
Bending Unit
« on: 12-27-2003 23:01 »
I got Futurama Season 2 for Chrismtas.
Being drunk, it makes me laugh insanely as I watch every minute. Season 1 did the same, but I must have drank too much, because I just can't shake this unending sadness becuase no new episodes are being made. But then again, I'm kind of glad that I got to experience in the beauty and glory that is futurama in the first place.
It makes me cry a little, knowing that the animated lives of Fry, Leela, Zoidberg, Farnsworth etc. can only live in the warped dimentia which is my tequila saturated mind.
But, beauty is always short lived. I can convert many people to realize the greatness that was, and the greatness that might have been were it not bastardized, the greatness of jumping over a turnstile just to spite the assholes, the greatness of looking upon what might happen in the future looking back on the ridiculousness of what we do now. . . in the year 3000
I really have to pee--but I can't. How can I, when witty line after witty line assails my receptive brain. When Fry's voice floats loudly into the air, alarming the neighbors of my thin-walled apartment complex.
This is what futurama truly means. The joy and the tears accompanied by each beautiful episode, then followed by the sigh of pain, the sigh of pain simmilar to death before the onset of senility, the onset of all the pain that makes it possible for one to say,
"it's okay that she died. She was in pain. There was nothing more to live for."
that is the pain we share. The pain of knowing that there may have been many years of happiness in the old girl--but she just went a little too soon.
I love you, grandma, and you're not in a nursing home yet!! DON'T GOOO!
Too late. I didn't know you as well as I would have like to, but I will bury myself in your sweet, sweet memories.