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Author Topic: Laws of Physics defied  (Read 838 times)
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« on: 11-24-2003 00:20 »

Other than he countless number of episodes where our futurama characters are freely entering the harsh vacuumn of space without gasping for oxygen or exploding due to a disbalance in he equilibrium of pressure I would like to make the following proposal regarding the episode 1ACV12 (When Aliens Attck). The planet Omicron Persei 8 is 1000 light years away, yet Professor Farnsworth says that scientists increased the speed of light to make interstellar travel possible in episode 2ACV10 (A Clone of My Own), Therefor the electromagnetic radiation would take less than 1000 years to reach the planet and this event could therefor not possibly occur while Fry is still unfrozen!

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 11-24-2003 00:31 »

good pointe says lapointe.
Action Jacktion

« Reply #2 on: 11-24-2003 00:32 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2003 00:32 »

In one of the DVD commentaries, they say that signals sent before the speed of light was increased would continue traveling at the old speed, and wouldn't start going faster.

But that doesn't explain how the Nibblonians were able to get to Earth in the year 1999.  Assumedly they know another way to travel.
Col. Klink

« Reply #3 on: 11-24-2003 00:44 »

The Speed of light isnt the Speed of light. People call it the Speed of light even though there are many other things that go that fast too. They only call it Speed of light because thats as fast as you can go. But its in Actuality the Fastest speed you can go.

Is it not possible they increased the Maximum speed without increasing the Speed of light?

Keeping in mind this is all silly since it would be impossible to muck around with the universe like that anyway.
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 11-24-2003 02:41 »

This has been beaten into the ground a hundred times already.  Although Jacktion's complaint is new to me.  it's not particularly damning, though, as Nibbler never says when he left for Earth.  If they indeed "live long and are celebrated poopers," it should be no problem to spend a few aeons traveling to meet one's destiny.  Although it doesn't explain why the vet determines Nibbler's age to be 5.  Maybe the gazelle kick left him woozier than we thought...
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 11-24-2003 02:56 »

Originally posted by canned eggs:
Although it doesn't explain why the vet determines Nibbler's age to be 5.

Because his tooth had five rings.

The vet said something like, "If it works the same way as the layers of a tree, then each ring equals one year."  Obviously, the rings on Nibbler's teeth don't work like the rings on a tree.

The joke wasn't how old Nibbler was.  The joke was that Fry couldn't count as high as five rings.

« Reply #6 on: 11-24-2003 04:07 »

Originally posted by Action Jacktion:
In one of the DVD commentaries, they say that signals sent before the speed of light was increased would continue traveling at the old speed, and wouldn't start going faster.

But that doesn't explain how the Nibblonians were able to get to Earth in the year 1999.  Assumedly they know another way to travel.

oh my gosh that's in the dvd extras? and to think that i almost discovered an original scientific phenomenon

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 11-24-2003 10:19 »
« Last Edit on: 11-24-2003 10:19 »


Nothing to see, move along.

Welcome to PEEL, Rakija. Enjoy it here.
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