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Author Topic: Bender would be pissed!  (Read 881 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 11-20-2003 11:14 »

If Bender knew about any of these evil robot scientists from video games or anime. Such as Dr. Wiley from Mega Man, Dr. Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog, and that one evil scientist from Cubix (the name escapes me) he would be totally pissed!
Or maybe he would join them?  What do you think?  I think he'd be pissed at them because he would believe that he is the most immoral robot ever created and no one would take his place!

I used to be a fan of Mega Man and Sonic, and my sister likes Cubix!

« Reply #1 on: 11-20-2003 11:22 »

He'd be pissed, because all the examples you mentioned make evil robots (and robots in general) look bad. Bender would put them them all to shame. Either that, or just go get drunk - whatever he'd feel like doing at the moment.

« Reply #2 on: 11-20-2003 11:45 »

Dr. Robotnik or Eggman as he should be called wasn't a robot was he?  He just drove around in loads of metal vehicles.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 11-20-2003 13:13 »

No, Eggbotnik wasn't a robot but he made a bunch of them, mostly retarded one-trick bees, crabs, fish and, er, armadillios, that all ran on organic batteries (woodland creatues). The fact that Bender contains half the universe in his chest cabinet gives the impression that he'd be able to dispense with pratically anything the good Doc could throw his way.

 On an unrelated note, I'd like to see the Orbinaut robot get his own show.
bob newhart

Delivery Boy
« Reply #4 on: 11-20-2003 15:32 »

"Dr. Robotnik or Eggman as he should be called"
thats what i never got, since when did dr. robot become always known as eggman, that dreamcast game had me confused
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 11-20-2003 16:05 »

He was called Eggman in Japan.
bob newhart

Delivery Boy
« Reply #6 on: 11-20-2003 18:13 »

ahhhh, it all makes sense now

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 11-20-2003 19:30 »

Everytime I watch a movie like Terminator or The Matrix, I always imagine Bender's commentary on the picture.

"Oh, come on, that squidy so would've ripped his eye out. Seriously, you think we're as incompetant as you insignificant humans? Just give up already!"

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 11-21-2003 11:08 »

I don't think Bender would be mad at what the robots did, I think he would be mad that they were labelled "evil". If I recall correctly he thinks it prejudice to call a robot evil just because it wants to "kill all humans".

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 11-22-2003 04:33 »

Originally posted by bob newhart:
"Dr. Robotnik or Eggman as he should be called"
thats what i never got, since when did dr. robot become always known as eggman, that dreamcast game had me confused

In Sonic Adventure 1, he was known as Robotnik - but everyone just called him Eggman to annoy him. However, when Sonic Adventure 2 was released - he just seemed to always go by the name Eggman (even in menus). As Mouse On Venus said, this was because he was ALWAYS called Eggman in the Japanese Sonic games, and they wanted to avoid confusion by slowly transitioning between the 2 names in the Sonic Adventure series.

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 11-22-2003 20:05 »

Yes, that's true what Beamer said.  As my days as a Sonic fan, I've always called him "Robotnik".  Never Eggman.  It's a good thing nobody has mentioned that retarded lackey that Robotnik had who had a long nose, dressed like Elroy Jetson on a bad day and talked like Fran Dresher on ecstacy!  Man, he was awful!  He still haunts me to this day! 

I would give anything to see the P.E. crew take down Robotnik and his flunkies!

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 11-22-2003 21:56 »

This has what to do with anything? Nothing, that's what!
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