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Author Topic: A Pharaoh to Remember  (Read 3453 times)
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« Reply #40 on: 02-25-2004 03:56 »

I liked the episode
"let a whole new wave of cruelty wash over this land"  :laff:

But whoever said 300 big ones was the worst?  Come on, classic ending! and the whale biologist
"here's mushu, the educated whale who thinks he's better than you!"
Cloud 9

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 02-25-2004 20:33 »

I thought Bender's favorite "choice of death" was funny! (The Hulk?) Also, Bender needs to listen to "Danny Boy" in its entirety, cause it's not Danny that dies, it's his mum.  :p (I only know that cause I've had to listen to the song a ZILLION times...) I thought it was mean when Bender cut off Fry during his eulogy. That wasn't cool.  :( The ending was kinda sudden, too. But, mostly Bender's not that mean...That was just WRONG! *sniff*  :cry:
Dr. Morberg

« Reply #42 on: 02-25-2004 20:38 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 00:00 »

I thought this episode was hilarious. I also thought that Bender's behavior was somewhat justified. They showed early in the episode that Bender was feeling unappreciated. That, along with his natural meanness and the power going to his head, makes what he did seem in character. I would put this in my top 20 episodes, maybe even top 15.
Cloud 9

Bending Unit
« Reply #43 on: 02-25-2004 20:43 »

Hmmm...Now that I think about it, you're right about Bender's personality. He WOULD overreact to something like that. And we all know he's power-hungry...(But that's why we love him!)  :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #44 on: 02-26-2004 17:02 »

Oooooh yes it was. It may not have been [Elton John's] voice, but the likeness is just a little too coincidental.

Not to mention that his song was an obvious parody of "Benny And The Jets."

I liked the episode, by the way.  Yes, Bender was a bit over the top, but I don't think he was out of character, really.
Cloud 9

Bending Unit
« Reply #45 on: 02-26-2004 21:36 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2004 21:36 »

Hmmm...Perhaps not "out-of-character," maybe we were just seeing a more violent side of the normally only moderately-violent Bender's personality.   :eek: *just confused herself* (Yay for astericks!)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #46 on: 03-15-2004 19:29 »

Yea to me that episode funny and all around good

Urban Legend
« Reply #47 on: 03-15-2004 19:43 »

I only saw it once on Cartoon Network. It was okay, but it just didn't seem to have that special quality that made it memorable.

I thought 300 Big Boys was classic, because they focused on all of the characters. There's nothing quite like a well rounded story. I also thought the Cryonic Woman was pretty good.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #48 on: 03-16-2004 03:01 »

I thought that APTR was a pretty good episode, but i'm aussie too so maybe that has something to do with it. also 300BB was pretty good, but the cryonic woman was terrible.

Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 03-16-2004 03:22 »

Originally posted by Cloud 9:
Hmmm...Perhaps not "out-of-character," maybe we were just seeing a more violent side of the normally only moderately-violent Bender's personality.    :eek: *just confused herself* (Yay for astericks!)

What really annoyed about Bender in that episode was not his violence, or his use of power as Pharoah, but his jackass antics while being a slave. Bender would probably quickly be beaten to death by his fellow slaves the amount of effort he put into trying to make their lives harder, and his apparent love of forced labor (not forcing it, being forced to do it). I hated him there more than I've hated Cubert in any episode.

Urban Legend
« Reply #50 on: 03-16-2004 03:52 »
« Last Edit on: 03-16-2004 03:52 »

I don't care much about the whole 'Bender is too mean thing.' I like mean Bender, and he definitly has a megalomaniacal streak. The main problem with this ep for me is that it just isn't that funny. There were several small chuckles for me (Super intelligent ancient egyptians, the wall of prophecy, Fry's weird noise in the tomb etc.) and one big one (REMEMBER ME! <blau> REMEMBER ME! <blau> ), but it just didn't have enough to make it classic. It is in my list of sub-par eps, but I never felt angry towards Bender for his behaviour. Maybe I have some weird attraction towards evil characters...

And, yes, it probably would have been more in character for Leela to attempt an escape/rescue, but that wasn't really what the ep was about. Ah, well, live and learn...

Ah ha, that's what's wrong, no brilliant Zoidberg scene! (don't hurt me, I'm covered in contact poison.)

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #51 on: 03-16-2004 04:27 »

I remember when we first had the review thread for this episode, everyone else was like "worst episode ever!", and I was like "what are you talking about? It was great!".

I think I was overreacting to all of the negativity, by calling it "great". It's not a great episode. But damn it, it's good enough. It had me laughing most of the way through it. And I had no problems with the characters.

Bender was mean, but as David X. points out in the commentary, he's not trying to be mean. He's just caught up in his desire to be remembered after his death.

Maybe Leela would have tried to escape, or whatever. But the show is only 22 minutes long! If the lack of Leela escaping really bothers you, just pretend it did happen, but off-camera. The episode wasn't about Leela, and it wasn't about any crazy escape attempts--it was about Bender.
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