I'd ask Leela Out and hang out with Fry And Bender that would be the coolest day
DOOP Secretary
Play strip poker with Leela and Amy, but rig the cards so they both lose.
Delivery Boy
I'd ask Bender to see what was in his compartment.
If the crew came out of my tv it would be a tight squess (hahaha) i think i would show them all the dvd's and comic books about them. then leela would now about fry saying "I love you" in the stars. And as i reward they would have to give there first born son and i would raise it has my own... oh... i mean I'd hang out with fry...
gather em all up and have them help me assassanate rupert murdock! lol
Originally posted by Fridge: Simple- Pub crawl! Dude - I am so with you on that. I'd drag them down to Covent Garden with me, take in a show, get trashed around London and then club until the sun comes up. I wouldn't worry about funding the night out, what with Bender being there, and all.
My sis would marry Bender and have minny robits. I would paint Zoidberg blue to match his parallel counterpart.
If the characters came out of my TV I'd be so excited! First I would ask Fry out! Then I'd beat people up with Leela and she would be my friend. I'd paint my nails with Amy. I would have Professor do my homework. Hermese and I would have a limbo contest, but he would probably win. I'd fix up Zoidberg so he's pretty. I'd adopt Nibbler because he's so cute! For the rest of the cast I'd just go out and have a HUGE party and dance aroud with rings! Then we could use the Planet Express Ship to travel through space and meet aliens! Then back to the party!
DOOP Secretary
I would date Bender, telling that he is a sexy love machine and I don’t need a man because I got him. I might cheat on him with Fry for a bit. -----------------
I'd go to the moon and have my way with the crushinator...
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Whoopwhoopwhoop: I'd go to the moon and have my way with the crushinator... You're not good enough for a sweet lady like that. Try her younger sister.
I'd ask Fry if he smokes weed. If he doesn't, then he's gone. Then I'd proceed to rip bongs with Hermes while he solves my fiscal problems. Later, there would be a big clambake where Bender would cook up a delicious Doctor Zoidberg, wherein myself and the rest of the crew would get totally tanked and full of sweet, sweet space-lobster meat.
But Fry is not allowed unless he smokes the ganja. It's just how it is.
Originally posted by fryfanSpyOrama: If the PE crew could jump out of the TV screen and talk with you what would you do? I'd probably die of excitment. I'd ask Amy and Leela out. I'd want to hang out with Bender and Fry. I'd had Zoidberg eat my garbage. The Professor could help my with my college work. The fact that they aren't real and I can never meet them in person is a real damn shame. Amen to that!!! I would always hang out with Fry and Bender