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Author Topic: Episodes That Should Have Been Made  (Read 3517 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 01-15-2004 06:39 »

 The Return of Barbados Slim
 A Exploration of Hermes background (all the rest of the cast were allowed in various episodes... even Kif).
 Zapp Branigan becoming president of Earth after the abduction of Nixon by the Robot Devil.
 The Return of the Zookeeper (that guy needed soo much more scene time)*italic-text*
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 01-15-2004 09:54 »
« Last Edit on: 01-15-2004 09:54 »

NOT the zookeeper!! That guy raped so many donkeys ! I would like to see some more of the PE ship (as a character)

[EDIT]Hasn't this been done?[/EDIT]

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 01-15-2004 09:57 »

I think an exploration of Hermes's background would be appropriate, not to mention funny.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 01-15-2004 11:08 »

more hedonism bot - he made the last episode for me

Delivery Boy
« Reply #4 on: 01-15-2004 11:22 »

More locations on earth would have been cool. Different counrties etc.

« Reply #5 on: 01-15-2004 12:22 »
« Last Edit on: 01-15-2004 12:22 »

The zoo-keeper was really annoying for me but another episode for Hermes would have been great I think.

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 01-15-2004 12:50 »

I would have liked to have seen Leela actually search for her parents.

Also Nibbler's "The Other" comment explained

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 01-15-2004 12:58 »

I also just LOVED the parabox ep. I would have liked to see more parallel universes, maybe for them to spend more time in them. And it would have been cool to see the PE crew in Fry's time, although that would have shattered the "No Time Travel" rule.

« Reply #8 on: 01-15-2004 14:19 »

ah damn that reminded me im such a dork i had a futurama dream...i was watching fry and amy try to builed a plane to try to fly out of some ring shaped jail or something when all of the sudden a fry and amy from a different universe came flying in on a plane they made only they were from a universe made of paper and they flew into the real fry and amys propeller and got minced to pieces.

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 01-15-2004 14:21 »

They should make an episode based on that!

« Reply #10 on: 01-15-2004 14:23 »

haha yeah i dream good episodes.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 01-15-2004 15:07 »

Originally posted by Venus:
I would have liked to have seen Leela actually search for her parents.

Now I like Venus, I think she's a good PEEL'er, but quite frankly I agree with everything she just said!

Also a survival-episode with just Leela and Amy. Not like AWITM, more just the two of them stranded in a jungle and depending on eachother for survival. Would've been a great opurtunity for them to really make some catty remarks at eachother, but in the end it's only by combining forces and exploiting the strenghts of both personas they'll make it out alive. Yeah, it's cliché but I think the show lacked some good Amy/Leela episodes.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #12 on: 01-15-2004 15:13 »

Did you ever write any fanfiction, Teral?

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 01-15-2004 15:19 »

The Return of Barbados Slim
A Exploration of Hermes background (all the rest of the cast were allowed in various episodes... even Kif).

I like this idea, and it's quite likely that Slim would feature in an episode about Hermes' past, so that would be killing two birds with one stone.  As far as exploring characters' backgrounds, that's never been done with Zapp, either.

Zapp Branigan becoming president of Earth after the abduction of Nixon by the Robot Devil.

Since "Bend Her" takes place in 3004, it would probably be getting close to the time for another election in the Futurama world anyway.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 01-15-2004 15:29 »

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus:
Did you ever write any fanfiction, Teral?

Not yet, soon hopefully. Otherwise my project-buddies will beat me to a bloddy pulp.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #15 on: 01-15-2004 15:49 »

Originally posted by Teral:
Also a survival-episode with just Leela and Amy. Not like AWITM, more just the two of them stranded in a jungle and depending on eachother for survival. Would've been a great opurtunity for them to really make some catty remarks at eachother, but in the end it's only by combining forces and exploiting the strenghts of both personas they'll make it out alive.

The only problem with that idea is that you can't show HLS on network television.   :p

Anyway, I would have liked to have seen a return of Michelle and/or Morgan Proctor.  Either one of them would have made a good recurring nemesis.

Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 01-15-2004 16:58 »

Originally posted by EspanolBot:
 The Return of Barbados Slim

Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #17 on: 01-15-2004 19:13 »

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus:
Did you ever write any fanfiction, Teral?

No but I have, and it's a Leela/Amy survival thingy, and ironically Teral is the only one to have read a large part of it - since it's not quite finished - a coincidence all this!?!
You know I'm only joking Mike, I still need you to boost my fluctuating ego  :p

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 01-15-2004 19:45 »

Originally posted by Zed 85:
 No but I have, and it's a Leela/Amy survival thingy

I had a snappy comment here, but that would give away important plot-elements. Can't have that.  ;)

, and ironically Teral is the only one to have read a large part of it - since it's not quite finished - a coincidence all this!?!
You know I'm only joking Mike, I still need you to boost my fluctuating ego   :p

Completely coincidental. As a old friend once said, "I believe in coincidences, they happen every day, I just don't trust them."  :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #19 on: 01-15-2004 21:48 »

I would like to see an episode where Fry, Leela, and Bender do some detective/cop-style work.  I'm working on a fanfic based on this.  I, too have had some Futurama related dreams, myself.  But that's for another day!   :)
Action Jacktion

« Reply #20 on: 01-15-2004 22:43 »

I think an Aliens parody might have been good.  And an all-out Lovecraftean story might have worked, with billion year-old ruins and godlike aliens from beyond space and all that.

Urban Legend
« Reply #21 on: 01-15-2004 23:08 »

Originally posted by Teral:
 Also a survival-episode with just Leela and Amy. Not like AWITM, more just the two of them stranded in a jungle and depending on eachother for survival. Would've been a great opurtunity for them to really make some catty remarks at eachother, but in the end it's only by combining forces and exploiting the strenghts of both personas they'll make it out alive. Yeah, it's cliché but I think the show lacked some good Amy/Leela episodes.

That's frikken awesome. I love that. But what would Leela need Amy for? Withen a half hour of being stranded Leela would have a shelter built, a fire going, and would probably have killed some large animal for dinner with her bare hands. She would do just fine without Amy. Just give her a bloody volleyball with bad hair and all would be well.

Zed: this survival fic you speak of, is it the novel you're currently in the process of finishing?
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #22 on: 01-16-2004 11:24 »

@Venus. Basically, though perhaps I flew slightly off the handle. It is about Amy and Leela having to survive together, but perhaps not to quite the degree as Teral hypothasises.
Or something.
Read it and find out.  :)

Having said that, perhaps a Fry/Bender survival thing may have been a cool idea too  :)
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #23 on: 01-16-2004 12:04 »

Originally posted by Venus:
 That's frikken awesome. I love that. But what would Leela need Amy for? Withen a half hour of being stranded Leela would have a shelter built, a fire going, and would probably have killed some large animal for dinner with her bare hands. She would do just fine without Amy. Just give her a bloody volleyball with bad hair and all would be well.

But I thought Amy was [THIS POST IS OVER! - Ubermod Kryten]

Starship Captain
« Reply #24 on: 01-16-2004 17:24 »

ide like to see something with more stephen hawking...maybe opening up one of his copyrighted hawking holes and traveled to the future to kill fry... hold him down.

Bending Unit
« Reply #25 on: 01-16-2004 20:25 »

I wonder if Stephen Hawking is still alive in the 31st century as a head in a jar.  If so, does he still have his voice synthesizer?

« Reply #26 on: 01-16-2004 22:30 »

Originally posted by VoVat:
I wonder if Stephen Hawking is still alive in the 31st century as a head in a jar.  If so, does he still have his voice synthesizer?

Ooohhh... The mysteries of the future... I bet he is. He won the noble prize MORE than once if I'm not mistaken. But I wonder how his voice synthesizer would work... I guess we'll never know....


Starship Captain
« Reply #27 on: 01-17-2004 00:49 »

I would have liked to have seen a full half-hour episode of "The Scary Door."

Delivery Boy
« Reply #28 on: 01-17-2004 14:08 »

i wish they did a few more regurlar episodes, like the what-if-a-tron ones, and a few more x-mas episodes

« Reply #29 on: 01-18-2004 03:50 »

[Newsmonster] Morbo demands that the entire puny human race be enslaved by Morbo's kind!
[Linda]  :laff:

I would have loved to have seen Morbo actually follow through in his threats and pick a random person to torture (I suggest the australian)...on a broadcast network! Morbo however will have to fight virtually an identical clone of him for market share and political support with the Newsmonster of his planet.

« Reply #30 on: 12-15-2006 18:44 »

i think they should make a third anthology of interest episode where zoidberg, amy and hermes ask questions.zoidberg:what if i was a rich crustacean? amy:what if i wasn't cute anymore? hermes: what if the world was more organized?
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #31 on: 12-16-2006 11:54 »

Hmm, this isn't a bad thread to dig up as its on a good subject so I would say I would like to see an episode which explains about 'the other' with the Nibblonians

Urban Legend
« Reply #32 on: 12-16-2006 16:21 »

I would like to see an episode about Leela being 'the other', myself, Dave B.  There should also be another Anthology of Interest episode as well. 

I would like to see an episode about Fry revealing a secret weight problem and his chubbiness turns out to be a cover-up all along.
Plus, an episode where they go to a jungle planet. 
Bending Unit
« Reply #33 on: 12-16-2006 22:02 »
« Last Edit on: 12-16-2006 22:02 »

Love the anthology III story ideas and I'm sure if the series lasts long enough the second time around we will learn more about the Leela/Other/Nibblonian thing, but the number one episode that I have wanted to see is one that explains the two following quotes from Leela:

"Still, given the chance, I'd give in to urges far more shocking." and "Have my years of wild hedonism finally caught up with me?"

On the other hand, a network tv version of that story could be disappointing. Guess I'll have to rely on good ol' fashioned imagination (and fan art from other sites).

Bending Unit
« Reply #34 on: 12-17-2006 01:50 »

I would love to see a Neutral planet episode. The neutral humor is the dryest humor I've ever seen and I LOVE IT! So many possibilities!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #35 on: 12-17-2006 06:35 »

^^^ The neutrals are the best! ^^^

i would like to see an ep where more of the nibblonians and the brains story could be revealed. Also a story where a new crew member was introduced could be good (even better if they didn't stay and were a 1 ep thing)
Writer unit32

« Reply #36 on: 12-17-2006 08:01 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2006 08:01 »

I would like to see episodes with:
  • A delivery on Trisol(which is why I'm making a fic about that).
  • Zoidberg becoming a Lord on Decapod after the death of his uncle's step-son's friend's dad's ex-roommate and then getting into trouble and being saved by the others(or not.MWAHAHAHA!)
  • The What If Machine(lets just say Anthology Of Interest III) and Fry,Bender and a background character asking questions.
  • A Xanfor and Katrina come-back.
  • More of the Brainspawn,The Mighty One,The Nibblonians and of course The Other.

And last but most important:
A episode where it is revealed that Scruffy was the Legendary Defender of The Universe who stopped the Earthican army once,and with no-one trusting him before the Brainspawn make another attack and when everything is lost,Scruffy comes and stops The Brains using his super-ultra janitor powers.  :laff:
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #37 on: 12-17-2006 08:12 »

Originally posted by Writer unit32:
A episode where it is revealed that Scruffy was the Legendary Defender of The Universe who stopped the Earthican army once,and with no-one trusting him before the Brainspawn make another attack and when everything is lost,Scruffy comes and stops The Brains using his super-ultra janitor powers.   :laff:

That would be a laugh, but Fry is the true mighty one  :p as the concept of someone so stupid being the person who saves the entire Universe is just comical beyond belief  :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #38 on: 12-18-2006 22:24 »

Fry clones himself, and his clone and Leela hook up. Fry and Bender then plot revenge on the clone.
Writer unit32

« Reply #39 on: 12-19-2006 03:14 »

Originally posted by robertojamison:
Fry clones himself, and his clone and Leela hook up. Fry and Bender then plot revenge on the clone.

There was a fan-fic about that!
 They should have made a episode where Planet Express sees a hostile takeover and Bender falls into the hands of criminals where he is used to fulfill their schemes.
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