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Author Topic: Better off never coming back.  (Read 2107 times)
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« on: 05-27-2004 21:53 »

Honestly, I think Futurama is better off never coming back.  I mean, it had a nice run, and it made me laugh.  Even now, after seeing everything, I feel that its better off done.  I think if Groening brought it back, it wouldnt be as good.  I could be wrong, but hey, my opinion.

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 05-27-2004 21:55 »

If it came back and it was just as good as before, I'd be all for it. But yes, what we did get was satisfying and it ended beautifully.

« Reply #2 on: 05-27-2004 22:25 »

Originally posted by Whoopwhoopwhoop:
Honestly, I think Futurama is better off never coming back.  I mean, it had a nice run, and it made me laugh.  Even now, after seeing everything, I feel that its better off done.  I think if Groening brought it back, it wouldnt be as good.  I could be wrong, but hey, my opinion.

[Fry] WHAAAT?!!? Don't you ever say, or think that again![/Fry]
I didn't want it to turn into another Simpsons, where by season 12, it loses all meaning, but at least 2 more seasons, that's all I'm asking for. It did end nicely, but I'm a Fry-Leela shipper who has no life, but I did just want an episode of flat out craziness, and a definate closure (sp?) to the Fry-Leela thing.


Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 05-27-2004 22:44 »
« Last Edit on: 05-28-2004 00:00 »

You know what I love? Hypothetical assumptions. No, wait, I hate those.

Suffice to say, I believe the show was cut down in its prime. And that's all I'm going to add to this.

EDIT: Also, Woopwoopwoop, your signature makes that the most ironic post ever.

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 05-27-2004 22:51 »

I think I may actually agree with the first post in this thread. This show started going downhill with all that Fry/Leela nonsense. It made all the characters more pathetic when they got in relationships and I just couldn't stand it. I liked them all better when they were ass kicking assholes. It wasn't a total flop by the end of its run, but you could tell it was just a shadow of its former greatness.
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #5 on: 05-27-2004 22:59 »

No it wasn't, the best episodes are from season three and four, and very few episodes had anything involving Fry and Leela.

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 05-27-2004 23:02 »
« Last Edit on: 05-27-2004 23:02 »

I agree with Morberg, but I suppose I can see where TheLampIncident is coming from.  It all depends on what you like.

Futurama didn't need a Simpsons-like run, but two or three more seasons could have kept the magic alive.  After that...well...

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 05-27-2004 23:08 »

Originally posted by TheLampIncident:
I think I may actually agree with the first post in this thread. This show started going downhill with all that Fry/Leela nonsense. It made all the characters more pathetic when they got in relationships and I just couldn't stand it. I liked them all better when they were ass kicking assholes. It wasn't a total flop by the end of its run, but you could tell it was just a shadow of its former greatness.

I think all that shippiness was put in because Matt and the X Man sensed that Fox wasn't going to renew Futurama for a fifth season. Might as well go out with something of a romantic buildup. Try watching Farnsworth Parabox, Why of Fry, Sting, and Devils Hands, in that order.


Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 05-27-2004 23:16 »

At this point, I think I'd rather a Movie. Imagine how awesome that animation would be.

« Reply #9 on: 05-27-2004 23:21 »

Same here, we need a movie damnit! The rumors of it happening have died down and I've come to the realization that it will never happen. But, a man can dream though..a man can dream.

Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 05-28-2004 00:48 »

I'd be wary about a renewal of the series at this point (don't get me wrong, I would be delighted... just wary), given that the crew has been separated for so long. However, I think a movie would be much different. I'm not sure why, but I would think that a movie would have less problems than a new season.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 05-28-2004 00:57 »

The thing that kills me the most about Futurama's cancellation is that it never reached 100 episodes.  Not only because it means less enjoyment for myself as a viewer/fan, but also because it makes it seem like more of a "short lived" show and I don't think it deserves that distinction (with 100 episodes you sort of escape that distinction, cause, well, you got to 100 episodes). 

Anyways I'm with Ranadok and others.  I'd love to see the series back but would be wary, and somehow would not be as wary if they did a movie.  I'd follow either one ravenously of course.
scooty puff snr

Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 05-28-2004 02:10 »

I think that the writers of futurama could bring it back. Not many shows could have a break but i think that in a matter of half a season it would be like it never left us. A movie would be good too though.

Space Pope
« Reply #13 on: 05-28-2004 02:19 »

Personally I think they'd be better off with a movie, it could finally give closure to the series without overdoing it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 05-28-2004 09:05 »

As I said before, I Futurama movie would be a dream come true...*Drools* I remember making this overblowm post about the wonders of watching Futurama on the big screen with other fans laughing along with you...although a new season would be good, too, it would give us lots of stuff to talk about. I think if new episodes were made they would be just as good if not better than all the rest. As long as they didn't change the cast AT ALL. Ugh, it would piss me off beyond belief if they did, but I don't think Matt and the others would do that, they care too much about the characters and fans as far as I can tell.

I thought that the newer episodes and the older episodes both had a wonderful charm about them, I love them ALL and would not place one before the other, as they're all part of the Futurama story and would be nothing without each other.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 05-28-2004 10:14 »

Originally posted by Whoopwhoopwhoop:
Honestly, I think Futurama is better off never coming back.  I mean, it had a nice run, and it made me laugh.  Even now, after seeing everything, I feel that its better off done.  I think if Groening brought it back, it wouldnt be as good.  I could be wrong, but hey, my opinion.

*smacks whoopwhoopwhoop on the head with rolled up newspaper*
No! No! Bad dog!


Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 05-28-2004 13:51 »
« Last Edit on: 05-28-2004 13:51 »

I'd love to see more Futurama, but as others have said if they try and make a new season and it flops it would look terrible for the shows general reputation. Non-fans would judge the entire series by that season.
Cloud 9

Bending Unit
« Reply #17 on: 05-28-2004 14:47 »

If non-fans didn't watch the first few seasons, then I doubt they'd like (or notice) additional seasons, anyway. Also, I've had to grow past the point of caring what non-fans think, cause I hear them insult Futurama all the time at my school. You do made a valid point, though. I have a Futurama addiction, so any movie or additional seasons would be immediately gobbled up by me. But, if it loses all former luster do to the course of a lot of seasons, then I think a movie would be the way to go.
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #18 on: 05-28-2004 16:46 »

Originally posted by Dannilicious:
...watching Futurama on the big screen with other fans laughing along with you...

The problem is that those are the only people you would be laughing along with. There aren't too many people that would go to see this kind of movie if they weren't fans, and the movie would flop.

Starship Captain
« Reply #19 on: 05-28-2004 18:05 »
« Last Edit on: 05-28-2004 18:05 »

Well humor is humor, I think even people who were not fans could laugh at this hypothetical movie. Unless their idea of a stellar comedy is Cat in the Hat.

Starship Captain
« Reply #20 on: 05-28-2004 20:38 »

Coming back and not being its full potential is STILL better than not coming back.

Space Pope
« Reply #21 on: 05-28-2004 23:07 »

There's a lot of people who would disagree with you there. If the movie/new season was a flop, or it wasn't funny, that would leave a bad taste in the metaphorical mouth of the fans. Would you like to remember the good episodes, cancelled before it's time, or a terrible movie that nobody liked, that probably didn't deserve to be made?
Klumsy Kitty

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 05-29-2004 01:09 »

You have a valid point MOle but I don't think if they got that crew back togethre for a movie that they COULD make something not funny. At least not for the fans who would go see it anyway. What, have they all turned into network TV writers in the short time they have been apart? I think a last burst of creative energy would just be spectacular for the series. Go out in a blaze of glory and all that!

Starship Captain
« Reply #23 on: 05-29-2004 08:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-29-2004 08:07 »

Originally posted by M0le:
There's a lot of people who would disagree with you there. If the movie/new season was a flop, or it wasn't funny, that would leave a bad taste in the metaphorical mouth of the fans. Would you like to remember the good episodes, cancelled before it's time, or a terrible movie that nobody liked, that probably didn't deserve to be made?

I agree with you what you said and what I was saying is it might not be as funny as first season, or any of the other seasons, but it will still be funny I can guarantee you that. Also, like Klumsy Kitty said, if they get the old cast and writers, it won't be not funny.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #24 on: 05-29-2004 10:23 »

First off I think this has been done before, (very similar anyway)

Also am I the only one who thinks a Futurama movie would suck....?
I just think it would be too overdone for the public who never saw the show on TV....
I'm happy with the 4 seasons of greatness that can never be beaten.... :D

« Reply #25 on: 05-29-2004 18:04 »

...although 5 or 6 seasons of greatness might do just that.

« Reply #26 on: 05-30-2004 12:53 »

Thanks Gleno, as if we dont have enough mods telling us whats been done and not before.  Now you tell me this, you make me sick  :puke:

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 05-30-2004 15:31 »

Originally posted by Cloud 9:
I've had to grow past the point of caring what non-fans think

I think we all have.

In lieu of a film version, I'd personally much rather see it come back to television. I don't hold out much hope, though. I'd be totally jazzed if it went for sixth or seventh season, but as it stands it's becoming something of a fondly-remembered cult favorite complete with crazy-devoted fans (who, us?) and I'm happy with that, too.

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 06-01-2004 14:28 »

Like Invader Zim. One and a half seasons. Everyone be happy Futurama got 4!

« Reply #29 on: 06-01-2004 16:08 »

The more I've thought about this, the more I think that Futurama shouldn't come back on television.

As Lampy pointed out, towards the end Futurama got more 'shippy' and it was quite a large change from the rest of series, but 'Devil's Hands...' kind of finished all that off. In my opinion, 'Devil's Hands' was the best way to end the series (despite being a pretty poor episode) and continuing on from there would kind of ruin that. Extra episodes would seem like dragging it out to me, and Fry and Leela's relationship would be difficult to work into it (because, let's be honest, we liked Futurama most when we weren't sure if Leela liked Fry. It was more interesting then).

I think a movie would be better due to the longer running time- the writers have more time to round everything off, and with a grander scale too.

Starship Captain
« Reply #30 on: 06-02-2004 17:14 »

Originally posted by Lurrr:
The more I've thought about this, the more I think that Futurama shouldn't come back on television.

As Lampy pointed out, towards the end Futurama got more 'shippy' and it was quite a large change from the rest of series, but 'Devil's Hands...' kind of finished all that off. In my opinion, 'Devil's Hands' was the best way to end the series (despite being a pretty poor episode) and continuing on from there would kind of ruin that. Extra episodes would seem like dragging it out to me, and Fry and Leela's relationship would be difficult to work into it (because, let's be honest, we liked Futurama most when we weren't sure if Leela liked Fry. It was more interesting then).

I think a movie would be better due to the longer running time- the writers have more time to round everything off, and with a grander scale too.

extra episodes may seem like dragging it out to you, but whos to say it all went to plan, coz from what i saw of "devils hands" leela never admitted to liking fry, thats just everyones assumptions,how do we know she recipricated. we dont. That's something to think about.
on a side note fry had stupid hands right, but they weren't his hands, eg in "i dated a robot" hands bitten off and got new ones, would he have been able to play the holophoner good if he still had his old hands?

Bending Unit
« Reply #31 on: 06-03-2004 16:42 »

For what it's worth I agree with TheLampIncident, Lurr and others.
It's a shame that it got cancelled, yes, but now that it has it's best that it doesn't return. I can only cringe when I imagine how bad it might turn out.
As for a film, well first of I think where we left our friends was just right. Adding to that would be superfluous. Secondly I'm not sure how well it would transfer to the big screen without changing some of the ways it is directed. That may change the way it looks, how it feels, how it plays and fans generally do not like change.
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #32 on: 06-03-2004 16:54 »

There are like 6 shippy episodes, and it is always clear that Leela really likes Fry, but doesn't know what to do about her feelings. Plus, Leela and Fry kissed, but that doesn't mean anything. Anyway, wasn't TDHAIP made just incase it was cancelled? I'm sure the writers had plans about what they would write to get out of that situation if the show went on.

Urban Legend
« Reply #33 on: 06-03-2004 17:32 »

Fry and Leela didn't kiss. That was Fry's lame ass holophonor concert. He just imagined it happening and it came into reality.
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #34 on: 06-03-2004 17:35 »

As far as I know, they didn't kiss in the [adult swim] version of it, but they did on the original airing.

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 06-03-2004 17:41 »

I have the original FOX broadcasted 8/10/03 airing on tape and believe me, they didn't kiss.

Bending Unit
« Reply #36 on: 06-03-2004 17:48 »

Futurama is still young, I think it would have a lot more to offer if it was given the chance.

Urban Legend
« Reply #37 on: 06-03-2004 18:00 »

I think Futurama could have gone on for another five years or so.  It sure had a lot of potential.
At least there's the DVDs and comic books.  Watching an episode of Futurama is like watching an episode of Batman, Get Smart, or Gilligan's Island.
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #38 on: 06-03-2004 18:03 »

Originally posted by j_ohanley:
I have the original FOX broadcasted 8/10/03 airing on tape and believe me, they didn't kiss.

Oh, well that's what I heard, I never saw the original airing.
Sm@ Cpt. Libido

Bending Unit
« Reply #39 on: 06-04-2004 11:19 »
« Last Edit on: 06-04-2004 11:19 »

I think Futurama would EVENTUALLY gotten boring like the Simpsons BUT only if it had gone for the amount of seasons The Simpsons had!
Originally posted by Young_and_Angry:
 but at least 2 more seasons, that's all I'm asking for.
That is what I would have wanted! Also I don't think the Futurama comics are a true representation of the greatness that was Futurama!
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