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Author Topic: I protest!  (Read 1132 times)
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Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« on: 02-26-2004 16:58 »

I am a Norwegian, and damn proud of it i might add, and the use of the name "troll" to describe these morons and basketcases is damn near depressing. I have studied the norse mythology and seen some pretty hefty pictures of trolls and believe me: These idiots do not diserve such a grand title.
So i ask of you to please reconcidur the shame you have cast upon our mythology and call them something else... uhmmm... sewer-mutants perhaps, or something smaller and catchier, maybe mormons...


Cloud 9

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 02-26-2004 16:59 »

What?  :confused:
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 02-26-2004 17:08 »

But you know Nero, people use the word "gay" to mean "someone/thing I don't like". It doesn't mean "homosexuals" like some people might think, so it's not offensive to them. In the same way, the people on this board have given "troll" an entirely new meaning. It's certainly not a burn upon Norwegians.

 ...or is it?  :confused:
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #3 on: 02-26-2004 17:19 »

I'm aware of that, but still. plus i'm against using the word "gay" in a sentan. Not because it degrading to that sort of lifestyle, on the contrary. I find it just stupid. I knew a guy who could say gay like 5 times in a sentance, and everytime i wish i had a piano-whire to end my missory.

Increase your vocabulary, people!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 02-26-2004 17:24 »

Welcome to PEEL, Nero Wolfe!
And, the whole "gay" thing, just wrong.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 02-26-2004 17:25 »

I don't like it either (though I swear being called "gay" thousands of times in the past has nothing to do with it), but there's not a lot you can do about it bar just living with it. Or killing everyone.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 02-26-2004 17:26 »

Violence solves nothing!  :evillaugh:
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 02-26-2004 17:54 »

Oh, for crying out loud!
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 02-26-2004 17:59 »

Cheers for that input, Fred. Let's file it under "U" for "Useless."

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 02-26-2004 18:05 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 18:05 »

Well, it's not like "troll" is an exclusively PEEL thing. The term is used on the entire Internet for people who try to stir up trouble and flamewars. And the Danish stories I know about trolls (although we call them "trolde" ) doesn't exactly make them Gods best creations. They're malicious, hate-full and eat human flesh. The municipality I live in have a troll as it's cote of arms based on a statue by a famous local artist. The statue is called "Troll Smelling Christian Flesh". Cool statue, btw.

Incidently, you can see said troll-statue here and here.

So basically, fighting the use of troll, trolling, etc is futile (you will be assimilated), and it's not a burn on Norwegians or Nordic mythology.

Welcome to PEEL. Enjoy it here.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 02-26-2004 18:14 »

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus:
Cheers for that input, Fred. Let's file it under "U" for "Useless."

Why not just file the entire thread there and save us a second trip?
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 02-26-2004 18:23 »

'coz that would be 10lbs of shit in a 5lb file.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 02-26-2004 18:30 »

Fine, I'll pretend to be taking this seriously for a couple of minutes:

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I am a Norwegian, and damn proud of it i might add, and the use of the name "troll" to describe these morons and basketcases is damn near depressing.

What morons and basketcases?  Norwegians?

I have studied the norse mythology and seen some pretty hefty pictures of trolls and believe me: These idiots do not diserve such a grand title.

Again, who are "These idiots"?

So i ask of you to please reconcidur the shame you have cast upon our mythology and call them something else... uhmmm... sewer-mutants perhaps, or something smaller and catchier, maybe mormons...

One more time, who are "them"?

I've heard the word "troll" used as an insult countless times, not just on the internet, much less this particular board.
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #13 on: 02-26-2004 18:31 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 18:31 »

I know it's not exclusive to PEEL, but don't join the hype! Break out, start a cult, do something new and exciting, start saying "ezbaa", rejoice, the new way has come, WOOHOO!

Is anyone buying in to this?

and btw, that attack on Norwegians was uncalled for. That's yet another thing i'm sick off, generalistic twats who made up that "Say no to .no".

So back off sister before i go Bender on your ass! *snaps fingers*

And these idiots are the people who constantly use the words "gay", "retarded", "lame", and "troll". You figure it out.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 02-26-2004 18:35 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I am a Norwegian, and damn proud of it i might add.
:laff: Hahahaha! A proud Norwegian, that's a laugh !  :laff:
Nah, I'm just kidd... Hahaahaha, a proud Norweigan...
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #15 on: 02-26-2004 18:40 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 18:40 »

Originally posted by Xmpel:
Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I am a Norwegian, and damn proud of it i might add.
   :laff: Hahahaha! A proud Norwegian, that's a laugh !    :laff:
Nah, I'm just kidd... Hahaahaha, a proud Norweigan...

"Super Heroes? More like Super Zeros!" "That was uncalled for.."
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 02-26-2004 18:41 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I know it's not exclusive to PEEL, but don't join the hype! Break out, start a cult, do something new and exciting, start saying "ezbaa", rejoice, the new way has come, WOOHOO!

"Oh, for crying out loud" just doesn't cut it.  This is insanity on a grand scale.

Is anyone buying in to this?

Buying in to what?

and btw, that attack on Norwegians was uncalled for. That's yet another thing i'm sick off, generalistic twats who made up that "Say no to .no".

Is there anyone else here who missed the note of sarcasm in my last post?

So back off sister before i go Bender on your ass! *snaps fingers*

And Faze says PEEL isn't entertaining tonight...  :evillaugh:

And these idiots are the people who constantly use the words "gay", "retarded", "lame", and "troll". You figure it out.

Oh, I think we all have it figured out...
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #17 on: 02-26-2004 18:45 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 18:45 »

*spews Inque on PCC Fred*

Voooovovovovovov... *huddles away*
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #18 on: 02-26-2004 18:47 »

Now that was actually funny!  :laff:

You see, we're all good friends here on PEEL!  :)

*Jeremy kicks Fred in the groin and Otis torches his hair*

Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #19 on: 02-26-2004 18:51 »

There's more to that joke then meets the eye, check out my "ranking"

Starship Captain
« Reply #20 on: 02-26-2004 18:56 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
And these idiots are the people who constantly use the words "gay", "retarded", "lame", and "troll". You figure it out.

Lame? What's wrong with that word?
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #21 on: 02-26-2004 18:57 »

It's lame...
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #22 on: 02-26-2004 19:00 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:00 »

Not that there anything wrong with the word, it's basically just overused. I would loooove to go into a forum and read something like "BLANK is such a daffidill" instead of "BLANk is such a lamer"

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 02-26-2004 19:01 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:01 »

Okay, this thread is getting silly ... and spammy. We need mod-action, stat!

Yes, I'm aware of the irony of this post.

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I know it's not exclusive to PEEL, but don't join the hype! Break out, start a cult,

We're a bunch of Internet people posting at a messageboard dedicated to a dead cartoon show, and you're sugesting we form a cult? Way ahead of you.    :p
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #24 on: 02-26-2004 19:02 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:02 »

Hey!  As a proud Welshman I object to my country's national flower being used as a term of insult!

Actually I don't really care.  Apathy is the cure.  You may want to try it sometime.
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #25 on: 02-26-2004 19:04 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:04 »

No way, i'm practicing getting old. Apathy'll only slow me down. I'm gonna complain about everything, even the welsh!
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #26 on: 02-26-2004 19:06 »

If you want to practise getting old, learn the following phrases:

"My social security cheque is late!"

"Stuff costs more than it used to!"

"Young people use curse words!"


Starship Captain
« Reply #27 on: 02-26-2004 19:07 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:07 »

I am a Mormon, and darn proud of it, I might add. The suggestion of the use of the name "mormons" to describe these morons and basketcases is damn near depressing. I have studied the Mormon religion and seen some pretty hefty pictures of Mormons and believe me: These idiots do not deserve such a grand title.
So I ask of you to please reconsider the shame you have cast upon our religion and call them something else... uhmmm... Norwegians perhaps, or something smaller and catchier, maybe trolls...



The above post is completely original. Any similarities to any other posts, alive or dead, are completely coincidental... or is it?
Nero Wolfe

Delivery Boy
« Reply #28 on: 02-26-2004 19:09 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:09 »

I hate it when people use things that i've said against me, there should be a rule against making me look like an idiot.

Actually i've been known to goof up my first posts at forums.

The forums will not be displayed to protect the ignorant.. uh, innocent.. i ment innocent!
Hey, don't laugh!

ow.. now i made my self feel bad...
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #29 on: 02-26-2004 19:09 »

What we need is a term that cries out "inferior specimen!!".

Something like "Republican"...

I'm on the axis of evil this time for sure...

Starship Captain
« Reply #30 on: 02-26-2004 19:50 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 19:50 »

Originally posted by Nero Wolfe:
I hate it when people use things that i've said against me, there should be a rule against making me look like an idiot.

Actually i've been known to goof up my first posts at forums.

The forums will not be displayed to protect the ignorant.. uh, innocent.. i ment innocent!
Hey, don't laugh!

ow.. now i made my self feel bad...

[Zoidberg]Your posts are bad, and you should feel bad![/Zoidberg]

[Flexo]Naw, you're alright.[/Flexo]

Let's here it for being able to reference in context! Whoo-hoo!

And my last post was semi-serious. Suggesting that Trolls be called Mormons... that's just not nice... Normally I don't bother about this kind of thing, but your post lent itself so well to my cause that I just had to.

Starship Captain
« Reply #31 on: 02-26-2004 21:04 »

welcome, might i ask what the hell you are refering to?

Urban Legend
« Reply #32 on: 02-26-2004 22:19 »

Heh, I've heard of a guy who refers to bad things as being Jewish... funny, and so very, very wrong.

Urban Legend
« Reply #33 on: 02-26-2004 22:41 »

my ancestry is largely norwegian and and i could care less that 'troll' is the insult of choice on the internet. Don't take yourself so seriously. It just makes you an easy target.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #34 on: 02-27-2004 01:34 »

Nero Wolf is a gay troll
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