
Bending Unit
« Reply #440 on: 03-18-2004 13:08 »
« Last Edit on: 03-24-2004 00:00 »
FREEDOM DAY! Bender, ATOF Mt first TOTPD (also, I know what TOTPD means now  )

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

sigh - Kif "Love's Labours Lost in Space" Originally posted by DogDoo8: "Dont worry, I lernt how to handle tricky situations like this from a little show called "Three's company". (then start to hum and sing the words to yourself).
Fry in LLLIS. "A Flight To Remember" actually.


It's been 24hrs (or close enough) and the winner is...
Not Prof. Wernstrum, although he was close.
Drumroll please...
David A!


David A hasn't come in a little more than 24 hours,so I will now take the liberty of taking his turn because, well, he just hasn't come. ( Hey, he'll always have the faint glory that he won. (eyeroll))
You and a friend are in a plane. All goes well, and by the end you think that your crappy luck has worn off. You stand corrected when all systems fail, and all might die in a firey crash.Or everything will start working again.Everyone (including you.) believes the explosion one because explosions are much cooler. You...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

yell "With my last breath I curse Zoidberg!"
- Farnsworth "Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurddles"
Dr. Morberg


"My only regret is that I got on this plane..."
edited from That Guy in "Future Stock"
Dr. Morberg


"Read it and weep. I'm a certified college dropout."
Fry, in "Mars U"


Got two:
"Snap..." -Fry TWOF
"What to do, what to do...one three-hundred dollar hookerbot, or a hundred three dollar hookerbots?" -Bender 300BB

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

"This is a witch hunt!"
- Zoidberg "Hell Is Other Robots"