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Author Topic: The beginning of Smell-O-Vision  (Read 1765 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 02-27-2004 09:39 »

Check this out!
Or for those of you who can't be bothered to go there:
Smelly device would liven up web browsing 
17:31 20 February 04 - NewScientist.com news service
A scent-generating device being tested by the UK internet service provider Telewest Broadband could soon allow internet users to transmit aromas of their choice across the internet.
The Scent Dome is about the size of a teapot and can generate up to 60 different smells by releasing particles from one or more of 20 liquid-filled odour capsules. Computers fitted with a Scent Dome unit use software to recognise smell identifying codes embedded in an email or web page.
The device is manufactured by Trisenx, based in Georgia, US, and is currently being tested at Telewest's UK research laboratory in Woking, Surrey.
The British company suggests that the system could be used to enhance a holiday web site by generating the scent of sun tan lotion and the ocean or liven up a grocery site with fresh bread and fruit smells.
Deep-seated emotions
"Our sense of smell is directly connected to our emotions," says Kate Fox, social anthropologist and co-director of the Social Issues Research Centre in Oxford. "Smells trigger very powerful and deep-seated emotional responses, and this additional element to the internet will enhance users’ online experience by adding that crucial third dimension."
Ellwood Ivey, founder and CEO of Trisenx, says users can mix different aromas to create custom smells and could theoretically produce unpleasant aromas, or electronic stink bombs.
But, in order to experience the service however Telewest customers will have to pay roughly £250 for a Scent Dome.
"We are always looking at ways to enhance the broadband internet experience," says Chad Raube, director of internet services at Telewest Broadband. "This could bring an extra whiff of realism to the internet."

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 02-27-2004 10:41 »

Wow. I never thought i'd see the day they invented smell-o-vision. Imagine if they used it for "A Big Piece of Garbage."

But, this really should go in the "off-topic" board.

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 02-27-2004 10:44 »

I can remember some years ago, on red nose day, scratch and sniff panels were handed out in newspapers and if you watched the show on tv you could smell wat was ment to be going on in the show.

Starship Captain
« Reply #3 on: 02-27-2004 11:42 »

that sucked so much

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 02-27-2004 11:52 »

That may be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.  I have enoguh trouble with porn popups on my computer, I don't need it blasting musk or insence or whatever in my face as well.

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 02-27-2004 12:42 »

I've heard about this stuff since way before Futurama aired... it actually sounds pretty stupid. Why should I care what stuff smells like? Why? It's stupid, that's why.  I'm against any smell technology.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 02-27-2004 12:50 »

So wait...my cable company, which is 4 billion pounds in debt is investing in smell-o-vision??? And my cable bill goes up...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 02-27-2004 14:48 »

Get satellite...

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 02-27-2004 15:32 »

But smellovision won't be invented until the thirtieth century, according to Harold Zoid!

Starship Captain
« Reply #9 on: 02-27-2004 23:49 »

but will it have the power to smell past coffee stains?

« Reply #10 on: 02-28-2004 21:42 »

How...would this benefit to anyone? I'm with Ranadok. We don't need any smell technology. There are more important things we need to concentrate on.
woopsie daisy!

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 03-08-2004 04:03 »


This is the best invention i've ever heard of, i can't wait to get one!!!


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #12 on: 03-08-2004 10:54 »

i'm hoping that was sarcasm. because if it wasn't...  :nono:

it sounds amusing, but i would have to go with Ranadok. Smellovision just isn't something we need. plus, like boingo2000 said, it would almost definately be misused by advertisers and other annoying people.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #13 on: 03-08-2004 10:59 »

I think It is a very bad idea, what would happen if someone made a virus that transmitted a bad stink.... I wouldn't smell it though seeing as I'd NEVER EVER Get one in a thousand years.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 03-08-2004 12:44 »

What reminds you of Futurama?
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