freedom, freedom, oi!" dance*

In honor of Indepence Day, I'd like to hear all of your thoughts on "A Taste of Freedom" (4ACV05).

This is one of my favorite episodes.  I'm a big Zoidberg fan, and this (along with WMIBACIL? and That's Lobstertainment) are the only episodes really focused on him.  There are also a ton of great quotes.

Nixon: "My fellow Earthicans, we enjoy so much freedom it's almost sickening.  We're free to choose which hand we want out sex-monitoring chip implanted in.  And, if we don't feel like paying our taxes, we're free to spend a weekend with the pain monster."

Hyperchicken: "That there crawdad done et our flag!"

Bender: "Court is kind of fun when it's not my ass on the line."

Zoidberg: "Now the rubber band is on the other claw!"

Zoidberg: "Ambassador Moiven...you killed my lawyer!"
Moiven: "You're welcome."

Fry: "All our modern technology is useless."
Bender: "I know I am!"

Leela: "Today is the day we start to fight back!"
Fry (?):"It's already ten o'clock!"
Leela: "Oh.  OK, tomarrow is the day we start to fight back."

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1 on: 07-04-2004 13:39 »
« Last Edit on: 07-04-2004 13:39 »

It is indeed a most superb episode. I am surprised that they were actually paying attention to Zoidy while he was doing Freedom, freedom, freedom, oi on the table. I guess holidays give everyone a sense of (pauses to think of how to re-pay CWD, who just hit me on the head and said "Freedom!" and ran away like a bunny from a john deere) benevolence. Except for right now, maybe... :::Goes off to find him:::

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 07-04-2004 13:44 »
« Last Edit on: 07-04-2004 13:44 »

Bloody Americans, you can't get anything right!   :p

Oh well.... this ep has it's moments, but it's slightly below average. I still like it okay, though.

'Give me a satanic funeral...'
'Booooooooo!'  :D

Delivery Boy
« Reply #3 on: 07-04-2004 13:51 »

That was in '02, though. Can't hurt to revisit now, given the occasion.

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 07-04-2004 13:56 »

Yes. So go there. Threads covering the same subject are frowned upon (and closed), and that thread can still be used  if you want to say something about the ep.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 07-04-2004 16:49 »

::Straps this thread to a fireworks display::
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