For some strange reason, I seem to relate best to Leela. I seem to understand her; to get into her head.
This is bourne out by the fact that whenn I took Zeep's test, it said I was Leela.
Strangely, the character I seem to have the most difficulty understanding (and writing for in my lame attempts a fan fiction) is...
Fry.Say what? Fry is a directionless, none-too-bright, stupid-ages reject and general loser, but; he's an absolutely decent fellow, who Loves Leela enough to put his life in danger for her- Even when there's little to no chance she'll return his feelings.
This is non-sequitur! I relate very well to Leela, but not well to at all to Fry!
What's a 'shipper to do![/i]