

with or without the x he sounds like da biggest nerd on the audio commentry


Yeh, I think so, the X makes it sound cool.

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« Reply #52 on: 04-11-2004 19:49 »
« Last Edit on: 04-11-2004 19:49 »
I always thought "David Cohen" was a pretty unique name in and by itself, so finding out two different people had the exact same name/initials and had basically the same job was a bit of a surprise.
Then finding out someone had been living under the alias of "David Cohen" while being an inspiration for a Futurama character was pretty shocking.
From the PYHOMS audio commentary:
DiMaggio: "Malfunctioning Eddie, a great tribute to Crazy Eddie." Cohen: "Crazy Eddie, yeah, who, uuhhh.." DiMaggio: "Who's prices were insane." Cohen: "By the way, I have to add: Crazy Eddie, also known as Eddia Antar I believe, he was wanted for tax evation or something, something like that. He fled, and he ended up in Israel, and the caught him living under the name David Cohen. That's my connection to Crazy Eddie." DiMaggio: :patented Bender laugh: Groening: "Was he really crazy?" Cohen: "No. He had good taste in aliases"