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Author Topic: Lamest line  (Read 38235 times)
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transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #120 on: 11-04-2003 07:20 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
As much as I love Futurama, there have been plenty of lame lines.

So why are people posting so many funny ones? Phnog and the Grunka Lunkas are classic.

Some of the LAMEST lines have actually made me laugh all the more.

Because Sci-fi started cheesy, and it should live on just as cheesily. Cheese and Sci-fi just go together. Am I making anybody hungry yet?
Teesside Inc

Bending Unit
« Reply #121 on: 11-07-2003 08:39 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2003 08:39 »

Zapp's lamest lines are from Brannigan, Begin Again

Zapp: I hate these filthy Neutrals Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


Zapp: How do I know these scissors aren't part of some Neutral plot?


Zapp: The Yarn People of Nylar 4? [He points at the pink creatures made of string.] So, a plan to assassinate a weird-looking alien with scissors. How very Neutral of you.


Zapp: What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Zapp: Kif, if there's one thing I don't need it's your I-don't-think-that's-wise attitude.


Zapp: Y'know boys, a good captain needs many skills, such as boldness, daring and a velour uniform. And I'm not convinced Leela has any of those things.


Zapp: Back when I was captain all I asked from my men was their complete loyalty. If I had that, then for all I cared they could sit around the whole day drinking beer in their underpants.


Zapp: No. You're loyal enough already. Meanwhile, I have a plan. We will single-handedly attack our archenemy the Neutral Planet...
Zapp: ...Once the neutral war machine lies in ruins, I'll be a hero again and the DOOP will reinstate me as captain.


Zapp: Prepare to continue the epic struggle between good and neutral.


Zapp: Precisely. Now, in the name of all that is good and honourable, we'll call the Neutral President with a message of peace, then blast him.


Zapp: [on screen] This is Zapp Brannigan of the good ship...Planet Express Ship. I come swinging the olive branch of peace.


Zapp: Then your mission is complete. I, meanwhile, will have ejected to safety, wearing the only spacesuit on board.


Zapp: Of course. What do you think I meant by "loyalty"? Now help me into the only spacesuit. It looks a bit sweaty in there so you may have to apply baby powder.

and finally:

Zapp: So it's mutiny is it? I never thought I'd see the day. Come Kif, let's eject. I found a children's spacesuit you can wear.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #122 on: 11-07-2003 11:29 »

I loved ALL of those! You don't think they're funny?

« Reply #123 on: 11-07-2003 13:40 »
« Last Edit on: 11-07-2003 13:40 »

I at first liked the whole Cubert joke about "because I'm twelve", it was ok in one episode when he was talking about a flame sticker making the ship fast in TROAE. But when you had him saying "Ummm, we're twelve, so, yes" I just thought, ummmm thats crap. Just annoyed me really.
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #124 on: 11-07-2003 17:14 »

So Teesside, you're a big Brannigan fan then?  :hmpf:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #125 on: 11-07-2003 17:18 »

Originally posted by Teesside Inc:
Zapp's lamest lines are from Brannigan, Begin Again

Zapp: I hate these filthy Neutrals Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.


Zapp: How do I know these scissors aren't part of some Neutral plot?


Zapp: The Yarn People of Nylar 4? [He points at the pink creatures made of string.] So, a plan to assassinate a weird-looking alien with scissors. How very Neutral of you.


Zapp: What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Zapp: Kif, if there's one thing I don't need it's your I-don't-think-that's-wise attitude.


Zapp: Y'know boys, a good captain needs many skills, such as boldness, daring and a velour uniform. And I'm not convinced Leela has any of those things.


Zapp: Back when I was captain all I asked from my men was their complete loyalty. If I had that, then for all I cared they could sit around the whole day drinking beer in their underpants.


Zapp: No. You're loyal enough already. Meanwhile, I have a plan. We will single-handedly attack our archenemy the Neutral Planet...
Zapp: ...Once the neutral war machine lies in ruins, I'll be a hero again and the DOOP will reinstate me as captain.


Zapp: Prepare to continue the epic struggle between good and neutral.


Zapp: Precisely. Now, in the name of all that is good and honourable, we'll call the Neutral President with a message of peace, then blast him.


Zapp: [on screen] This is Zapp Brannigan of the good ship...Planet Express Ship. I come swinging the olive branch of peace.


Zapp: Then your mission is complete. I, meanwhile, will have ejected to safety, wearing the only spacesuit on board.


Zapp: Of course. What do you think I meant by "loyalty"? Now help me into the only spacesuit. It looks a bit sweaty in there so you may have to apply baby powder.

and finally:

Zapp: So it's mutiny is it? I never thought I'd see the day. Come Kif, let's eject. I found a children's spacesuit you can wear.
how can you not like these lines there classsics esspecialy the neutral ones
« Reply #126 on: 11-07-2003 19:17 »

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus:
So Teesside, you're a big Brannigan fan then?   :hmpf:

well clearly he's not he just said a load of zapp qoutes he didn't like, surley that should make it clea.....

oh i get it you were joking thats brilliant
« Reply #127 on: 11-07-2003 19:29 »

maybe you could count my last post to this lamest line thread

« Reply #128 on: 11-07-2003 19:36 »

I love the Zapper whenever he appears and love all his lines. There are just too many priceless ones to count: "Or as I call it, the lovenasium"

Space Pope
« Reply #129 on: 11-09-2003 11:52 »

Teesside must be one of those sickening Neutral sympathizers I've heard about.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 11-09-2003 16:32 »

Born with a heart full of neutrality. How very Neutral.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #131 on: 11-10-2003 14:19 »

lets continue the epic strugle against good and neutral
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #132 on: 11-10-2003 14:37 »

Originally posted by User_names_suck:
maybe you could count my last post to this lamest line thread

Um, no.

I suppose someone could post it in this thread.

That someone won't be me though.   :nono:

« Reply #133 on: 11-10-2003 17:59 »

dont know if it was mentioned or not in this thread, but the episode where the crew got stranded on that egyptian planet (forgot episode name) and when leela said "lets blow this tomb" and also "time for some kindling" it just sounded lame.. its a shame she's mostly picked to say lame stuff, cos i really like the character spose everyone's had their say of lame stuff, cubert said one funny thing once i remember in route of all evil "good news everyone, im a horse's butt"  :D
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #134 on: 11-10-2003 18:32 »

I blame those lame lines (from A Pharoah To Remember) on a rather lame ending in general. The most lame Leela lines I felt were in The Day The Earth Stood Stupid though.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #135 on: 11-11-2003 10:25 »

This....! You for this....!  :laff:
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #136 on: 11-11-2003 11:51 »

But her voice!!!  :mad: Did she really have to go high-pitched like a bad imitation of a 5-year-old?

 Wasn't keen on the delivery of the "Have my years of wild hedonism finally caught up with me?" line, either.  :nono:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #137 on: 11-11-2003 15:22 »
« Last Edit on: 11-11-2003 15:22 »

i agree that a pharo to renember had alot of rubbish lines but i forgive it for the part when there pretending theve forgoten him:
Fry:hey lela you know who i renember
Bender:please let it be me
Fry:that guy who used to bend things
Bender:me please
Fry:you know hermes
that always makes me laugh
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #138 on: 11-11-2003 17:16 »

I just realised that's the second Ron Weiner written episode that has a joke in it where Fry says someone other than Bender is good at bending.

 In Luck Of The Fryrish (paraphrasing):
 "But a lot of the sewer tunnels have metal bars so I'll need someone who's good at bending. Leela, how about you?"
« Reply #139 on: 11-13-2003 13:32 »

there was something i liked in APTR though, that leela would always respond to whatever stupid thing fry had to say

« Reply #140 on: 11-19-2003 03:26 »

zap did say "but rock crushes scissors, and paper beats rock, kif search the prisoners for paper and scissors, and get me a rock" :P

meh close enough to how it was said

Bending Unit
« Reply #141 on: 12-13-2003 01:45 »

If animatics qualify, I'd say one of the lines from the Space Pilot 3000 Animatic.  "It's not working out Fry.  I hope we can still be friends!"

If animatics don't count, I'd say the lamest line is......(Drumroll).....

"Is someone bending girters?"---The Deep South
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #142 on: 12-13-2003 13:03 »

Donbot...you must be crazy.

Go Bender, cool line!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #143 on: 12-13-2003 14:52 »

There has only been one line that has made cringe in the history of Futurama

From "Crimes of the Hot":
"A billion robot lives are about to be extinuished! Oh the jedis are going to feel this one!"-Farnsworth-

I must be the only one here who considered turning off the television after that line was said.
« Reply #144 on: 12-13-2003 15:47 »

your insane if you think thats the worse the have been much worse than that
that ones fine
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #145 on: 12-13-2003 20:06 »

"A Bicyclops for Two" where Alkazar and Leela are playing out Married with Children. They had those alien-animals laughing and oooh-ing whenever something was said.

The janitor in the restaurant to Leela: "Hey, what's the problem, lady? You seem pretty attractive---oh! Forget what I said. I though you had two eyes."
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #146 on: 12-13-2003 21:13 »

Stupid Leela from TDTESS. That was just obscene. She should have done something like when Homer talks about the hillbilly mansion (Kim Basinger's & Alec Baldwin's house) in "When You Dish Upon A Star" ). You know Homer's stupid explaining voice... That's the one.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #147 on: 12-14-2003 00:36 »

Originally posted by BendingUnit4000:
From "Crimes of the Hot":
"A billion robot lives are about to be extinuished! Oh the jedis are going to feel this one!"-Farnsworth-

Originally posted by User_names_suck:
your insane if you think thats the worse the have been much worse than that
that ones fine

I can understand where he's coming from. Basically the same way I dislike "Where No Fan Has Gone Before", because it's basically a big, long, Star Trek reference. (Although it has been a while since I've seen that episode.) While that line doesn't bother me, I can see how it would if you weren't a fan of Star Wars.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #148 on: 12-14-2003 12:12 »

Don't get me wrong, Star Wars, and it's sequels, are probably my favorite sci-fi movies, the problem with the line however was it felt like it was written in a second without it given much thought. Basically I'm saying the joke could have been much better (Don't ask how though).

P.S. I hate Star Trek yet I found "Where No Fan has Gone Before" to be a good episode.
« Reply #149 on: 12-14-2003 17:18 »

agreed there, i'm just suprised that jedi line stuck out to you, i guess its a more recent episode.
a lot of futurama lines seem to have really bad delivery in a way makes things really cheesy or slow and obvious.
maybe its just me i kind of find leelas voice annoying and i dont think katey is a good actor, same with billy he does loads of good voices but often his acting isn't belivable.
I guess thats why I find the romance story between them so cheesy it just always make me cringe. For some I reason I find it embarassing that I'm watching such cheese even if no ones around
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #150 on: 12-14-2003 17:18 »
« Last Edit on: 12-14-2003 17:18 »

BU4000: We speak the same language. The language where we hate Star Trek and still find WNFHGB a good ep... Let's face it- Star Trek is lame-ass seven-inch crap. It seems that nothing has been thought through, and even though the characters are not completely shitty, the plots and technicalities just make me cringe..

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 12-14-2003 18:12 »

That's it Pikka, you just made my list!

::crosses out Saddam Hussein (we got him now), writes Pikka Bird::

And I know where you live too.  :evillaugh:

Bending Unit
« Reply #152 on: 12-14-2003 22:10 »

FUTURAMA can never be lame becasue futurama is the GREATEST

Starship Captain
« Reply #153 on: 12-15-2003 00:37 »

Bender really got on my nerves towards the end of "Spanish Fry."
1 of the gang

Starship Captain
« Reply #154 on: 12-15-2003 01:01 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2003 01:01 »

Originally posted by kidofdarkness:
i agree that a pharo to renember had alot of rubbish lines but i forgive it for the part when there pretending theve forgoten him:
Fry:hey lela you know who i renember
Bender : please let it be me
Fry:that guy who used to bend things
Bender:me please
Fry:you know hermes
that always makes me laugh

Having trouble spelling?

Well this line just really bugged me for some reason (Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles)(although this episode was one of my favorites)

Fry: I'll have the sewer burger, without the rat peisis(sp?)
Leela: What are you on a diet?

But like most of you have said Katy seems to have problems with line delivery. I just cringe everytime I hear Leela cry,it sounds so forced.
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #155 on: 12-15-2003 10:32 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2003 10:32 »

Origianlly posted by Teral (Your workplace looks like mine...):
And I know where you live too.
You wouldn't dare if you knew what our windmill REALLY is... Bwahahahaa!!
But hey, come on- Star Trek is just as predictable as an Olivia Newton-Jon movie...
Teesside Inc

Bending Unit
« Reply #156 on: 12-15-2003 12:58 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2003 12:58 »

Why the Whale Biologist become a whale biologist personally hate whales Espeically Mushu?
Teesside Inc

Bending Unit
« Reply #157 on: 12-15-2003 13:00 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2003 13:00 »

And here some lamest lines:

Mugger: Excuse me? Hi! Do you have a minute? I live in Jersey City and my car broke down and I need to get back because my Aunt's real sick and she needs this medicine but I need money for the bus. So I'm mugging you. Hand over your wallets.


Security Guard: I dunno...I never heard of no mayor.


Leela: I can't believe the Zookeeper is this late for his own heist. It's just rude!


Double "Yes." Guilty!

and last:

Leela (whispering to Fry): Shh! Those words are forbidden!

Fry: What words? Star Trek?

How could the word star Trek be forbidden when Hermes seid it in Brannigan Begins Again (2ACV02).
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #158 on: 12-15-2003 14:00 »

Double Yes!  I love that line.  It's not lame.
« Reply #159 on: 12-15-2003 15:14 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2003 15:14 »

Originally posted by Teesside Inc:
And here some lamest lines:

Mugger: Excuse me? Hi! Do you have a minute? I live in Jersey City and my car broke down and I need to get back because my Aunt's real sick and she needs this medicine but I need money for the bus. So I'm mugging you. Hand over your wallets.

Wow thats like possibly my favourite line ever, and the responses afterwards


Why the Whale Biologist become a whale biologist personally hate whales Espeically Mushu?

He doesn't know you well enough to get into that.

Oh and also learn to write your sentences properley.   
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