
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #42 on: 10-09-2003 11:08 »
« Last Edit on: 10-09-2003 11:08 »
From 300 Big Boys: Whale Biologist: You're covered in precious ambergris! Kif: Precious hamburgers? A) It's a stupid, lame pun that just barely works, let alone doesn't come close to being funny. B) If Amy's smart enough to know what ambergris is, surely Kif is as well.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by boingo2000: B) If Amy's smart enough to know what ambergris is, surely Kif is as well. Not necessarily. It depends on their interests. Amy like designer clothes, stylish stuff and probably expensive perfumes as well. Thus she would know about ambergris, and it's uses in the perfume industry. Kif being an officer in the military (and from all appearences an average deoderant-using guy) most likely isn't.

yes i know i'm just saying that to emphasis my suprise at you not liking the line

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Teral: Kif being an officer in the military (and from all appearences an average deoderant-using guy) most likely isn't. But we also know from Problem With Popplers that he's a master stylist, and so at least has some knowledge of fashion. And Kif strikes mee as the kind of guy who, if he knows one thing about something, he needs to know everything.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

But the Blernsball conversation only worked because the names was either a) referencing celebreties or b) a pun on their function.
Wireless Joe Jackson - Shoeless Joe Jackson Pitch-o-mat 5000 - a robot pitcher, while referencing those obnoxious 20th century infomercials (the Juice-o-matic 4000, or somethin like that).
I actually like most of the celebrity gusts so far, and Beck was definetely one of the better. Roseanne is about the only one that was both pointless and stupid.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Oh, yeah, Pauly Shore was bad, gutwrenching bad.
I guess I hated his appearence so much, my subconsciousness surpressed it. ... Oh God! It's coming back!

DOOP Secretary

Ratm9200 - The moon whalers are SUPPOSED to be lame and annoying. They're making fun of annoying amusement park rides. MrBurns - Are you kidding? I personally thought that Zoidberg's "joke" in A Clone Of My Own was hillarious. 
Action Jacktion


Originally posted by canned eggs: Yeh. "Oh my God you're Beck!" Cringe-inducing. Reminds me of most of the recent celebrity cameos on the Simpsons. Shudder. I hate it when a TV show has a special guest star and we discover that one of the characters is a fan of that person, even though they've never mentioned it before. They sort of did the same thing in "Hell is Other Robots" with the Beastie Boys. As for the lamest line that's supposed to be funny, probably the one in "A Head in the Polls" about Nixon staying at the Watergate because he's been there before. (And they made the beautiful Leela say it too!) But in the DVD commentary they do admit that the line makes no sense, since of course Nixon didn't personally break into the hotel.

on the commentary for the beck guesting episode david cohen said that beck wanted more self depricating jokes like the fact that he uses annoying noises. and the idea of the episode if futhering benders desire to be a folk musician, it works a lot better to have an actual guest star playing himself, than to make someone up.


From Insane in the Mainframe, goes something like... Bender:Fry, you may be wraped in greasy skin, but inside you've got the heart of a robot... just like in me I got the heart of a human
I so hated this line, and loved the alternate ending (even with david cohen's voice) better.