Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
« on: 04-27-2004 13:03 »
I just wanted to be the first to report that currently posted on The Leela Zone website is a big rumor saying that David X Cohen is giving the old crew phone calls about possible new episodes of everyone's favorite TV show. (And no it's not the Simpsons )
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
God i hope this isnt just another "Wired Article" from a few weeks ago.
Everyone please keep all of your apendages crossed for this one!
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
He didnt say that L.C. he just said that they were discussing something similar in another thread.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Well share the love of Futurama rumors on this thread too G.F.F. !
Two things: WOOO!! and God I hope Simpsons dies and Futurama takes its place. Think about it: A classic science fiction show cancelled before its time, a stupid show running PAST its time.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Jesus has long since evolved beyond the need to shit.
But i too am crossing my fingers (and other various body parts) in hope that this rumor is true.
Woodbot 2.0
Starship Captain
Originally posted by KVA: Perfectly said! Long life the Futurama, death to the Simpsons! Wel,if it wasn't for tjhe Simpsons,Futrama wouldn't even be on T.V! The only reason FOX appoved the show is because Matt made them millions with the Simpsons. Also: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!
*Angels Sing in Heaven upon hearing this news*
And that's really all I have to say, as I am speechless. *Crosses fingers*
@ Nasty: Holy Crap...Professer already?
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
It doesnt originate from the Leela Zone. It came from's futurama section.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Does anyone have any new information on the rumor. More specifically someone who posted it on The Leela Zone.
Urban Legend
Might it just have something to do with this?
Nix, it could, though I believe that the article specified that Futurama staffers were the one's being called... of course, it could just mean that they're all going to work on that new project... though I would find that an amazing coincidence (unless DXC specifically requested them for some reason). and of course, it is just a rumour.
« Reply #38 on: 04-29-2004 08:41 »
« Last Edit on: 04-29-2004 08:41 »
Nice point there SJM but it might not be an amazing coincidence. I find that when a good working relationship is formed the production staff will tend to work together again on there other projects. I noticed this mostly on DVD's of my fav films where the director calls upon his old team to work with again as he enjoyed the last time its the same with actors too, take Total Recall for example. Or maybe John Carpenter as he still works with some his old buddies. Still, I'd like to think the rumors are true...