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Author Topic: What do your parents/wives/siblings think of Futurama?  (Read 4023 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 01-20-2004 19:31 »

What do your parents/wives/siblings think of Futurama?

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 01-20-2004 19:32 »

My first wife thinks it's great but my second one isn't so keen...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 01-20-2004 19:55 »

my brother loves it just as much as me and my mum haves a bit of a laugh now an then.

« Reply #3 on: 01-20-2004 21:15 »

my mum and partner think im to obsessed. yeah right! that reminds me time to read every comic while simutaniosly[sp?] watching every episode from season 1-2. while also listenindg to the clool remix by cheeze. c'ya!

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 01-20-2004 21:26 »

WIVES? that's a pretty sexist question, isn't it?
Oh only MEN like Futurama! A WOMAN'S tiny girl brain can't comprehend all the SCIENCE FICTION or HUMOR, right? Thanks a frickin lot!!11!

My wife thinks it's okay...

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 01-20-2004 21:29 »

Um. i live alone, so i really don't know what they think. My cats don't seem to mind it. They recognize Katey's voice.

Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 01-20-2004 21:38 »

All my siblings like it, to varying degrees (me the most, with youngest sister and youngest brother close behind). My dad thinks it's clever, but only watches it when I do, and my mom thinks Bender is too crude, so dismisses the rest of the show (all that she has seen is Hell is Other Robots)

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 01-20-2004 22:04 »

My sister doesn't mind it... she watched a lot of the episodes when they were first on TV, but didn't love them enough to watch them a second time. My mum doesn't watch TV except for crime dramas and movies, so she just dismisses it as animation. My dad watched a few episodes when Futurama was on at a decent time, and enjoyed the references to stuff and social commentary (he's that sort of a dad who actually read a fair way through the dictionary for enjoyment), but forgot about it once the footy season started. My dog seems to enjoy it just as much as any other program on TV. Most of my cousins have never heard of it, and the ones that have stopped watching it after Channel 7 put it at 11.30 at night. My friends either have never heard of it, or don't really know much about it ("Is that the one with that robot?" ) So... I'm really the only obsessed one I know...   :rolleyes:
Action Jacktion

« Reply #8 on: 01-20-2004 22:16 »
« Last Edit on: 03-26-2004 00:00 »

My brother watches it but I don't know how much he likes it.  For some reason one of his favorite gags ever is the Hubble Telescope joke from "When Aliens Attack."

My mother really likes it, or at least the episodes I've had her watch, and has cried multiple times.  But I'm not sure how well she retains them: She first saw "The Sting" maybe a month after it first aired, but when I showed it to her again a few days ago she had little memory of it.  She can also have trouble with the names.  Here are some of her attempts:

Leela: Leah
Professor: Grandpa
Hermes: "The Hispanic guy" (I know...)
Amy: "That little Chinese girl"
Zoidberg: Foidberg, Voidberg (For some reason she cannot pronounce his name correctly)

But usually she gets them right.

And I don't have a significant other because I'm a loser.

Starship Captain
« Reply #9 on: 01-20-2004 22:26 »

My parents love Futurama better that the Simpsons. My sister doesn't think much of it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #10 on: 01-20-2004 22:27 »

Brother loves it, parents think it's stupid, aunt likes it, and I try to make my friends watch it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 01-20-2004 23:06 »

My Friends think its awsome, but some dude in my school says it sucks, and it dosen't he does!
My Parents like it a lot too, and my brother doesn't love it, but he likes it
Hey man!
It's a great show! :laff:


Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 01-20-2004 23:23 »

they dont appreciate it as they should, they need to be destroyed.

« Reply #13 on: 01-20-2004 23:42 »

^they dont appreciate it as they should, they need to be destroyed.

[monotone]destroy! destroy![/monotone]

Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 01-21-2004 12:14 »

Originally posted by Action Jacktion:

Hermes: "That Hispanic guy" (I know...)

Hi hi hi Thank's man, you made my day.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #15 on: 01-21-2004 12:38 »

I blame FOX for people not know it, but my brother is just about as obssed as me about it. But everone else has eaither never heard of it or watched a few episodes and dismissed it. :-/

lol hispanic, thats ok first time my mom saw futurama she classafied Bender as a black robot and zoidburg as "the jewish fella"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #16 on: 01-21-2004 12:41 »

Originally posted by ooy:
While also listening to the cool remix by cheeze. c'ya!

Dude, his name is Cheeez.

As for who watches it:
- My brother likes it and has watched every episode.
- 2 - 3 of my friends are now able to quote several episodes and also understnd what I'm qouting.
- My Cat who sometimes watches the Dvds with me reacts to the tone of the professors voice when he says "Good news everyone".
- My mother dislikes it.
- My father lost his sense of humour a couple of decades ago.
- I don't really have a significant other.

« Reply #17 on: 01-21-2004 12:45 »

One or two of my friends like Futurama. Although most people just call it crap because it isn't 'The Simpsons'  :nono:

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 01-21-2004 12:55 »

sil likes it more than me. My first passion is anime. My parents... dont pay attention to tv. although my stepdad did laugh alot on the few times he's seen it.
sil... my significant other? she loves it, and got me into it in a bigger way. She knows too much... its scary. I can say that her parents hate it though. alas.

Urban Legend
« Reply #19 on: 01-21-2004 12:59 »

My dad kinda likes it, my mum and sister dont really bother with it. I dont think they hate it, but they wouldn't sit down and watch an ep. My dad would though. I'm the only fan in my family really  :)
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #20 on: 01-21-2004 13:42 »

My parents both like it, my dad slighly more than my mum. And my brother really likes it, a bit more than my parents, but not even close to as much as me  :)
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #21 on: 01-21-2004 13:58 »
« Last Edit on: 01-21-2004 13:58 »

My dad likes it a lot, but my mom's not a real fan of anything animated. My friend likes it enough that he watches sometimes, even if he doesn't know who Amy is.  :p

My dad's favorite character is Bender.
« Reply #22 on: 01-21-2004 18:01 »

I seem to be a lone ranger on Futurama appreciation in my circle of friends. Everyone's so fickle with television they don't have the resolve to stubbornly stick with a show even after it's dead. Damn their practicality!

And that is why I must seek refuge on the Internet.

Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 01-21-2004 18:47 »

My brother thinks that it's funny, but he's more of Simpsons geek, being a teenager when it first aired. In my group of about 8 friends, discluding myself, there are three who watch it religiously. Although, I am making one of my other friends watch the ones I know she'd like. We could have a convert.

Space Pope
« Reply #24 on: 01-22-2004 23:53 »

Mostly unknown for people I know. Most people I know know of it, but not about it.
Brother likes it, 1 good friend religously likes it.  :)
Spice Weasel

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #25 on: 01-23-2004 00:39 »

A few friends like it.  One of my bandmates suggested I seek counselling on account of my unhealthy obsession.  My Dad knows about it. "Thats the cartoon with that one eyed woman, right?"

My wife is buried in my backyard, no opinion from her so far...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 01-23-2004 00:51 »

My dad enjoys it a lot, and watches it with me very often. My mum has seen a few episodes, but I don't think she pays much attention - as I heard her say "I like Bender, he's nice".

Most of my friends like the show a lot, although I'm the only one who's really obsessed.

My wife said "Rarrgh, I'm your wife!" then jumped out the window. The last I heard, she was in Egypt... You don't wanna know what my siblings think.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #27 on: 01-23-2004 02:50 »

My family generally watches it with me...

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 01-23-2004 03:09 »

Almost everybody I know thinks it's good, but not great. I'm the only one who's obsesed.

« Reply #29 on: 01-23-2004 08:03 »

We (varies from 2 to 5 persons every evening) are currently doing some "episode evenings" sporadically - since I have all the DVDs we started watching every ep in production order, beginning with the pilot. Almost all of my friends think it is very good, one is almost as obsessed as I am. So far, we have come to 4ACV01 over the months. And I have started to "convert" people by lending them the DVDs successfully - mostly fellow musicians.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #30 on: 01-23-2004 10:52 »

thats nice of you living without your futurama dvds for some time whic is awfully hard to do

« Reply #31 on: 01-23-2004 13:09 »
« Last Edit on: 01-23-2004 13:09 »

Oh not really: I have the images of the DVDs collected on my external hd as long as I have free space left - I am going to a kind of vacation with the orchestra and choir on monday, among them are many of my fellow episode watchers, so we will probably watch some eps there on the notebooks.

Edit: Yes, we *are* nerds (at least I am)  :cry:

Bending Unit
« Reply #32 on: 01-23-2004 13:36 »

well my 2 of my brothers like it, I don't know bout the rest of my siblings... they've all buggered off!
My parents think it's a pile of junk, but my dad will occasionally watch it and say he doesn't get it. All my mates think it's crap too :'(

Starship Captain
« Reply #33 on: 01-23-2004 15:01 »

My girlfriend loves the show.
and I love her.

well that's it

« Reply #34 on: 01-23-2004 15:23 »

Hello everyone,

and as this is my first posting here ever, I also could say: "Good News, Everyone !",

as I just few minutes ago joined here - hopefully I didn't steal anyone's Avatar (if so please send a personal message/mail/something and I'll give up immediately...)

I love the show, and as an answer to the actual question is yes, my wife also likes Futurama the big way, loves the complex episodes (a la Sting), despises Zapp Brannigan etc - so I believe you hear the music here  ;)

John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #35 on: 01-23-2004 15:28 »

Welcome to PEEL, derego!  :) If you need any help, go here. You're not using anyone's avatar as far as I know.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #36 on: 01-23-2004 15:35 »

My brother liked it a lot, but I wouldn't say he loved it, I think my sister likes it but I'm not sure, and I don't think my parents mid it, but they don't seek it out and watch it.  But once at our cottage, Global (the only channel we get up there) was showing a rerun of Rosweel That Ends Well that we all watched, and eveyone liked that one.

Bending Unit
« Reply #37 on: 01-24-2004 05:46 »

My cat watches with me, my daughter will watch it now and then (she's a big Simpson's fan), but my wife think's it's dumb (no surprise - she also don't like the Simpson's).

*Looks for a mistress that likes Futurama...*

Delivery Boy
« Reply #38 on: 01-25-2004 00:03 »

I'm only 15, so no wife for me, and I'm a loser, so no girlfriend. Anyway... I live with my 4 siblings, the oldest of which is 6, my mom, my grandma, and my great-grandma. In other words, 3 generations of women and a bunch of kids.

The 6-year old, Jordan, and the 4-year old, Jonah, both like it enough to watch it with me and occasionally (mis)quote it. The other two are twins, and are only babies, so they don't watch it.

My mom hasn't really ever seen it, I think. On the rare occasion I'm watching it outside of my room, she's usually on the computer.

My grandma usually has a good sense of humor, but when she saw a bit of Farnswoth Parabox (the bit where they go into all the boxes), she asked "is this supposed to be funny?" So, nope. Not a fan. I tried to show her some of the DVD, but she didn't want to.

My great-grandma is ...old and obsessed with Murder She Wrote. She laughed at X-mas story's "and even though I'm surrounded by robots, and monsters, and old people...", and some other stuff, but I don't think she'd like it all that much.

One of cousins used to talk with me on the phone when it was on and we would comment on it, but he doesn't watch it any more.

Urban Legend
« Reply #39 on: 01-25-2004 00:15 »

My parents like it and think it's funny (they think it's more clever than the Simpsons -- I would agree -- and so they hold it in higher regard).

My sister is a fan, in passing. She watches whenever she wanders into the TV room when I'm watching, and knows some of the better quotes and so on.

I don't think I have any friends who are averse to Futurama -- in fact, I actively push Futurama on them all the time. I even got my best friend to be such a fan that he asked for the Region 1 DVDs for Christmas. Who was I to say no?  :)).

My best friend and I are the only ones who really enjoy the commentaries though -- my mom hates 'em because she hasn't seen most episodes, so she's all confused and doesn't get the jokes.
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