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Author Topic: DOOP Starfleet  (Read 910 times)
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Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« on: 03-13-2004 14:03 »

Its curious that appart from the Nimbus the DOOP aparently has no other starships bigger than starfighter class. Even that they have to recall civilian ships to any minor operation.

So what "great" inter-planetary organization known as being a military power has only one medium sized starship (compare it to star wars Imperator class destroyers from starwars or even with Hyperion class cruisers from B5 and it falls to shame
  :D ) and a handfull of fighters wich have to recall civilian suppòrt to take on a single Omicronian ship and is complety unnable of take on two?

« Reply #1 on: 03-13-2004 14:28 »

Thye would probably have more money for their fleet if they didn't have to cover the costs of Zapp's screw ups  ;)

Or, if they spent less on fancy big space stations.

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 03-13-2004 14:50 »

Hardly any of the Doop think Zapps a screw-up for who knows why. They think he is a great captain.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 03-13-2004 15:36 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2004 15:36 »

The Nimbus may only be an Earthican ship, considering the high concentration of humans on board. There are probably many more DOOP starships, and probably bigger ones too, but they defend other DOOP planets. Why the Earthican defences have to call on civilian craft to defend the planet is probably because the professional defence force keeps getting whittled down too quickly, and other DOOP ships from "abroad", as it were can't get back in time\ can't be arsed.
According to various sources either in the show or in the comics - which I suppose we could count as "cannon" - Earth gets attacked almost every week in one way or another. It's unlikely Earth has enough time to produce an effective defence force and its replacements in that time, plus they need to find pilots willing to join....
The Nimbus has probably survived since Zapp knows when to "keep out of harms way"
But he is the most decorated and regarded captain, which is why the Nimbus is assigned many different missions, and is why Leela keeps bumping into them.

Scratch that, perhaps there are lots of different DOOP ships, but they take it in turn to guard different places, so while the Nimbus is away, other ships will defend Earth, but when big invasion fleets come, Zapp will rush back to Earth to take all the glory - which is why the Earth Defence Force or whatever the hell you want to call it, is so small and why they have to call on civilians to fight, if you know what I mean   ;)
It's unlikely with a president like Nixon, that Earth will have a small defence fleet due to it wanting to appear a peaceful planet.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 03-13-2004 21:08 »

I always assumed that was a reference to Star Trek. Starfleet is a massive military organisation (despite Gene insisting that it was merely the scientific and diplomatic section of the UFP we all know better), with hundreds (In DS9 thousands) of starships, starbases and outposts, and yet whenever Earth or some very important outpost is in grave danger the Enterprise is the only ship who can reach it in time.

Similarly I think the DOOP Fleet is very powerful and have countless vessels at their disposal, but the Nimbus is the only ship nearby whenever trouble arise, including those not caused by Zapp.  ;)
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