Donnie Zoido


« on: 01-08-2004 13:42 »
Hi everyone, I don't know if this has been done before, but who cares, it's my first thread, humour me... What are everyones' favorite episodes that other people have said they hated? I quite liked Bendin' In The Wind, and I thought That's Lobstertainment was okay. Also, I heard someone say they hated Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings. Damn them to hell. Okay, guys, over to you...
Donnie Zoido


Originally posted by leelaholic: I hate "Devil's Hands". It sucked. I'm afraid I have to disagree - The Robot Devil was hilarious, the music was cool, and Zoidberg sang! Maybe it shouldn't have been the total finale, but it was a pretty damn good episode. Sorry, my opinion.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

^Second that. "A Leela Of Her Own" is a criminally underrated episode. "Blernsball the way it oughtn't be."
Donnie Zoido


Well, I'm a Brit so I don't get baseball anyway, but that is an okay episode- better than the awful Spanish Fry...
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 01-08-2004 17:21 »
« Last Edit on: 01-08-2004 17:21 »
A lot of the blernsball jokes in this particular episode don't require any particular knowledge of baseball. The rules are supposed to be new even to baseball fans, anyway. I mean, come on, "Hit it here and win the game?" The original blernsball bit in Fear of a Bot Planet, I think, was more obscure. "The blerns are loaded, the count is three blerns and two anti-blerns, and the infield blern rule is in effect."
The real fanboy insider bit in A Leela Of Her Own is the Mets-bashing. But as long as you know the Mets are perennial losers, you don't need a whole lot more. But I dig baseball a lot, and I love the Mets, but I also like to bash them. And Hank Aaron and Bob Uecker do great voice work. So I think the episode is great.


I like 'A Leela of Her Own', even though I'm British and don't know a thing about baseball. It was easy enough to understand without any knowledge of the sport and turned out as a pretty fair episode.
'The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings' I saved watching until recently and wasn't very impressed. It seemed completely out of place to me, the writers seemed to forget about adding any jokes and that opera made me cringe. It was a nice way to finish off the Fry/Leela relationship but that's all it did to me.
Donnie Zoido


Originally posted by aslate: I didn't mind Spanish Fry so much, probably because i don't mind the wanking jokes.
I don't mind wanking jokes at all, in fact some really good lines from other episodes revolve around Fry's apparent masturbation addiction, it's just I thought it was a generally poor episode. It has also possibly the most/only annoying commentary, as pointed out by Matt Groening.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 01-08-2004 18:08 »
« Last Edit on: 01-08-2004 18:08 »
"Bowwwwwwwmmmmmmm!" "Uh oh."  Someone give John DiMaggio a pill for god's sake!  And I agree that Futurama has had it's share of good masturbation jokes, such as Fry's comments about "tough love" in A Head In The Polls. But Bender's jokes in Spanish Fry were just so obvious and repetetive that they just weren't funny. With A Leela Of Her Own, the jokes aimed at baseball fans don't bother me as such - I enjoyed Where No Fan Has Gone Before even though I've never seen an episode of Star Trek. I think it was more that in order to include all these baseball references they felt the need to severely tone down Blernsball from it's wild original incarnation. Also, Bob Uecker was a great voice part and had some brilliant dialogue, but Hank Arron's performance was less solid, although sometimes funny for it's stiffness ("Low?! It was zero you blow-fo!" ). The belly itching joke I thought was lame. Finally, it felt like they tried to cover the issues of racism and, more evidently, sexism in this episode and to be honest I wasn't entirely convinced by either of them. The Cygnoids were midly amusing, but too obviously Italian stereotypes, and whilst Jackie Anderson's attitude was fairly believeable, I still don't buy that sexism has not budged an inch since the 20th Century. I just would've liked to have seen something more imaginative. 

« Reply #18 on: 01-08-2004 19:56 »
« Last Edit on: 01-08-2004 19:56 »
cryonic woman spanish fry three hundred big boys
while its not a favourite i dont hate a pharoh to remember and I didn't think bending in the wind was hated,
my opinion on devils hands, is that the opera was funny, but when they actually sing in real life and not in the opera, that was a bad choice, somehow they could have done something better.
But it does suprise me it is actually a very funny episode but people seemed to decide beforehand that the show was definatley going to be lacking in humour as it was more emotional, but it actually wasn't but its often peoples opinion


I loved A Pharoah To Remember, mainly due to the Wall Of Prophecy scene (including Bender becoming the Pharoah). That scene alone made it a great episode for me. I also liked 300 Big Boys. The coffee storyline was beautiful (as was the ending). I didn't see anything special about Luck of the Fryrish, though. *runs like hell*

Bending Unit
Originally posted by Anarchist: I loved A Pharoah To Remember, mainly due to the Wall Of Prophecy scene (including Bender becoming the Pharoah). That scene alone made it a great episode for me. I also liked 300 Big Boys. The coffee storyline was beautiful (as was the ending). I didn't see anything special about Luck of the Fryrish, though. *runs like hell* Thoth agrees, it was great to see Fry's past and all but it wasn't really funny.... Some good lines but overall, not really that funny. I also kinda like the Cryonic Woman, Fry and Bender working at the lab is just plain hilarious

DOOP Secretary

I didn't like Bendin' In The Wind at first, but it got a lot better over time. It's the sort of episode that you can watch over & over without getting sick of.
Lots of people also tend to give That's Lobstertainment and A Pharoah To Remember a lot of crap too - but I think both of those episodes kick ass, especially Lobstertainment.
Also, quite a few people in this thread have said that they didn't like Spanish Fry... I love that episode! The penis jokes were as funny as hell, even though they were incredibly obvious.

DOOP Secretary

I don't have any siblings, but I still liked Luck Of The Fryrish.
Also, Spacepilot3000 - I believe that Lrrr's ex-wife liked lilacs.

DOOP Secretary

You really have to have seen what Less Than Hero is spoofing to find it funny.
Donnie Zoido


I haven't seen any off the old super hero shows, but I still found the episode hilariuous.
Fry: Zoidberg get in here!
Zoidy: (o.s) Screw you!
Brilliant. And also when that bird grabs the gemerald, and Fry says - "That seemed unnessecary".
It's just an incredibly enjoyable episode.


Originally posted by Anarchist: I loved A Pharoah To Remember, mainly due to the Wall Of Prophecy scene (including Bender becoming the Pharoah). That scene alone made it a great episode for me. I also liked 300 Big Boys. The coffee storyline was beautiful (as was the ending).
I definitely second those two episodes. I found them both to be quite entertaining. I loved Fry's reactions to the increasing amounts of caffeine he consumed. I didn't see anything special about Luck of the Fryrish, though. *runs like hell* *shakes fist at Anarchist* Yeah, you better run! 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #36 on: 01-09-2004 11:33 »
« Last Edit on: 01-09-2004 11:33 »
Originally posted by PCC Fred: Bollocks! I had no problem enjoying "A Leela of Her Own", just as I had no problem enjoying "Homer at the Bat" five years previously. Exactly. I'm not from America, and I don't know much about baseball, beyond the absolutely basics, but I loved " A Leela Of Her Own". I don't need to know all there is to know about baseball to recognise a good sports joke when I see one, and the zingers at the Mets, well just substitue the Mets with your favorite sports team and they'll work equally well. Same thing with people who don't know Trek (although I wonder what rock they've been hiding under) but still enjoy WNFHGB. Or those who like "Love And Rocket" but haven't read/seen "2001 - A Space Odyssey". Some other less liked episodes I love: "Leela's Homeworld", "Bendin' In The Wind" and "Kif Gets Kocked Up A Notch".

Bending Unit
Less Than Hero falls under the same umm.."thing", you don't haveto be into Baseball/Star Trek or Super Hero stuff to enjoy it, but to really apprechiate the ep i think you do. It was eons ago where i saw some Star Trek stuff but WNFHGB is still one of my all time favs, wasn't at first but it really growed on me Originally posted by Ozor Mox: I really liked Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch, I thought it was a good story. Having removed my Amy bias, I still can't see why everyone hates it so much. Same here, i thought it was pretty funny, only downside was the cheesy ending

« Reply #38 on: 01-09-2004 14:15 »
« Last Edit on: 01-09-2004 14:15 »
I loved that too and i didn't think the ending was particulary cheesy