Urban Legend
Originally posted by User_names_suck: ugh who cares about a stupid dog.
A lot of people here Obviously but they shouldn't its sad
AND TERAL DXC was reading from some stupid fan review 1. Umm, obviously a good portion of these posters, note the "I know how sad it is to have a dog die" or "poor Seymour waited for Fry" kinds of posts.... 2. Well, duuh. This is the Tearjerkiest Episode Poll, that's why they vote for it. Becasue it's sad. Instead of putting others' choices down, you could have said why it was a stupid choice.
Really tough call, but I'd have to go for 'The Sting'. The fact that Fry was prepared to lay down his lfe for Leela, and as someone else said, would stay at her side for two weeks, effectively waiting for her to die, well that's gotta be a tearjerker, surely?
Also Billy West and Katey Sagal play this wonderfully.
Of my other choices I'd agree with 'Jurassic Bark', 'Leela's Homeworld', 'Luck of the Fryish' and 'Time keeps slipping'.
Sorry if all these choices make me a wet blanket!
its a joke
and mouse on venus i dont want everyone to be exactly like me at all. dear god what a horrible moody world that would be.
There's no other way to put it other than the fact that I dont see any reason to care for the dog. Its not so much a criticism of the writing. I mean It was an intresting story and a very funny episode. But then it got really sentimental. emotion can be good but it didn't work for me here. and the fact that everyone worships it just motivates my anger.
And now I've had to repeat myself again
Devil's Hands got my vote. It wouldn't of but I learned that it was the last episode about 5 weeks ago and since then I can't watch the end or the beginning that says see you on some other channel without bursting into tears.
Actually I just realised a flaw in jurrasic bark that I'm amzed slipped by me, and people may have discussed already and come up with a logical awnser to it.
But in a flashback sequence, Seymour actually see's Fry in the croygenic tube. so surley it should be the goal of his life to try and break fry out of there. Instead of waiting on the street
Originally posted by KittinGas: Yes, that's riiiiiight User_names_suck... You are a very clever boy! You keep on looking... seriously I think I must be really stupid for forgetting, why seymour would wait for fry If he's seen him in the cryogenic tube. I pretty sure seymour knows whats going on.
« Reply #56 on: 01-24-2004 18:12 »
« Last Edit on: 01-24-2004 18:12 »
Yeah but even if he doesn't understand he surley realises fry seems unable to move, or he would at least try to get back and look in the last place he saw fry.
DOOP Secretary
I voted Jurassic Bark. I cried the second time I watched it, which is weird, because I was expecting the ending. I couldn't really enjoy the ep because I knew I was gonna cry. On a side note, TDHAIP, parasites lost, and The Sting are some of my favorites, but they didn't make me cry.
The Swede
the weird thing is, everyone seems to care more for the dog in JB, cause he is a dog, than poor Kif that gets mentally harassed by Zapp all the time. Kif is being seriously traumatized here, people!!
DOOP Secretary
Uh-oh, looks like they're showing Luck of the Fryrish on CN tomorrow. Guess I'll watch it and see if JB is still the greatest tear-jerker.
Jurassic Bark definitely. It was really the ending that was most tear-jerkey.
Is this the poll they mention on the S4 commentaries for Jurassic Bark? Oh I voted for JB too.
I voted for Jurassic Bark it was so sad.
DOOP Secretary
Time Keeps on Slipping is on Cartoon Network on Thursday. When I see it again I'll have to see if Jurrasic Bark still outdoes it.
The one with Fry's 7 leaf clover is sad...
but I think the mothers day episode had me laughing tears...
"Hahaha, Fan beats man"