I think the grossest moment is in the episode Cyber House Rules, when Adlai tells her he can give her an operation to make her look normal, and Leela says "Me? Normal?" and then she starts touching her eyeball with her hands...and that squishy noise effect...that was gross.
Dr. Morberg
As said in the commentaries:
(paraphrased) "It seems that people who don't have contacts find that disgusting"
I have contacts, and I had no problem with it.
DOOP Secretary
I don't know, there was a deleted scene from "Parasites" that was explaining how silverware was being replaced by jai alai scoops (Hermes, you'll recall, was eating popcorn out of one) and Zoidberg made a reference to ladling "dumpster gravy." I laughed and dry heaved at the same time.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by SixByNine: Goatse whale. Oh wait, that was only in my mind. I didnt mind the whale during "300 Big Ones" but after looking at that picture, I've changed my mind...
Urban Legend
« Reply #100 on: 05-24-2004 19:54 »
« Last Edit on: 05-24-2004 19:54 »
Many scenes involving Zapp. Mom and Professor's love scene. That time when Fry mentioned that his toilet broke and he used the trash can for a month. Kif pregnant. (nuff said) Edna's love scene with Fry. thats is all I can think of right now. #100
when kif climbed the ladder right underneath zapp.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Professie: The image of grilled cheeze leaking from Human-Bender's fat haunts me where-ever I go... I'm never having another grilled-cheese sandwich after i saw that episode. Scarred me for life.
oh your god, i hate the part in Amazon women in the mood, when zoidberg goes to take out his shell and says he is going to "eat the chips that amy threw out yesterday" and amy says that those were toenails, and he says a feast is a feast. every time that makes me queasy. that and when the towel falls off and he shakes, and also when the whale throws up in 300 big boys. now that i think about it there are alot of gross things. damn i love this show
you know i had happily put the disgusting grilled cheese sandwich out of my mind, til i read this topic. and now i'm not feeling that well
There is a good deleted scene in which Bender has just cooked and Fry is pretended to eat until Bender notices., so Fry puts a bit of food in his mouth and procedes to wretch like you do when you have no more sick to throw up.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
what episode is that from? I dont remember that scene...
« Reply #119 on: 06-20-2004 13:51 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2004 13:51 »
Edna isn't gross. She's sexy, you hear me! : points at avatar : SEXY! Uhhm.. Well, I think so, anyway With a chest like that, who's gonna argue? Nobody, that's who. It hasn't been mentioned.. Hermes actually wanting a Manwich that'd been sitting in a fish for God knows how long. Yuck. M0le is right, vomit is never funny. I've never laughed at a character sicking. [Except in American Splendor's 'amateur acting' scene when Molly Shannon pretends to throw up. It's so stupid it's funny. But there's no actual vomit.. So..] Danni: LOL. Cloaca. Hover your mouse over the image. Hover I say!