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Author Topic: How Would You Have Ended It?  (Read 4550 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #80 on: 04-18-2004 10:10 »

Was that the final season?
If it was i would have had Leela agree to go out on a date with Fry after he plays a bad version to her at the end. Then end the episode.
Bending Unit
« Reply #81 on: 04-18-2004 11:31 »

I liked the ending except I would have added like one more minute in which after Fry had played, Leela walked up on the stage and sat on his lap. "I love you Leela, and I always have." he would say. She would reply "and I love you Fry". Then the episode would end with a shot zooming from them on the stage hugging in that chair. That's how I would have ended it except I would make that end after many more seasons.

Welcome Dr.Jerkbird, hope you enjoy it here.

Starship Captain
« Reply #82 on: 04-18-2004 11:45 »

Thanks, your right. There are not enough enough seasons. I think that maybe earlier on in the episode Zoidberg should have become richer or something somehow.  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #83 on: 04-18-2004 11:55 »

Ninjas, man. Ninjas.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #84 on: 04-18-2004 12:39 »

He would have become richer if he didnt sell half the PlanEx stocks for an old sandwich in Futurestock.

Space Pope
« Reply #85 on: 04-18-2004 13:49 »

Well Zoidberg is particualerly stupid. And he never eats anything etiable -at least not for a human-. So yeah he'd trade his share of stocks for a whole complete sandwhich.

Bending Unit
« Reply #86 on: 04-18-2004 15:22 »

Actually, Zoidberg wouldn't have even been rich in that case, since the stock ended up only being worth three kajiggers.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #87 on: 04-18-2004 15:43 »

Originally posted by VoVat:
Actually, Zoidberg wouldn't have even been rich in that case, since the stock ended up only being worth three kajiggers.

Well, its still more money than he had.

« Reply #88 on: 04-19-2004 21:06 »

the ending was good coz it had a closing but yet still left a opening for new episodes they really carnt tie everythin up in it coz there would be no where for new episodes to go

« Reply #89 on: 04-20-2004 09:28 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2004 09:28 »

it depends on what sort of ending you want? i'd have 2, a sad and happy.

sad: farnsworth passes away, lil hubert matures a bit, leela and hermes would be the mother/father kind of role till he's old enough to run the company as well as taking over making inventions, everyone has been hit hard by the death, unfortunately it does leave the whole series to a downer.. probably pick a memorable song at the end, just like Simple Minds - Dont you forget about me, say have Mike and The Mechanics - The Living Years.

happy: yes the bondage of fry and leela getting closer, and perhaps have an hour-long episode where the niblonians are involved, and it does show more of what leela and fry are about regards to the "other one"

i dont know i may have touched charted waters with the two, but dont poke me with spoons please!

« Reply #90 on: 10-29-2006 12:17 »

Roswell That Ends Well Would have been a good final ending, but a little cheezey. Still, a great way to end the show, walking into the sunset

Bending Unit
« Reply #91 on: 10-29-2006 12:34 »

I don't find anything wrong with the ending they gave it because the way it ended isn't like other shows to say there won't be another series ever. but the way they ended it on The Devil's Hands Are Idle play things i think leela says something like 'don't stop playing' (i havn't seen that episode in a while so forgive me if i got it wrong') that gives people hope that there might be a new series which there will be and a possible movie  :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #92 on: 10-30-2006 08:43 »

I'd not do an ending.I will make the show Eternal(I'll make it a tradition given from writer to junior writer and so on...'till the end of time and afterwards)!

Urban Legend
« Reply #93 on: 10-30-2006 12:15 »

Originally posted by readymade:
Roswell That Ends Well Would have been a good final ending, but a little cheezey. Still, a great way to end the show, walking into the sunset

Yeah, but there would be very little chance of Leela and Fry winding up together if Fry banged his own Grandma in the last episode

Starship Captain
« Reply #94 on: 10-30-2006 14:26 »

Originally posted by master616:
I don't find anything wrong with the ending they gave it because the way it ended isn't like other shows to say there won't be another series ever. but the way they ended it on The Devil's Hands Are Idle play things i think leela says something like 'don't stop playing' (i havn't seen that episode in a while so forgive me if i got it wrong') that gives people hope that there might be a new series which there will be and a possible movie   :D

I actually agree...wow thats new for me...

Originally posted by tyraniak:
Yeah, but there would be very little chance of Leela and Fry winding up together if Fry banged his own Grandma in the last episode

hehe! how strangely true!!

Bending Unit
« Reply #95 on: 10-30-2006 14:36 »

that's a first for me too a first person to agree with me  :D

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #96 on: 10-30-2006 17:17 »

i think you should tell its the end but not have every-one waving bubi so there is still a possibility for more (like in this case)

If they had a proper ending it would be hard to make a new series.
Tastes Like Fry

Urban Legend
« Reply #97 on: 10-30-2006 20:06 »

I wouldn't change the story at all, but over the credits I would've like to have heard the actual 'Walking on Sunshine' song, the verse lyrics are so appropiate... and Billy West should sing it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #98 on: 10-30-2006 21:28 »

Originally posted by shoopbender:
I liked the ending except I would have added like one more minute in which after Fry had played, Leela walked up on the stage and sat on his lap. "I love you Leela, and I always have." he would say. She would reply "and I love you Fry". Then the episode would end with a shot zooming from them on the stage hugging in that chair.

YES. That would have probably done it for me (as a minimum   :), but zooming out from them kissing ). However we all know they decided not to allow Leela say The Words - (which is a pity - Ok she was hurt before, prudent, etc, but Come On, Give In Already! It's the End of the Series! for Zombie God's sake) Also in the event of the proposed ending the emotional impact would have been slightly lessened BUT the closure for the fans waiting for Leela & Fry to get together would have been present ...

... I would make that end after many more seasons.

Damn RIGHT !

Bending Unit
« Reply #99 on: 10-30-2006 21:49 »

Originally posted by Woodbot 2.0:

Bender:Gets to be a famous cook and folk singer

Hey, what about: And gets to be a honourary GlobeTrotter! [Panucci]Come Oooon ![/Panucci]

Bending Unit
« Reply #100 on: 10-30-2006 22:53 »

Crew's final delivery is to Mr. Stone Cold Penis of the Cryogenic planet.  Need I say more........

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #101 on: 10-30-2006 23:04 »

Zapp Brannigan goes insane and acquires Godlike powers from his new masters - the Brainspawn!He then sets about destroying human civilization because Leela rejected him.
The only one who can stop him is Fry. The Nibbilonians initiate the final manifestation of Fry's power as the Mighty One, and he transforms into UberFry, an omnipotend Demigod, and then engages in a caclysmic final battle with UberZapp in low Earth orbit while the world watches.
After a fierce exchande of monumental energy, the two combatants engulf each other in a massive explosion. Leela watches from the cockpit of the Planet Express ship as the superheated plasma slowly recedes to reveal...
...nothing. Both of them are gone.

The end.
...or is it?
Apple Tea

Bending Unit
« Reply #102 on: 10-31-2006 01:08 »

The ending was good, but it was missing imploding space monkeys
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