Originally posted by Davey:
Note to Syeveyadudewoodie what evr yor name is don't start your reputation on doing crappy topics like these if you wanna be a popular peeler you better stop posting thingsl ike this now!
Not to Davey: You're not a moderator, stop telling members what to do. (yes, I am aware of the irony of that line) Also popularity is overrated.
At least Syevedude530 use correct grammar.
Ontopic: I've never seen "Malcolm In The Middle", but I know quite a few Futurama fans don't like it, simply because FOX placed it ahead of our beloved show. But most new sitcoms are mediocre at best. In conclusion I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Welcome to PEEL, Syevedude530. Enjoy it here.