
Liquid Emperor
AFTER 11 PM USE SLOT [/QUOTE] In "A Clone of my own" at the main entrance of the Near-Death-Star.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #732 on: 07-18-2004 07:52 »
« Last Edit on: 07-18-2004 07:52 »
Originally posted by germanfryfan: Wow, that lasted 19 minutes! 
Your turn Daniela  Yay, I won!  *happy dance of yay-ness* Okay, attention please: RENT-A-WRECK Good luck Edit: Wrong guesses so far:
... and the winner is: Where no Fan has gone before :) [/small] It's your turn, Bones :)

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by zomit: ONE WAY Could it be from each episode's start? You know, the flight over NNY during the title theme ... Then again, it's more possible that it is directly from an episode: "Bendin' in the Wind" maybe?
24 Hour Rule 