
DOOP Secretary

I don't think they'd add a new character either. I mean - you're already got Fry, Leela, Bender, Farnsworth, Amy, Zoidberg & Hermes. You've also got Cubert, Scruffy, Nibbler & Dwight if you class them as main characters. Why the fuck would they add another?
Dr. Morberg


Come one now, everyone has an opinion. There's no need towards hate when you didn't include an option that many people would pick. There's no need to add a new permanent character, as there's a lot already. Any new character would be minor and only show up in a few eps.


now that i think about it, i agree. i knew someone might come but only for a few episodes. also, thanks for the sentiment, ima beginner and not as big a fan as you guys. Originally posted by Dr. Morberg: Come one now, everyone has an opinion. There's no need towards hate when you didn't include an option that many people would pick. There's no need to add a new permanent character, as there's a lot already. Any new character would be minor and only show up in a few eps.

DOOP Secretary

Since there won't be another question this question is fairly academic, that said if there was to be another series I'd rather there wasn't another main character.

Before we worry about getting a new character, how about just focusing on getting a new season period...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The minute a show start tampering with the formula and adds new main characters out of nowhere, that's when you know it has lost its magic and should be closed.
Make that another vote for "none".

DOOP Secretary

A little green alien that only Fry can see.