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Author Topic: Futurama/Family Guy comparisons  (Read 1387 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« on: 02-27-2004 10:53 »

I know people are sick of comparing Futurama to other shows (*cough*simpsons*cough*) but i though this would be interesting.
You can compare the characters, as well as note any times they make a parody/reference to the same thing.
For example, both have a "Charlie and the Choclate Factory" parody. I think "Fry and the SLurm Factory" was a better overall episode, but the family guy one, "Wasted Talent," had better songs.
Fry - Peter
Both lazy slobs, not too bright, you get the picture.

Leela - Lois
The only mature female on either shows, it seems.
Leela - Meg
Both working hard trying to fit in, but neither of them can. One person likes them, but he's an idiot/nerd.

Bender - ?
This one's hard. He drinks a lot, like Brian, but other than that, they're really nothing alike. Maybe Joe, they're both enthusiastic about anything they want to do.

Zapp - Quagmire
Please don't tell me i have to explain this one.

Any thoughts? Comments? Your own comparisons? I order you to post now or be devoured!

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 02-27-2004 11:36 »

Zapp and quagmire could have been from the same anscestery...
El Scorcho

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 02-27-2004 11:38 »

uhhhhh, I don't think you realy can draw comparisons, the charactors and settings are so different
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 02-27-2004 12:48 »

Originally posted by Zeep:
I know people are sick of comparing Futurama to other shows (*cough*simpsons*cough*) but i though this would be interesting.


You can compare the characters, as well as note any times they make a parody/reference to the same thing.

Ooh look, Futurama and Family Guy have both parodied Star Trek.  Just like virtually every other comedy show in the last 30 years.  Ooh, I got tingly just thinking about it.  :sleep:

« Reply #4 on: 02-27-2004 12:50 »

Seriously, 'Family Guy' and 'Futurama' are completely different ok?

Wait a minute .... URL and Brian both have suave voices! What was I thinking!

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 02-27-2004 12:51 »

I don't know why people keep doing comparisons... so the characters share some basic human traits, are we supposed to be surprised or something? Every show ever made draws from the same pool for its characters, TV just tries to get as many character traits on screen as possible, to keep things interesting. Of course you will be able to draw comparisons between Futurama and Family Guy, but no more than say... Futurama and Cheers (Fry=Woody, Leela=Diane, Bender=Carla+Norm, and so on... not perfect by any stretch, but still about as good as Futurama-Family Guy.)

Note: this isn't meant to be personally against you, Zeep, I'm just tired of these kinds of comparisons.

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 02-27-2004 15:29 »

For example, both have a "Charlie and the Choclate Factory" parody. I think "Fry and the SLurm Factory" was a better overall episode, but the family guy one, "Wasted Talent," had better songs.

The Chumbawamba songs from the Family Guy episode either used the original Oompa Loompa tune or a very good approximation thereof.  The Grunka Lunka tune was quite different (I guess they didn't want to pay for the rights), but still really funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 02-29-2004 14:39 »

In "Fry and the Slurm Factory", this run:

Fry: I have an idea! Nope, it's gone. Wait,...no. Yep, no, yeah, no, no, yeah...

That just seems, in my opinion, like a line that you'd hear from Peter on Family Guy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #8 on: 02-29-2004 14:41 »

Futurama is good.  Family Guy sucks.  End of comparison.
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