

Yup, Raiders of the Lost Arcade has got to be my favourite too. Not sure if USians have got S3 DVDs yet so just in case: I love the audio commentary where David X. Cohen says that he wanted to make a feature film like this and it ended up being a 6 min cartoon. And the way they spend the whole segment (and some of the next one) talking about what games they were good at/high scores etc. Classic


For me it's a toss up between Leela's killing spree and Bender's 500 foot tall robot rampage. Zoidberg was hilarious in that segment. Friends, help! A guinea pig tricked me!

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Venus: Leela's killing spree. What can i say, i'm just a blood whore. That got my vote too, Raiders of the Lost Arcade was my least favourite though.


Has to be the same for me, Leela's AOI1 segment was pure gold for me.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Leela’s impulsive killing spree just ruled so much! That’s my choice. Incidentally, my least favorite followed that segment. The what if Fry didn’t get frozen segment had plenty of potential, but just didn’t do it for me. I found every segment of ‘AOI II’ to be awesome, but not quite as awesome as the killing spree!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

"They're to impulsive. Not like you, not like old, ´predictable, dull-as-wdishwater Leela." "Helloooo! New boots!"
"Alright, so you're nonchalant. Quit rubbing our noses in it."
"What are you hacking off? Is it my torso? It is my precious torso!" (moist thud)
"And now, to make sure you won't talk, I'm going to have to do something really impulsive! "
"So Fry, what do you think of the impulsive new me?" "I like it!" "Good. Now let me just...get the lights." (She turns the lights off. Fry screams.] "I really like it!"
Leela's killing spree win, easily. A great What-if from start to finish. Bender 1 and Fry 2 being runner ups. Bender 2 (I, Meatbag) was pretty bland and takes last place.
Dr. Morberg


Leela's murderous rampage was the best of the six, for all the reasons Teral posted. "Raiders of the Lost Arcade" comes in a close second, then 500 foot Bender.


They all are good but Raiders of the Lost Arcade was probably my favourite.

DOOP Secretary

For no raisin, here's my list of favorite AOI segments:
1."Raiders of the Lost Arcade"-I loved all of the video game satires, particularly the entire "General Pacman" scene.
2."I, Meatbag"-I thought that this one was hilarious! Especially: "I bet I could eat nachos and go to the bathroom at the same time!"
3.Leela's question in AOI1-Certainly the best of the first AOI episode. Particularly: "What is that you're hacking off?! Is it my torso?! It is, my precious torso!"
4.Fry's question in AOI1-I thought that this was kind of an ancestor of "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid" and "The Why of Fry". Sure it didn't exactly explain why Fry caused a rip in the space-time continuum, but it was the first reference of Fry being important to the future. Also, Prof. Steven Hawking, Al Gore, and the rest of the guest stars were hilarious.
5.Bender's question in AOI1-This was so-so. I really didn't care for it. Really, the only funny thing to me was: "...I came here with a simple dream. A dream of killing all the humans. Look at what happened and ask yourselves, "Who's really the 20 billion ton robot here?". Not I,...not I.
6."Wiz'in"-This is the worst AOI segment, in my opinion. It really isn't all that funny to me.


Originally posted by Teral:
"So Fry, what do you think of the impulsive new me?" "I like it!" "Good. Now let me just...get the lights." (She turns the lights off. Fry screams.] "I really like it!"
I've gotta agree, if only for the last scene (even though I think the whole Leela segment in AOI1 is brilliant), this if definitely the best one.


I, Meatbag! That was great! I'll never think of the song, "Conga", the same way ever again... With the hotdog, and the making out...*shivers*
Second would definately be Raiders of the lost Arcade. Third is Leela's AOI 1 what-if question.
"Heelllloo! New boots!"
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by David A: I liked Fry's segment in "AoI 1", mostly because of Gary Gygax. If Gygax hadn't been in that one, "Raiders of the Lost Arcade" would easily win.
It was the only one that built on continuity, which is why I liked it. Continuity transformed Futurama from a god show into a great show, which is why screwups in that department send me into a towering rage.


Raiders of the lost arcade. "What are your orders" "Drop down , increase speed and reverse direction!" Brilliant.


gotta say raiders of thr lost arcade, though leelas q in AO1 was good -------------------------------------------


Gotta go with Leela's killing spree. Although all the AOI 1 segments were great.