Bending Unit
Hey, I'm back!! Sorry, I have been to the beach last week. The game, obviously is frozen, but I'll continue the work in a few days. If you still can't download, ask me for the game in MSN messenger (halfi@msn.com). mArc, can I send you the screenshots by e-mail?
Bending Unit
E-mail sent. I hope it will arrive on time. Mhh... I have thought a subtitle for my game. FUTURAMA: "Fear of a future Planet" by Slavon. Do you like it? There's more stuff. I need images of Smitty and URL (the two cops), where can I find it? thanx
Delivery Boy
Might be of interest: the link to the english game given was " http://leela.host.sk/myfiles/uk/futurauk.zip" which resulted in a 404 every time i tried. But there's a "futurauk.ZIP" in the above directory which i'm downloading right now.. if someone else is having problems, maybe this helps..
Bending Unit
Oh, I forgot: The game will contain a credits page. Here's the text: FUTURAMA: FEAR OF A FUTURE PLANET PROGRAMMER: Slavon GRAPHICS: Slavon Sparrow ORIGINAL IDEA BY: Slavon TRANSLATION: Slavon Hitchhiker SPECIAL THANKS: The futurama staff and all the PEEL people: [-mArc-], Kryten, Futurefreak, Ninaka, Velourfog, Nixorbo, Juliet, Chump, Bart128 and a looooooooongest etc. Thanx for the support, guys!!