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Author Topic: Let me 'ask' you again!  (Read 950 times)
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Neil McNeil

Bending Unit
« on: 05-30-2004 02:21 »

In the X-Mas ep, lela talks to fry about his pronounceation of the word 'ask' and she pronouces it as 'aks' in Australia we pronouce it as 'arsk'.

I mean i understand the different pronouciation of other words like 'vase' and pronouced as 'varse' but the 'ask' pronouciation seems a bit strange.

1. what is the significaince of this scene
2. what is with the pronouciation of the word 'ask' in Futurama?

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 05-30-2004 02:43 »

It's an American hip-hop thing. Through slang, the word "ask" has slowly degenerated into the word "ax" via pronounciation.  The joke is that, in 1000 years, proper pronounciation of the English language will continue to devolve, and what used to be slang will become legitamite. (see the ruling on "ain't" )

« Reply #2 on: 05-30-2004 02:46 »
« Last Edit on: 05-30-2004 02:46 »

Damn, beaten to it.
Also, I misread your question, causing me to give a foolish, though friendly and as far as I knew helpful, answer.

*crawls back to his corner*
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