Here's a link to the PEELer's FAQ. It covers a lot of the 'do's and 'do not's of this board. Things like double-posting and opening up pointless, discussionless threads that just get their asses spammed off (such as "Hi! I'm new" ) are big no-nos. The reason is that PEEL is a huge, huge message board for an independantly-run service. What other boards this large do you know of that haven't got some sort of specific financial backing behind them (from eing part of a company, or through advertising, etc)? Not many, i'd bet. [-mArc-] does an incredible job of keeping this board afloat, what with the extensive costs and all. So, cutting down on the amount of spam (Note: the PEEL definition of Spam) helps keep the stressload light, and stops us from heading towards another crash. It's nothing personal.
Thank You.
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