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Author Topic: I'm with stupid  (Read 966 times)
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Daisy Mae

« on: 04-15-2004 23:45 »

I've never seen the last episode how did the series end.  I know totally stupid I know but hey you know how it is.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 04-16-2004 00:16 »

Well in short, Fry makes a deal with the Robot Devil to trade hands so Fry can play the holophoner to impress Leela. Then, the devil causes Bender to make Leela deaf so she cannot hear an opera Fry is writing for her. Leela then makes her own deal with the devil to get robot ears so she can hear. At the end, the devil takes back Fry's hands and makes every thing normal. The series ends by Leela saying "please dont stop playing fry, i wanna hear how it ends." and Fry creates this crappy image on the holophoner of him and leela kissing and walking away as the series ends. *takes deep breath*

This is all available at this site: http://www.leelazone.com.ar/guide/4acv18.jpg

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 04-16-2004 00:16 »

Wait the series ended?
<Zoidberg> What! When did this happen? You're joking, right? That's not funny!!! </Zoidberg>


Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 04-16-2004 01:21 »

You forgot to mention that the Robot Devil wanted his hands back as soon as he gave them to Fry. Otherwise it doesn't really make sense as to why the Robot Devil gave Fry his hands and then cooked up an elaborate scheme to get them back.
Action Jacktion

« Reply #4 on: 04-16-2004 01:54 »

I'll try a longer summary:

Fry is still practicing the holophoner because it impressed Leela, but at a recital he does badly and his teacher tells him he'll never learn.  He becomes even more depressed when Leela mentions her old boyfriend Sean was a musician.  Bender decides to help by taking Fry to the Robot Devil, who offers to give Fry robot hands that can play.  Of course he's planning to trick Fry, but his plan backfires and Fry ends up getting his hands.  With the Devil's hands, Fry becomes a virtuoso musician, and writes an opera to show Leela how special she is.  Leela is impressed and maybe attracted to him, but it might only be because of his new talent.  Meanwhile the Devil plots to get his hands back, and causes Bender to deafen Leela.  During the performance of the opera, Leela is so desperate to hear it that she makes a deal with the Devil to hear again, but it turns out she has to marry him in return.  Fry and the Devil argue during a long musical sequence, but finally Fry gives back the hands to save Leela.  Afterward, Fry can't play anymore and everyone apparently leaves the auditorium.  Depressed again, Fry starts to leave, but Leela tells him she wants to hear how it ends; the rest of the building is empty but she's still there, even though he's lost his talent.  Fry picks up the holophoner and plays, making crude images of he and Leela appear.  They take hands, kiss, and walk away, always looking into each other's eyes, and leaving us to assume that's how things really end between them.

Oh, wait.  Here's a transcript:
Col. Klink

« Reply #5 on: 04-16-2004 01:55 »

This thread should be renamed "spoilers ahoy"
Action Jacktion

« Reply #6 on: 04-16-2004 02:22 »
« Last Edit on: 04-16-2004 02:22 »

Well, the first poster did ask to know what happened.  If there's anyone else here who hasn't seen it, they should have known to stop reading after that.  And do spoilers matter any more?  I don't know.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 04-16-2004 02:39 »

Originally posted by Action Jacktion:
And do spoilers matter any more?  I don't know.

Daisy Mae

« Reply #8 on: 04-16-2004 05:23 »

Well thanks guys.  Talk about getting the answer quick fast and in a hurry and sorry for the spoilers but copuldn't you tell they would be here.
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