Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Anyway, I think TDHAIP does a great job of giving us a sort of closure to the Leela/Fry thing, while at the same time stay ambigious enough for anything to happen. TWOF realy doesn't do that. If TWOF was the last episode the ending would've been considered definite, Fry and Leela would get together. Plus TDHAIP leaves the Fry/Nibblonian plot wide open. "We will, oh we will!" Last TDHAIP/TWOF poll-off
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Digital Dragon: The thing about The Why of Fry is that it was a very epic story, Fry travelling back in time and saving the world, somehow it would just have been too dramatic for a finale. The last episode needed to work on a much more personal level, like The Devil’s Hands are Idle Playthings. *claps again*
Also, not many other chracters besides Fry and Leela are in TWoF, and people who are big Bender fans,lets say, would have been disspointed if he wasn't in the last episode. He's in The Devil’s Hands are Idle Playthings, and is quite funny in this episode. In this resepct, even The Sting would be an ok ending, since everyone seems to have their little bit part.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by PCC Fred: And that's why the final episode poll I made is better than this one. I included an "other" option. ::Closes Fred's poll just to spite him:: Luck of the Fryrish.