Dr. Morberg


Zoidbergs lines and sidestory.
*Waves while dressed as a gardener* "Dr. Zoidberg, homeowner!" "Your student loans have been repaid?" "Careful with that flag, it looks poisonous."
And I'm pretty sure this is the first time we saw "woopwoopwoopwoop".

DOOP Secretary

I loved when Zoidberg's house was burnt down.
Zoidberg: How did this happen?!
Hermes: That's a very good question!
Bender: Oh, so there's where I left my cigar.
Hermes: That just raises further questions!
I laugh at that every time.


I love the manwich part at the start, and the zoidberg part underwater cracks me up too.

Liquid Emperor
The Deep South is in my top 5 eps, it's funny all the way through.... Fry getting air into the briefcase....The look on his face in bed with Umbriel.... "I can't swallow that...." "Then GOOD NEWS, it's a suppository....!" "I found his scent, over here where the water gets warmer....!" (Zoidberg, nose to the ground sniffing like a bloodhound)  And the ending with Bender chocking Fry and Zoidberg appearing at the last second....classic.... 


People underestimate Leela's humor in that episode...all the boot stuff and her "ocean madness" ranting
Leela: It's ocean madness, alright. Sailors call it aqua dementia, the deep down crazies, the wet willies, the screaming moist-


1. Umbriel's explanation of the acceleration of the mutation process (smile)...
(leaving PEEL to go grab a Coke)
2. ... and of their somewhat different process of mating.
3. From a technical standpoint, the nicely done ocean texture.


"Why couldn't she have been the other kind of mermaid? With fish at top and human at bottom."  If I had a list of my all time faviroute episode this would be somewhere in the middle, not the best, but nowhere near the worst. Like most of Season 2 actually.
El Zilcho


The Magician? (seriously, I didn't get that joke)
Also: "Did it just get colder in here?"

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by El Zilcho: The Magician? (seriously, I didn't get that joke)
The Magician was one of the so-called gods (though gods they were) of Atlantis that left in Donavan's origianl song. Apparently, they couldn't come up with another famous person from Atlanta that would fit the timing; or they just wanted to be silly. I didn't get it either, until I heard "Atlantis" for the first time.

Bending Unit
-Donovan Parker (  ) -"I'm bored! Let's go!" -"I didn't kill him. Professor?" "No, I've been busy!" -"OW! My small intestines!" -HONK IF BENDER IS GREAT -And all the parts that didn't make sense.


The scene where Zoidberg's house burned down was classic. Also, the line "Well then good news! It's a suppository" always makes me smile. Something about the delivery that makes it great. Damn you, Billy West, for being such a great voice actor. Also some other stuff that I can't really remember too well. But this is what stood out.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by DotheBartman: To be honest the popularity of this one is something I've always found a tad perplexing. Its far from bad, but I don't like it a whole lot compared to a lot of other episodes. Its probably one of my least favorites...
I really never found it to be that great an episode, but I'm just going by the ranks at CGEF. This episode received a 93%, making it among the top-rated shows (93% is the highest grade received by any episode, this was just the first one to rank that high). I did think that the episode had its moments, all of which were mentioned above.

DOOP Secretary

I was also surprised to see it as a choice on [adult swim]'s ballot. I'm not saying that it was a bad episode, it just wasn't one of my favorites. Kind of off-topic, but wasn't "Bender Should not be Allowed on TV" also a creator's choice? I really didn't think much of that episode, either, It might have had something to do with the way it originally aired, at the end of a run of a lot of Bender episodes. But still, it wasn't the best.
1 of the gang

Starship Captain
Originally posted by bish: i liked it alot. "i need to go home, i miss my family and oxygen" "yes we all miss our loved ones and gases" And bingo was his name-o. God!It feels great to be back at PEEL.I've been away for a while and for some PEELers it was prolly the best while of their stay here. But... I'm Baaaaaaaack!