DOOP Secretary
Welcome to PEEL! What part of Australia are you from? Also, to not have this post steer too far off topic - my favourite room would have to be the Jungle room from Futurama Comics #2. That picture on the wall is just TOO hilarious. <IMG SRC=" http://peel.gotfuturama.com/ubb/tongue.gif">
I like the employee's lounge where they all hang out and watch All My Circuits; A room where I could sit on my arse all day and watch TV drinking beer.
Sm@ Cpt. Libido
Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 05-06-2004 10:37 »
« Last Edit on: 05-06-2004 10:37 »
Originally posted by newhook_1: I like Fry & Bender's on the PE ship. Those hammocks look so damn comfortable. [Scruffy/] Second![/Scruffy] Especially with the sword propped up against the wall on Kif gets knocked up a notch. Originally posted by Venus: i like the balcony. More characters should threaten to jump off it.
"Don't do it!" "Do a flip!" [Scruffy] Second![/Scruffy] But i do also like a lot Madison Cube gardens because it always seems to be different things like the pet show and the Beastie boys concert and the ape fights and the ultimate robot fighting league (I think)!
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Beamer: Welcome to PEEL! What part of Australia are you from?
"And the Lord said.... Let there be a profile button and there was.... <IMG SRC=" http://peel.gotfuturama.com/ubb/tongue.gif"> The accusing parlour....!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
The Accusing Parlour, hands down. Just the thought of someone actually designing and building a room exclusively for accusing other people of misdeeds.
Also the old DOOP headquarter in Weehawken, New Jersey.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
I like Fry and Bender's apartment, and the PE lounge.
Also, i wouldnt mind seeing Leela's Bedroom more...
gigity gigity gigity OH!
Originally posted by maddoc3d: And I'd like to add the accusing parlor as well. It has that "I'm going to acuse you" charm
Indeed it does. And the picture of the mushroom adds much whimsy! It also raises many questions. Has the mushroom been accused of something? Perhaps...being a fungus? The Accusing Parlor Wins.
the sub-basement! the only room with a lava feature!
hay i dont now wha your on about but ok hay every one how is it hanging
DOOP Secretary
Specil_A, will you please stop posting just for the sake of posting? C'mon, that's spamming and people don't take kindly to it. The least you could do is answer the question.
Sorry if that was a bit off-topic, guys. Anyway, my favorite room is the dome on top of the Planet Express building; the one with the smell-o-scope. Other favorites are Fry and Bender's apartment and the PE lounge.
ok i will notspam mean is the tv area in plant exspass building
The Angry Dome rules it. And if it doesn't then I'll be very angry indeed.
Delivery Boy
Originally posted by marla_singer: oh the time shelter IS a good one.
Actually now I'm inspired that my closet needs a makeover. Maybe then I'll be able to pick up hot mutant chicks, or at least get punched by them. It's all good. I've got to add I like the Nibblonians meeting room too. Especially if I could get one of those spotlights all to myself and have them play that video of Fry trying to eat a suspended pineapple on loop.
Fry's apartment/Bender's closet is great, especially the view. I like Edna's apartment, though. I'd live there..