my mum and partner think im to obsessed. yeah right! that reminds me time to read every comic while simutaniosly[sp?] watching every episode from season 1-2. while also listenindg to the clool remix by cheeze. c'ya!
Bending Unit
My Friends think its awsome, but some dude in my school says it sucks, and it dosen't he does! My Parents like it a lot too, and my brother doesn't love it, but he likes it Hey man! It's a great show!
^they dont appreciate it as they should, they need to be destroyed.
[monotone]destroy! destroy![/monotone]
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by ooy: While also listening to the cool remix by cheeze. c'ya! Dude, his name is Cheeez. As for who watches it: - My brother likes it and has watched every episode. - 2 - 3 of my friends are now able to quote several episodes and also understnd what I'm qouting. - My Cat who sometimes watches the Dvds with me reacts to the tone of the professors voice when he says "Good news everyone". - My mother dislikes it. - My father lost his sense of humour a couple of decades ago. - I don't really have a significant other.
I seem to be a lone ranger on Futurama appreciation in my circle of friends. Everyone's so fickle with television they don't have the resolve to stubbornly stick with a show even after it's dead. Damn their practicality!
And that is why I must seek refuge on the Internet.
DOOP Secretary
My dad enjoys it a lot, and watches it with me very often. My mum has seen a few episodes, but I don't think she pays much attention - as I heard her say "I like Bender, he's nice".
Most of my friends like the show a lot, although I'm the only one who's really obsessed.
My wife said "Rarrgh, I'm your wife!" then jumped out the window. The last I heard, she was in Egypt... You don't wanna know what my siblings think.
We (varies from 2 to 5 persons every evening) are currently doing some "episode evenings" sporadically - since I have all the DVDs we started watching every ep in production order, beginning with the pilot. Almost all of my friends think it is very good, one is almost as obsessed as I am. So far, we have come to 4ACV01 over the months. And I have started to "convert" people by lending them the DVDs successfully - mostly fellow musicians.
Hello everyone, and as this is my first posting here ever, I also could say: "Good News, Everyone !", as I just few minutes ago joined here - hopefully I didn't steal anyone's Avatar (if so please send a personal message/mail/something and I'll give up immediately...) I love the show, and as an answer to the actual question is yes, my wife also likes Futurama the big way, loves the complex episodes (a la Sting), despises Zapp Brannigan etc - so I believe you hear the music here
Delivery Boy
I'm only 15, so no wife for me, and I'm a loser, so no girlfriend. Anyway... I live with my 4 siblings, the oldest of which is 6, my mom, my grandma, and my great-grandma. In other words, 3 generations of women and a bunch of kids.
The 6-year old, Jordan, and the 4-year old, Jonah, both like it enough to watch it with me and occasionally (mis)quote it. The other two are twins, and are only babies, so they don't watch it.
My mom hasn't really ever seen it, I think. On the rare occasion I'm watching it outside of my room, she's usually on the computer.
My grandma usually has a good sense of humor, but when she saw a bit of Farnswoth Parabox (the bit where they go into all the boxes), she asked "is this supposed to be funny?" So, nope. Not a fan. I tried to show her some of the DVD, but she didn't want to.
My great-grandma is ...old and obsessed with Murder She Wrote. She laughed at X-mas story's "and even though I'm surrounded by robots, and monsters, and old people...", and some other stuff, but I don't think she'd like it all that much.
One of cousins used to talk with me on the phone when it was on and we would comment on it, but he doesn't watch it any more.
Urban Legend
My parents like it and think it's funny (they think it's more clever than the Simpsons -- I would agree -- and so they hold it in higher regard). My sister is a fan, in passing. She watches whenever she wanders into the TV room when I'm watching, and knows some of the better quotes and so on. I don't think I have any friends who are averse to Futurama -- in fact, I actively push Futurama on them all the time. I even got my best friend to be such a fan that he asked for the Region 1 DVDs for Christmas. Who was I to say no? ). My best friend and I are the only ones who really enjoy the commentaries though -- my mom hates 'em because she hasn't seen most episodes, so she's all confused and doesn't get the jokes.