

ah damn that reminded me im such a dork i had a futurama dream...i was watching fry and amy try to builed a plane to try to fly out of some ring shaped jail or something when all of the sudden a fry and amy from a different universe came flying in on a plane they made only they were from a universe made of paper and they flew into the real fry and amys propeller and got minced to pieces.


haha yeah i dream good episodes.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Venus: I would have liked to have seen Leela actually search for her parents.
Now I like Venus, I think she's a good PEEL'er, but quite frankly I agree with everything she just said! Also a survival-episode with just Leela and Amy. Not like AWITM, more just the two of them stranded in a jungle and depending on eachother for survival. Would've been a great opurtunity for them to really make some catty remarks at eachother, but in the end it's only by combining forces and exploiting the strenghts of both personas they'll make it out alive. Yeah, it's cliché but I think the show lacked some good Amy/Leela episodes.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: Did you ever write any fanfiction, Teral? Not yet, soon hopefully. Otherwise my project-buddies will beat me to a bloddy pulp.
Action Jacktion


I think an Aliens parody might have been good. And an all-out Lovecraftean story might have worked, with billion year-old ruins and godlike aliens from beyond space and all that.
Zed 85

Space Pope
@Venus. Basically, though perhaps I flew slightly off the handle. It is about Amy and Leela having to survive together, but perhaps not to quite the degree as Teral hypothasises. Or something. Read it and find out.  Having said that, perhaps a Fry/Bender survival thing may have been a cool idea too 


Originally posted by VoVat: I wonder if Stephen Hawking is still alive in the 31st century as a head in a jar. If so, does he still have his voice synthesizer? Ooohhh... The mysteries of the future... I bet he is. He won the noble prize MORE than once if I'm not mistaken. But I wonder how his voice synthesizer would work... I guess we'll never know....


[Newsmonster] Morbo demands that the entire puny human race be enslaved by Morbo's kind! [Linda] I would have loved to have seen Morbo actually follow through in his threats and pick a random person to torture (I suggest the australian)...on a broadcast network! Morbo however will have to fight virtually an identical clone of him for market share and political support with the Newsmonster of his planet.


i think they should make a third anthology of interest episode where zoidberg, amy and hermes ask questions.zoidberg:what if i was a rich crustacean? amy:what if i wasn't cute anymore? hermes: what if the world was more organized?
Writer unit32


« Reply #36 on: 12-17-2006 08:01 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2006 08:01 »
I would like to see episodes with: - A delivery on Trisol(which is why I'm making a fic about that).
- Zoidberg becoming a Lord on Decapod after the death of his uncle's step-son's friend's dad's ex-roommate and then getting into trouble and being saved by the others(or not.MWAHAHAHA!)
- The What If Machine(lets just say Anthology Of Interest III) and Fry,Bender and a background character asking questions.
- A Xanfor and Katrina come-back.
- More of the Brainspawn,The Mighty One,The Nibblonians and of course The Other.
And last but most important: A episode where it is revealed that Scruffy was the Legendary Defender of The Universe who stopped the Earthican army once,and with no-one trusting him before the Brainspawn make another attack and when everything is lost,Scruffy comes and stops The Brains using his super-ultra janitor powers. 
Writer unit32


Originally posted by robertojamison: Fry clones himself, and his clone and Leela hook up. Fry and Bender then plot revenge on the clone. There was a fan-fic about that! They should have made a episode where Planet Express sees a hostile takeover and Bender falls into the hands of criminals where he is used to fulfill their schemes.