Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #442 on: 12-30-2011 10:16 »
« Last Edit on: 12-30-2011 19:12 »
I think most of us is agreeing with Solid Gold Bender.
Woah, woah....woah.... Sorry,dude, I neither do talk to, nor even about SGB, but your remark is something I just HAVE to object to for the record. SBG came here, did absolutely NOTHING for the community, and is just trying to check his limits, with how much he can get away with. He already shouted out several insults, threatened to beat up others, etc...to give one example: This whole show is pretty terrible.
It's the best show ever you pussy. I will beat the shit out of you now. 
A spoiled kid threatening to beat a man for not liking a show..HELLO? It's Freako's absolute right to think about the show what he wants, and he does not have to justify his opinion to anyone. Especially not to a spoiled kid with the "behaviour" of SGB. * Inquisitor Hein commented the last time on SBG and rather would prefer to have HIM banned as quickly as possible for comments like the above.

DOOP Secretary

SGB may be lame, but banned he does not deserve to be.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

It's been nice to see the  smiley get some use again, I've been missing it...

DOOP Secretary

Your worse than TNUK.
His worse what? And are you sure that his worse something is more than TNUK? Also then the sentence would still need a lot of fixing. Maybe you mean "Your worst TNUK", which would be different from his best TNUK of course, though I am quite sure we only have 1 tnuk around.


T I can't think of any "lame lines", as some appeal great to some and bad to others. (One man's trash is another man's treasure). However I feel that there have been some unnecessary lines. But they appeared in mostly Seasons 4 and 5. (Broadcast). So there aren't that many. (For some reason they mostly involve Amy).
There can't be any lame lines in Futurama because Futurama is a great show!

Liquid Emperor
I am quite sure we only have 1 tnuk around.
Thank God. Hein, relax, it's not like most of us ever agree with Beanoz. Cute, mattchoo, but even those of us obsessed enough to be in On-Topic on PEEL recognize that the show stumbles every once in a while. Cough, cough, NEUTOPIA.


Neutopia was a great episode. The only episode that was bad in my opinion was Yo Leela Leela

DOOP Secretary

Neutopia was a great episode. The only episode that was bad in my opinion was Yo Leela Leela
My exact thoughts.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #457 on: 01-01-2012 14:40 »
« Last Edit on: 01-01-2012 14:56 by totalnerduk »
I am quite sure we only have 1 tnuk around.
Thank God.
I'm sure there's a backup copy of me floating around somewhere. On-topic though, SGB's and mattchoo's posts are all far lamer than the lamest Futurama lines. Those all come from the current-pop-culture "jokes" by the way. There are hardly any real examples of lines which just don't work in overall context - just jokes people didn't get. The Futurama writers are actually pretty good with dialogue. That said, there are a couple of them that are pretty lame. Anything that leans on the fourth wall gets a groan from me, and there are some examples of pretty cheap jokes scattered throughout Futurama's combined run. But this thread is largely people either showing how stupid they are for loving really dumb/cheap gags or not getting smarter ones - and it's the same people not getting (or loving) the same jokes. I'm thinking that perhaps it's time for this thread to either undergo a serious pruning, or to die (and perhaps be reborn if there's ever a need for it, but at this point I don't think that there should be). PEEL's got a lot of garbage floating around at the moment, and I for one am staying away more and more from on-topic because of it.

DOOP Secretary

Wow tnuk, way to make yourself sound like royalty.

DOOP Secretary

That entire first scene of BBS is kind of lame to me, what with all the wink-wink/nudge-nudge humor. I don't fault the writers for making a big to-do about the show's return, though--and I'll admit to being so damn excited the first time I saw that movie, and delighting in that opening scene.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #463 on: 01-02-2012 05:32 »
« Last Edit on: 01-02-2012 11:01 by totalnerduk »
tnuk, there's nothing inherently wrong with this thread. You can hate stupid people all you want, but that doesn't mean you can shut down their discussions.
Look at the first three pages of this thread. Then look at the last three. Compare and contrast the content, quality and nature of the posts therein. People are allowed to like cheap gags. Sure, but to defend them in a thread devoted to the lines you found lame is kida over-egging the pudding. I found the "many fans" line funny. Not like "best thing EVER" but amusing enough for me to smile at it the second and third times I saw it. That doesn't mean my taste is stupid, and even if it was, that's no reason to forbid me from discussing it.
I'll second all of this. I agree completely... but there's a line somewhere between saying you like the line about having many fans, and spending three pages telling various people to GTFO PEEL. That line's somewhere in there, and once the thread crosses into the zone where we can spend three pages (mostly) on that, the people who haven't got stupid taste and who should be forbidden from discussing anything ever are the only ones talking. On-Topic is for sharing opinions and if you don't want to read other people's opinions without immediately labeling said people "stupid" or said opinions "garbage" then go ahead and stay more and more away. The funny thing is, it's for sharing opinions about Futurama, not the extraneous crap that's been filling it up recently. You'll note that nowhere did I say this thread did not have a valid premise. I was complaining that it had degenerated. You'll also note that nowhere did I say that anybody in particular's opinion was garbage. I was quite careful not to insult anybody other than two of the more prolific authors of this thread's current garbage-osity, in fact (and I stayed away from insulting their opinions). I can stand to read other people's opinions about Futurama quite easily. It's just that there's less and less that hasn't been said before, there's less and less that's well put togother or even coherently framed, and there's a plethora of posters who seem determined to say things that are complete garbage. Finally, you'll note that my original suggestion was to give the thread a damn good pruning - ie: remove all of the stuff that's not relevant or cromulent (my own comments on the matter included) rather than shut it down.

DOOP Secretary

You mean that's an unnecessary safety precaution? * Xanfor is relieved, yet embarrassed.