
DOOP Secretary

I probably would have liked The Route Of All Evil a little bit more if it wasn't for the lame "joke" at the end of it.


If Kif wasn't such a wuss in WTBR it would have been a hell of a lot better, but I guess that's probably a big thing. *ums and ahs* If there had been a bit more inclusion of the robot frat brothers in Mars University that would have been great - more of the Bellucci type stuff, but that episode was pretty good anyway.

to concur with do the bartman the shippy fry and leela in farnsworth parabox, just seemed to be put in because they couldn't think of anything intresting to put in the other universe


Leela's behaviour is indeed un-ladylike. For example, she could eat that cockroach leg more politely!! :P

DOOP Secretary

A Pharaoh to Remember would have been perfect if the entire episode didn't suck so very bad.

hey that wasn't that bad,
not that i thought much of the episode my three suns anyway, but why do they put on the touching music for after benders tricked fry into beliving leelas dead to make him cry, and fry makes his speech it really ruinied the humor, its supposed to be a funny moment not emotinal maybe it was supposed to be ironic with the music but it really didn't come across that way

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Making Leela's parents a lot less pathetic (particular her mother) would go a long way of improving "Less Than Hero".
Lionel Hutz Esq

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 11-03-2003 02:48 »
« Last Edit on: 11-03-2003 02:48 »
Originally posted by Vintage Dave: I also liked the shower lines. I think it depends on how you interpret them. [. . .] However, you can also gloss over that and focus on the intimacy. Like watching someone sleep. If you love them, it's not so outrageous when you notice that they're drooling into the pillow  Vintage Dave has it exactly right, the last line isn't criticism, but closeness. It is a good sign that both Fry and Leela are thinking of the other as something more than a sex object. Yes, I'm a shipper. But I think the writers did a great job of building Fry's and Leela's romance slowly. Both of them grow. If they had gotten together when Fry first tried, they would have fallen apart immediately. But, over time, they have both grown and have a chance, should they get together, to have a strong relationship. Its interesting how people keep trying to make Leela virginial. As I've said, one of the things I like is how "real" Fry and Leela's romance feels. And that means Leela is a women of her late twenties, early thirties, who has slept with a number of loosers. But she still believes she will find someone special. That is what makes her so attractive. (For the opposite female character, see The Spanish Prisioner). Of course she slept with Shatner. As Lan.Gnome pointed out, if she slept with the Zapper, there was no way she was going to resist The Original. ------------------ What makes a good man go neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?[/b]