
Liquid Emperor
« on: 01-06-2004 17:41 »
« Last Edit on: 01-06-2004 17:41 »
Here are mine (1 being the worst). I even changed the titles to tell you what the problem was with the episode! [edit]or not  [/edit] 5. The Cyronic Woman 4. Less than Hero 3. 300 Big Boys 2. Obsoletely Fabulous 1. Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 01-06-2004 18:24 »
« Last Edit on: 01-06-2004 18:24 »
Here's my bottom five: 5) The Cryonic Woman - I have to admit that my attitude to this episode has mellowed a bit since Fall Madness, but still to me it seems like an episode that a group of tired writers struggled to fill a 21 minute slot with. Michelle also being frozen was a coincidence that didn't fly with me and the filler in this episode is all over the place, the biggest example being Pauly Shore, buuuuuuuuddy. 4) Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch - Bill Odenkirk seemed to want it all with this episode: an emotional plot and good comedy. Unfortunately, with only 21 minutes at his disposal for his epic idea, it wasn't gonna happen without being a total mess. Oh well. 3) Spanish Fry - This episode annoyed me. Having failed to write a musical episode about Barbados Slim for 4ACV17 (see the commentaries), the Futurama staff decided to make an episode that would use up all the ideas they never got round to doing (both good and bad) and an episode so dirty Fox wouldn't possibly dare air it at 7.  There's no doubt there was some good material in there (the windows screensaver joke, The Scary Door) but it was completely out of context in amongst the lower horn jokes, Lrrr and Ndnd's unconvincing marital dilemmas and...Bigfoot?! For god's sake, write a plot! 2) A Leela Of Her Own - Which mainly annoyed me because of how they watered down Blernsball from it's glorious FOABP incarnation to simply baseball with a rubber string. Add to it some lazy representations of racism (you can't fool us David, cygnoids are Italians) and sexism (women still can't play sports in the year 3002?) and the repetetive nature of the smack in the face joke and you have a real squeeeker. And that's with three 'E's. 1) Bend Her - The only episode that I felt had no redeeming qualities about whatsoever. Bender's sexchange wasn't so much freaky as it was heavy-handed and annoying, and Leela and Amy's blatant reactions to it made this an awful satire on sexism. And Bender's last line was the weakest in the entire series. Burrrn!

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 01-06-2004 18:45 »
« Last Edit on: 01-06-2004 18:45 »
I think there are quite some original things. -the heads in jars -that tube transportation system -refossilisation (sp?) -ads in dreams -talking banknotes -Dr. Zoidberg  I don't know if these are based on some other stuff, but IMHO they're very if not totally original. And there are probably some more which I can't think of right now. Some things however are not that original. The Planet Express ship's drive for instance seems to be based somewhat on the infinite improbability drive from the Heart Of Gold (Hitchhiker's Guide...).


I haven't seen much of the 4th season so I can't base it on that but here are mine... 5)A Flight To Remember 4)Futurestock 3)Lesser of Two Evils 2)A Leela Of Her Own 1)Bendin' In The Wind
It's weird how what some hate others like, I really enjoyed Cryonic Woman...

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #13 on: 01-06-2004 21:31 »
« Last Edit on: 01-06-2004 21:31 »
5. LESSER OF TWO EVILS Pastorama was stupid, the whole concept of Flexo was stupid, and the entire third act was stupid. The only reason this episode is at #5 is because the bathtub scene was as funny as hell.
4. BEND HER Bender was just plain annoying here. I mean, really - was this episode necessary at all? Think of all the great things they could've made in this episode's place... a Bender sex-change episode is just a plain terrible idea to begin with. Errm, with that all said - I just want to mention that Zoidberg had some pretty funny moments (I'm a doctor, he's dead!) and that's why this isn't further down my list.
3. 300 BIG BOYS Aside from Fry's plot, this episode was just plain crap and unfunny.
2. THE CRYONIC WOMAN Other than from Bender's antics, this episode really did suck. I mean, they could've taken it in such a good direction, but instead - they had to go with that shitty Year 4000 plot! Ugh!
1. A LEELA OF HER OWN Blernsball was nowhere near as weird as before, the whole plot was just plain stupid in a non-funny way, and I didn't laugh ONCE when I saw it. NOT ONCE!!! Fuck baseball!
Also, I just want to add in that Bendless Love narrowly escaped my list because the Professor sub-plot was so funny.


I agree with people on quite a few of the episodes mentioned, but some people's least favourites are some of my favourites. For example: Originally posted by KnockItUpANotch: 5)A Flight To Remember 4)Futurestock 3)Lesser of Two Evils 2)A Leela Of Her Own 1)Bendin' In The Wind I really like all of those episodes except for A Leela of Her Own, and even that I don't mind. Bendin' in the Wind and Future Stock are two of my favourite episodes, and The Lesser of Two Evils and A Flight to Remember are right up there. Originally posted by 1 of the gang: 5)Obsoletely Fabulous 4)A Taste of Freedom 3)A Head in the Polls(Except for Nixon's line about breaking into people's houses and wreaking up the place) 2)300 Big Boys 1)That's Lobstertainment! A Head in the Polls is one of my favourites (definitely top ten), and being a bit of a Zoidberg nut I enjoyed A Taste of Freedom and That's Lobstertainment. Originally posted by MrBurns: 4)Bendin' In The Wind 3)30% Iron Chef 2)The Cryonic Woman 1)Where The Buggalo Roam
Again, two of the episodes you placed in your bottom four (Bendin' In The Wind & 30% Iron Chef) are amony my favourites. It just goes to show that opinions vary greatly, even among fans of the one show. My bottom 3 (fairly predictable): 3. The Cryonic Woman2. 300 Big Boys1. Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV
I.C Wiener


the one with zapp branigan and leela in season two where he loses his admiral rank is pretty dumb. although i did like the part about him being a male whore.
El Zilcho


Well that's an... interesting numbering scheme.

Space Pope
5:The Deep South 4:That's Lobstertainment! 3:Kif gets knocked up a notch 2:A Leela of her Own 1:Less than Zero "Nine, Ten, a big fat hen.The name's Bender." What the hell is even slightly funny about that?


Originally posted by M0le: 5:The Deep South 4:That's Lobstertainment! 3:Kif gets knocked up a notch 2:A Leela of her Own 1:Less than Zero
Less Than Zero?


Well I haven't seen 300 big boys but the episode I dislike the most is Jurassic Bark. Just because of the ending. Didn't care for Hell is Other RObots but thats just cause it wasn't that funny.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by DotheBartman: 3. Obsolutely Fabulous
Similar to number two the main problem is that its a "jerkass Bender" episode in the vein of Homer episodes of the Scully era of the Simpsons. Jerkass Bender does wacky things and hurts those around him, and we're just supposed to take it. There are enough chuckles for this episode to be passable, but most don't come from the supposed protaganist. A Pharoah To Remember I agree with but Obsoletely Fabulous a "jerkass Bender" episode? To my knowledge Bender's hatred (and also fear) in this episode was focussed entirely on Robot 1-X and the moment the lives of the PE crew were at stake, didn't he actually try to save them? With APOR, I understand the "jerkass" problem because Bender had absolutely no compassion for the people around him, even his best friends (which we know for a fact that he did in Fear Of A Bot Planet), but in the context of Obsoletely Fabulous it seems like a comparatively weak reason for disliking it. Originally posted by shizumadrive Well I haven't seen 300 big boys but the episode I dislike the most is Jurassic Bark. Just because of the ending. Well that's just shallow! 


Less than hero is great!
Bender: Superking has no need for loved ones!


I guess everybody has their own taste, because i thought Brannigan Begin Again was one of the best episodes of season 2.
My worst list (or less perfect) episodes:
5.Bend Her 4.Bendin' In The Wind 3.A Pharaoh To Remember 2.Kif gets knocked up a notch 1.Godfellas

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #31 on: 01-07-2004 11:13 »
« Last Edit on: 01-07-2004 11:13 »
Originally posted by Zaer: I guess everybody has their own taste, because i thought Brannigan Begin Again was one of the best episodes of season 2.
Indeed, "Godfellas" is probably one of my favorite episodes, Definetely a top-10 episode, maybe even higher. A list will magically appear later.


i just found it weird, and i am not really a Bender fan...IMO ofcourse

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: A Pharoah To Remember I agree with but Obsoletely Fabulous a "jerkass Bender" episode? To my knowledge Bender's hatred (and also fear) in this episode was focussed entirely on Robot 1-X and the moment the lives of the PE crew were at stake, didn't he actually try to save them?
With APOR, I understand the "jerkass" problem because Bender had absolutely no compassion for the people around him, even his best friends (which we know for a fact that he did in Fear Of A Bot Planet), but in the context of Obsoletely Fabulous it seems like a comparatively weak reason for disliking it.
I guess maybe its not a "jerkass" problem per se (although the ending where he saves them did seem a bit contrived, as if to "excuse" his behavior in the rest of the episode), but he was definetely very mood-swingy and there didn't seem to be much logic behind any of his actions through most of the episode (and yes I realize it was all a dream, but still). I guess he wasn't really a jerkass but it still felt similar to Scully-era Homer in that they seemed to overexxagerate his mood swings and also took away some of the logic behind those mood swings. But, its not a bad episode either, I still enjoyed it to some degree. A Pharaoh To Remember is definetely more problematic in any case.


The first half of Cryonic was fantastic, with Bender and Fry stealing the ship and their antics at the freezing place. Sadly, the episode went completely sour afterwards, with the onl funny bits being Leela and Bender asking for their jobs back and Zoidberg being a grandmother. Basically, take away Michelle and the episode was actually pretty good.

Space Pope
I'm very surprised to see some of my favourite episodes on people's lists. Godfellas, The Deep South, A Flight to Remember. I think people will see a theme in my choices: 5. Futurestock - Definately the best episode on this list (thus putting it as fifth), but it still lacked direction and most of the jokes weren't that great or were totaly predictable. However it did spawn Sammy's "Ambitious and Misunderstood" T-shirt, so we'll be kind  4. Mars University - Just kill that goddamn monkey!!! 3. Bend-Her - Bender acts as a jackass as seen in APTR, boring. 2. A Leela of her Own - Only marginally better than APTR, again just lacking in funny jokes, or any kind of direction to the episode. Here in Season 3 I really wondered if Futurama was finished. 1. A Pharoah to Remember - Bender is just plain annoying in this episode. It's gag packed, but I just didn't find it funny in the lisghtest. Honorable mention - Cryonic Woman. Michelle is irritating, and the end of the episode is pretty stupid, but as Guy said the first half was hilarious and as such that keeps it off this list.

Starship Captain
I find Lobstertainment to be severly underrated, normally. It isn't very good, but it isn't horrible. Solid middle lower-bottom. Anyways, about my five (worst to 'best'):
1 - Cryonic Woman (as others have said, great first half, but after Shore and Michelle, it all falls apart, taking it below the rest on my list overall) 2 - Bend Her (Uninspired story and creepy Bender/Coilette) 3 - A Pharaoh To Remember (mostly what others have said, although I still find the episode quite watchable) 4 - Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch (a "meh" episode, it had real potential, but by the end, everything was back the way it was... what a waste.) 5 - Spanish Fry (Juvenile humour? Oh, boy!)
An Honorable mention goes to: The Deep South (apart from Zoidberg, fairly boring and unfunny)
And that... is that.