Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

He would have become richer if he didnt sell half the PlanEx stocks for an old sandwich in Futurestock.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by VoVat: Actually, Zoidberg wouldn't have even been rich in that case, since the stock ended up only being worth three kajiggers. Well, its still more money than he had.


the ending was good coz it had a closing but yet still left a opening for new episodes they really carnt tie everythin up in it coz there would be no where for new episodes to go


« Reply #89 on: 04-20-2004 09:28 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2004 09:28 »
it depends on what sort of ending you want? i'd have 2, a sad and happy.
sad: farnsworth passes away, lil hubert matures a bit, leela and hermes would be the mother/father kind of role till he's old enough to run the company as well as taking over making inventions, everyone has been hit hard by the death, unfortunately it does leave the whole series to a downer.. probably pick a memorable song at the end, just like Simple Minds - Dont you forget about me, say have Mike and The Mechanics - The Living Years.
happy: yes the bondage of fry and leela getting closer, and perhaps have an hour-long episode where the niblonians are involved, and it does show more of what leela and fry are about regards to the "other one"
i dont know i may have touched charted waters with the two, but dont poke me with spoons please!


Roswell That Ends Well Would have been a good final ending, but a little cheezey. Still, a great way to end the show, walking into the sunset

DOOP Secretary

Zapp Brannigan goes insane and acquires Godlike powers from his new masters - the Brainspawn!He then sets about destroying human civilization because Leela rejected him. The only one who can stop him is Fry. The Nibbilonians initiate the final manifestation of Fry's power as the Mighty One, and he transforms into UberFry, an omnipotend Demigod, and then engages in a caclysmic final battle with UberZapp in low Earth orbit while the world watches. After a fierce exchande of monumental energy, the two combatants engulf each other in a massive explosion. Leela watches from the cockpit of the Planet Express ship as the superheated plasma slowly recedes to reveal... ...nothing. Both of them are gone.
The end. ...or is it?