Originally posted by Professie:
Sorry about the stupid question... but what is AOL language? Is it like ROFL and LOL and Dw4RfZ etc.?
ROFl and LOL are more chat-speak. Quite okay to use in chatrooms, where speed is of essence, but generally frowned upon on messageboards.
Leetspeak (sometimes called h4x0r 5p33k) is when you substitue letters with similar-looking numbers and symbols. Named after the first word to be written like this: l337 (=leet =elite, meaning those who understand it belong to an exclusive group, whether it's exclusively cool or exclusively stupid depend on point of view, on forums it's the latter). Though when used sparesely, clever people can use it as comic relief (as witnessd above
AOLese is a difficult to define, it liberally borrows from l337, chat and a bunch of other internet "languages", plus it often feature attrocious grammar.
Anyway, long story short,
this link will tell you more about AOLese, l337, chat-speak, etc than you've ever desired.
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