DOOP Secretary
I personally thought it was great. The whole election theme was done really well, considering very few shows can pull it off in a funny way - and the different political parties were hillarious. However, Nixon easily stole the show here, especially with the terrific ending. "Nixon's baaaackk!!!" Overall, a great episode. I'm giving it a 4/5.
Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 10-20-2003 05:49 »
« Last Edit on: 10-20-2003 05:49 »
One of the most underrated episodes IMO. Bender is great, Nixon is hillarious... When a friend and I watched it the first time we had about 2 weeks of fun imitating Nixon's arouuuuuuu... ...so definitely 10/10.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
One of my favorite episodes, and one of the best political satires in the world of animation.
Candidates so alike they might as well be clones. Wait a minute they are clones!
The various parties, voter apathy, form over substance (more fitting now than ever, what with the Governator and all), etc. So great.
Introducing Richard Nixon's Head was a stroke of genius. He's just so damn funny with his harsh, nigh on hostile comments to everything, and as Matt mentioned on the commentary the staff loved every minute of it. "NIXON'S BAAAAACK!!!"
Benders sidestory was up to par, great jokes, and suddenly it combined so flawlessly with the election story, now that's writing.
I could go on about this episode, but I'm not very coherrent at the moment. Suffice to say, this is one of my favorite episodes, and if I didn't give it a clearcut 10/10 I would make a mockery out of democracy. And the voters will see through it, they aren't the peebrained idiots of Nixon's time.
Nixon: ""Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973 but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only one who's changed is me. I've become bitter, and let's face it, crazy over the years. And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat. And I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place! Muhuhahahaha!"
Rage Dump
Liquid Emperor
very funny. John Jackson and john Jackson were great. Have we got a humourous typo thread? On topic though Head in the polls had some great moments, the different parties were great... The Voter Apathy party, (all names aside...) the brain slug one, and the one the professor goes to, are all crack-ups. Fry - "I've got an idea" Leela - "I've got a better idea" Bender - "Psst, there i am!" "Bender - My body loved me and i turned it's back on it" Bender and Nixon's attemted 'fight' Many other great moments, too many to mention here, i gave it a 3/4 on the Classic episode thing.
I shan't wax lyrical - my favourite part was the secret service heads. cracking.
My Wha?
Personally, I thought the whole "Rich Bender Without Body" bit was a high point of the series. I made wavs of most of the things he said like:
"YES! The Rich get richer."
"Hellloooo, Peasants."
and my favorite:
"Compare your life to mine and then kill yourselves."
Tropic of Fry
I always like political satire, and this one reaped untold harvests of hilarilty in that department... The sequence of bender's head on the wee car was both visually impressive and funny. Best line in the ep, which i think i remember correctly: "You see this? Biological super pox... for duck huntin'" sorry if i mangled it.
Mouse On Venus
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #20 on: 10-22-2003 13:43 »
« Last Edit on: 10-22-2003 13:43 »
This was a corking episode if only for the fact that it was so damn original. Bender sells his body for big bucks and looks down on everyone else even though he's just a head? Richard Nixon's head acquires Bender's body, dances and plays electric guitar? Robots vote Nixon president because he gets a whopping great new body after Bender and friends retrieve the old one? No-one else could've thought that up if they'd tried. And yet, the realism of the political satire is just dead-on. The clone candidates, Nixon under the truthoscope, the Presidents heads sequence and, of course (paraphrasing): "One of these two men will become President of the World." "What do we care? We live in the United States." "The United States is part of the world!" "Wow, I have been gone a long time." A genuine classic, whether you know who Nixon is or not.
I know, it sucks. *imagines Nixon singing 'Hail to the Chief' and collapses with laughter* The other one is HHRHGB that's really noticeable in the first series, its got a slight lapse. The worst by far is 'The Route of all Evil' in Season three - that has a lapse of about 15-20 seconds for half the commentary, which is irritating as hell!
I didn't notice that... *rushes off to be a geek with her DVD player*
heh! it was a great episode! i like the "hey i have a final thought" beep beep "AAAAAAHHHHH" when fry is on the bed!
An episode that never NEVER gets old, at least not to me. One of my all-time favorites, and definitely one of the funniest ones.....
"Shutup, dammit!"
Meh, it was a little overrated, but it had some great moments. Nixon's appearance was great, and I love Morbo's support of him. I do love that little CG sequence with Bender piloting the miniature car.