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Author Topic: What Made it Great?...  (Read 5875 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« on: 02-16-2004 18:47 »

I hope this hasn't been done before.
Anyway, here's how it works. I'm gonna name a highly rated episode (from CGEF's rankings), and you have to tell me what made it great. I'll change to a new episode every Monday.

This Week: "The Deep South"
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 02-16-2004 18:50 »

The ocean, and the Professor's numerous crazy inventions created to survive in said environment.
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #2 on: 02-16-2004 18:51 »

Zoidbergs lines and sidestory.

*Waves while dressed as a gardener*
"Dr. Zoidberg, homeowner!"
"Your student loans have been repaid?"
"Careful with that flag, it looks poisonous."

And I'm pretty sure this is the first time we saw "woopwoopwoopwoop".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 02-16-2004 18:56 »

I loved when Zoidberg's house was burnt down.

Zoidberg: How did this happen?!

Hermes: That's a very good question!

Bender: Oh, so there's where I left my cigar.

Hermes: That just raises further questions!

I laugh at that every time.


« Reply #4 on: 02-16-2004 19:03 »

I love the manwich part at the start, and the zoidberg part underwater cracks me up too.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 02-16-2004 19:14 »

I never really found "The Deep South" to be a great episode, it's not one of my favourites. Yea, there were plenty of good elements to it (Zoidy's house, the boots, the cigar) but i just didn't rate it as being that good. Dunno why, just didn't do it for me.

And i never found any of the "manwich" stuff funny.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 02-16-2004 19:29 »

The ending was great, with Zoidberg saying "I'm trying to sleep in here!".

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 02-16-2004 19:32 »

Isn't the suppository in that? Where the Prof. is checking to make sure they've taken them, I'm ashamed that I can't remember if that's in that ep. Help?!?!
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 02-16-2004 19:34 »


Yes, it is in there.

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 02-16-2004 19:39 »

Sorry about regurgitating what everyone else has said, but definitely the Zoidberg parts.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #10 on: 02-16-2004 19:51 »

The Deep South is in my top 5 eps, it's funny all the way through....

Fry getting air into the briefcase....The look on his face in bed with Umbriel....

"I can't swallow that...."
"Then GOOD NEWS, it's a suppository....!"

"I found his scent, over here where the water gets warmer....!"
(Zoidberg, nose to the ground sniffing like a bloodhound)  :laff:

And the ending with Bender chocking Fry and Zoidberg appearing at the last second....classic.... :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 02-16-2004 19:54 »
« Last Edit on: 02-16-2004 19:54 »

To be honest the popularity of this one is something I've always found a tad perplexing.  Its far from bad, but I don't like it a whole lot compared to a lot of other episodes.  Its probably one of my least favorites.

I dunno...the plot is just so dull (even for the often "run of the mill" 2ACV run) and wastes alot of oppurtunity.  The humor is generally good, but outside of a few things (anything with Zoidberg, "good news! its a suppository" ) there's still nothing special about any of it.

I do look forward to the continuation of the "what made it great" serious though, so don't get me wrong there.  This just doesn't happen to be a favorite of mine.

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 02-16-2004 21:25 »

Zoidy make it worthwhile...all his lines were quality.
"Im soooo into you"
Leela:"Dr Zoidberg, since when do you wear boots?"
Zoidberg:"I wasnt wearing it..i was eating it..."

Starship Captain
« Reply #13 on: 02-16-2004 21:51 »

everyone involving zoidberg, the house, the gardening, collecting food, eating boots.

Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 02-16-2004 22:31 »

Zoidberg.fry benders in your face " interface" 

« Reply #15 on: 02-16-2004 22:44 »

People underestimate Leela's humor in that episode...all the boot stuff and her "ocean madness" ranting

Leela: It's ocean madness, alright. Sailors call it aqua dementia, the deep down crazies, the wet willies, the screaming moist-

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 02-17-2004 00:39 »

Originally posted by Shaucker:
Leela: It's ocean madness, alright. Sailors call it aqua dementia, the deep down crazies, the wet willies, the screaming moist-

that bit was one of my favorite parts of that ep.

Urban Legend
« Reply #17 on: 02-17-2004 00:57 »

"Every time something good happens to me, you say it's some kind of madness, or I'm drunk, or I ate too much candy."

"He may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!"

 :laff: Classics.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #18 on: 02-17-2004 01:38 »

What made "The Deep South" great?  Let's see...

There's the bit about how many atmospheres of pressure the ship can take.  (It's a spaceship, so anywhere from zero to one.)

There's Parker Posey as Umbriel.

And best of all, there's the story of how the gods left Atlanta before it sank beneath the waves.  (...and also Jane Fonda was there.)

Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 02-17-2004 07:28 »

I don't rank it highly, to be honest...

« Reply #20 on: 02-17-2004 07:51 »

1. Umbriel's explanation of the acceleration of the mutation process (smile)...

(leaving PEEL to go grab a Coke)

2. ... and of their somewhat different process of mating.

3. From a technical standpoint, the nicely done ocean texture.


« Reply #21 on: 02-17-2004 09:37 »

"Why couldn't she have been the other kind of mermaid?  With fish at top and human at bottom."
If I had a list of my all time faviroute episode this would be somewhere in the middle, not the best, but nowhere near the worst.  Like most of Season 2 actually.

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 02-17-2004 09:59 »

Zoidberg really made the episode for me, he was so funny.  I also liked when the professor said "the fabled lost city of Atlanta", when I first heard that I thought it was really witty.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #23 on: 02-17-2004 10:21 »

Atlanta was a city, landlocked, hundreds of miles from the area we now call the Atlantic Ocean. Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub.  Until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician and the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there.  The others chose to remain behind on their porches with their rifles, and one day evolve into mermaids, and sing and dance and ring in the new.

And THAT'S what made it great.  Hail Atlanta!

Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 02-17-2004 10:31 »

yeah, Donovan made it great
El Zilcho

« Reply #25 on: 02-17-2004 15:53 »

The Magician? (seriously, I didn't get that joke)

Also: "Did it just get colder in here?"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #26 on: 02-17-2004 15:57 »

Originally posted by El Zilcho:
The Magician? (seriously, I didn't get that joke)

The Magician was one of the so-called gods (though gods they were) of Atlantis that left in Donavan's origianl song.  Apparently, they couldn't come up with another famous person from Atlanta that would fit the timing; or they just wanted to be silly.

I didn't get it either, until I heard "Atlantis" for the first time.

Starship Captain
« Reply #27 on: 02-17-2004 16:56 »

i liked it alot.
"i need to go home, i miss my family and oxygen"
"yes we all miss our loved ones and gases"

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 02-17-2004 18:04 »

-Donovan Parker (  ;) )
-"I'm bored! Let's go!"
-"I didn't kill him. Professor?"
"No, I've been busy!"
-"OW! My small intestines!"
-And all the parts that didn't make sense.

« Reply #29 on: 02-17-2004 18:12 »

The scene where Zoidberg's house burned down was classic. Also, the line "Well then good news! It's a  suppository" always makes me smile. Something about the delivery that makes it great. Damn you, Billy West, for being such a great voice actor.
Also some other stuff that I can't really remember too well. But this is what stood out.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #30 on: 02-17-2004 18:27 »

Originally posted by DotheBartman:
To be honest the popularity of this one is something I've always found a tad perplexing.  Its far from bad, but I don't like it a whole lot compared to a lot of other episodes.  Its probably one of my least favorites...

I really never found it to be that great an episode, but I'm just going by the ranks at CGEF. This episode received a 93%, making it among the top-rated shows (93% is the highest grade received by any episode, this was just the first one to rank that high).
I did think that the episode had its moments, all of which were mentioned above.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #31 on: 02-17-2004 19:38 »

Yeah, I was referring to the percentage as well (plus the fact that its mentioned so often and even made it into the finals for those poll brackets.  It even made it into the Adult Swim contest as a "creator favorite" ).  Seems kinda odd to me.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #32 on: 02-17-2004 20:04 »

I think what made it great was that, like a fair few other Season 2 episodes (e.g. Xmas Story), it was jam packed with witty asides and clever gags. Plot-wise it might not have been the most coherent or dramatic, but I liked the whole Atlanta aspect of it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #33 on: 02-17-2004 20:12 »

I was also surprised to see it as a choice on [adult swim]'s ballot. I'm not saying that it was a bad episode, it just wasn't one of my favorites.
Kind of off-topic, but wasn't "Bender Should not be Allowed on TV" also a creator's choice? I really didn't think much of that episode, either, It might have had something to do with the way it originally aired, at the end of a run of a lot of Bender episodes. But still, it wasn't the best.
1 of the gang

Starship Captain
« Reply #34 on: 02-18-2004 00:13 »

Originally posted by bish:
i liked it alot.
"i need to go home, i miss my family and oxygen"
"yes we all miss our loved ones and gases"

And bingo was his name-o.

God!It feels great to be back at PEEL.I've been away for a while and for some PEELers it was prolly the best while of their stay here.

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 02-18-2004 04:44 »

it's really great when the entire PE staff do stuff together, like fishing. then they take turns doing related (fishing) gags. bender's 'international waters bag exchange' scene was slick.

i love leela's 'ocean madness' rant too. she's waving her arms around making the point and the rest of the crew just didn't seem to care. that was oddly funny.

all in all a consistantly funny ep.

Bending Unit
« Reply #36 on: 02-18-2004 04:57 »

Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #37 on: 02-18-2004 07:42 »

Originally posted by Gorky:
Kind of off-topic, but wasn't "Bender Should not be Allowed on TV" also a creator's choice?

Yes. My guess was that they chose it because it was a big slam on their (former) employers, Fox, particularly with the Network Execu-bots.


Bending Unit
« Reply #38 on: 02-18-2004 07:49 »

Fry: I'll be right back
[swims off]
**flushing noise and water drains**
Leela: Fry you did it!
Fry[doing up fly]: Did what?

Urban Legend
« Reply #39 on: 02-18-2004 07:53 »

The Deep South was great for me because I have always loved the idea of mermaids (my favourite Disney film being The Little Mermaid). And plus, Donovan was a guest star, and overall I just loved the storyline.
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