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Author Topic: NO! SWEET LORD, NO!!!!  (Read 2890 times)
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Space Pope
« on: 07-18-2001 16:56 »

I just heard that the new Futurama season won't start until December 9th! What the hell is wrong with FOX? Why do they feel the need to alienate Futurama fans? Why are they so obsessed with sucking out whatever tiny bit of life remains in the reality genre, when they have a perfectly good show (and lets face it, a merchandizing BONANZA) just sitting there, going to waste? Do they actually have someone on the payroll whose job it is to make sure their heads are crammed up their asses?

Gaaaahhhh.... I'm chokin' on my own rage here.  :mad:   :mad:   :mad:   :mad:   :mad:   :mad:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #1 on: 07-18-2001 16:59 »

DECEMBER!? I HATE FOX. Fox sucks. We should kill it. Who joins me?  :mad:


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 07-18-2001 17:00 »

Thanks for the info Kryten, Well Guess we have to wait for Futurama a lot longer

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 07-18-2001 17:16 »

Oh my...  :cry:

Why must things like this always happen when you think it can't get any worse?

Well, let's see it as some sort of christmas gift...still, I'm sad to wait and wait and wait...
Flying Hellfish

« Reply #4 on: 07-18-2001 19:44 »

Well, Fox has just cause for pushing Futurama back. The Simpsons, Malcolm, and the X-Files, which fall into the "Real prime-time" time slots, have been doing just fine in the ratings with or without Futurama, which has been more inconsistent. They'll undoubtedly justify it by saying that since Futurama is shown at a rather early time of 7:00 / 6:00 central, other programming (namely sports) can often run into it. This caused lots of problems last season, since on some Sundays, only a quarter of the nation got to see an episode, and on others, no one got to see an all-new episode that was skipped since some sports event ran over past its time slot. Therefore, the folks at Fox will say that this way, fans will be able to enjoy like 10 weeks of brand new episodes uninterrupted.

Now that I'm done ranting, I don't see the problem with moving Malcolm to a weekday and moving Futurama between Simpsons and XF. Sigh. Come on, Fox, who's going to carry the Sunday night flag once the Simpsons and the X-Files are gone? Give Futurama some exposure!

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 07-18-2001 19:52 »

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh gawd!  Oh gawd!  Calm down, Theta.  It was probably a misprint...What's that?...We're dealing with Fox here?...We're screwed.  It's gonna be as long and life-deprived as David's waiting to be thawed out waiting for the freakin' season to start.  Why?  Why do they hate us sooo much?  Just when LFRs were recovering from disappointment, we get Fox's little gift.  Ugh!  They pushed back the season premiere!  Darn them!  I don't know if I should be mad, or just sad.  :cry:

« Reply #6 on: 07-18-2001 20:10 »

Fox has done some fucked up things in the past. But this takes the cake!  Those lousy mother*&^%$$S!  I would rip their *&&^%$ @!^% out and shove it up their @##!     :mad:

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 07-18-2001 20:43 »

Ugh...suck. But I don't know, maybe this isn't too horrible. Fox's big shows usually don't start until November anyway. So this is only a month later. And even if the season started earlier, it would be pre-empted by football.

In fact, I must say that if Fox weren't running the show, I would applaud this move. Moving it later in the season would avoid pre-emptions, and give the network a chance to promote the season premiere more. But of course, this is Fox. The season will start late, with little to no fanfare, and the show will still get pre-empted. Bah, stupid Fox.

Originally posted by Flying Hellfish:
Therefore, the folks at Fox will say that this way, fans will be able to enjoy like 10 weeks of brand new episodes uninterrupted.

Again, this if Fox here. They aren't going to show 10 episodes in a row...much like season 3, they'll start it way late, show two new episodes, a week of repeats, one more new episode, three weeks of repeats, promise to show three new episodes and then at the last second decide to only air two, and that's the end of the season.

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 07-18-2001 20:46 »

I can hardly imagine why Fox pays for Futurama if they don't show it. It's a miracle...

Ainoth (NOT amused at all)

« Reply #9 on: 07-18-2001 20:57 »

This is Fox, it doesn't really surprise me, I was expecting it to start in November.
Fox are a bunch of f*cking rejects, don't they realize that there is a Futurama game cumming out next year and its in their best interests to promote the show.
I hate to say it but I don't think there will be a fifth season, Fox will probally show the second half on season 4 next year and call it the fifth season. 

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 07-18-2001 21:27 »

The only thing FOX is interested in right now is wringing every last cent out of the "reality" genre. Reality shows are cheap to produce, and are well-like by the trailer-park-dwelling yahoos that are FOX's target audience.

This network makes me want to vomit in terror.  :nono:   :nono:   :nono:
Apathy Party

Delivery Boy
« Reply #11 on: 07-18-2001 22:06 »

A Futurama game, you say? What genre?

Spelling Nazi
Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 07-19-2001 01:10 »

Hey Kryten, I think this is what you were looking for:

And now an appropriate one for Fox.


Space Pope
« Reply #13 on: 07-19-2001 01:18 »

Oooh... mArc, we need those two right away!  :evillaugh:   :evillaugh:   :evillaugh:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 07-19-2001 01:22 »

hmmm  :) let me do that sometime later  ;)

hey if fox goes on with delaying, futurama could be the show which ran the longest one day  :p

« Reply #15 on: 07-19-2001 04:38 »

Oh my god!!!

Bad news everyone:

If this is really true Iīm going to perform suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please anyone tell me that thatīs nor true...
mArc, please tell me thatīs just a joke!!!

  :(   :cry:   :(

Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 07-19-2001 05:23 »

its going to be an even longer time until freakin' channel 7 gets its act together and shows us season 3 let alone season 4!!!!!!

« Reply #17 on: 07-19-2001 09:04 »

I can wait, I'd much rather watch baseball. but it's true that fox does come up with some stoopid ass ideas, whenever ya think they got it down is when they start fucking up - fox is 50/50 with me.  Don't think I never called and gave a piece of my mind, cuz I did.  Especially all these cartoons that really have no meaning like digimon, pokemon, cardcapture and power rangers! I know these shows are for kids.  What are shows now teaching kids, how to be stoopid and use their imagination to build things to hurt people? ya real cool NOT!!!    :mad:

Starship Captain
« Reply #18 on: 07-19-2001 10:47 »

Wow, Edel's got her work cut out for her.

Anyway, December 9th . . . that's so far away . . . I understand sorta the logic if they keep it at 7, because it'll be preempted by football anyway (which I only don't mind if the Eagles are playing), but I don't understand the logic of keeping it at 7 in the first place.

Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 07-19-2001 13:59 »

I'm assuming that's why they pushed it back so far this year- Football.  I'm not gonna say that this doesn't suck a big cock, but at least it's better than the TV guide saying a new episode will air, you getting your VCR ready, staying home, and then.... Its pre-empted!  No, i'll be able to plan on it not being on rather than getting screwed in the end anyway.
frozen fry

Delivery Boy
« Reply #20 on: 07-19-2001 14:30 »

decmber 9 thats to late. I will kill fox

[This message has been edited by frozen fry (edited 07-28-2001).]

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 07-19-2001 23:16 »

fox doesnt suck, its taht damn murdoch and aol that sux   :mad:

Delivery Boy
« Reply #22 on: 07-23-2001 11:21 »

Hey lets not forget all the episodes that will get postponed or not shown at all because of football.

woooo Crustacean

lalala look at my head, it's so crazy look at my head, I got this big ol head, hey, ho...  ok shows over I'm tired

[This message has been edited by Bender_Unit_22 (edited 07-23-2001).]

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 07-23-2001 20:13 »

What are all of you complaining about, Australia hasn't even aired Season 3 since last July, ok?  :mad:

« Reply #24 on: 07-28-2001 07:45 »

decmeber thats crazy

keep your big nosie out of this eye ball

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #25 on: 07-28-2001 12:42 »

Originally posted by Ninaka:
What are all of you complaining about, Australia hasn't even aired Season 3 since last July, ok?   :mad:

Yeah, but at least you have the option(illegal as it may be) of downloading episodes. But what can we do now? When the show gets pre-empted in the US, we all suffer.

« Reply #26 on: 07-28-2001 14:44 »

December stinks. Fox feels that football & baseball in November will generate more viewership (& unfortunately, it does). I just watch the football playoffs & Superbowl. That's how much of a sports fan I am. If they did a real Rollerball sport (like that movie) then I'd watch it.

« Reply #27 on: 07-28-2001 16:22 »

Futurama needs to get back where it was in the beginning!  Right after the SImpsons!  And I know a lot of people like malcalm (and I like it a little also) But screw malcolm!  Futurama needs that time slot. 

« Reply #28 on: 07-28-2001 23:07 »

That sucks, if it's december over there it will probably be more of a wait in oZ.

Bending Unit
« Reply #29 on: 08-01-2001 12:33 »

Hmmmm you can always watch it on C4
I hear they are great at editing.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #30 on: 08-02-2001 03:35 »

germany wont even see season 3 till december (i think it will be march 2002). whats strange is, they edit out the 30th century fox logo, but keep some ending scenes which werent shown in america (at least in the original run). like, bender singing some more at the end of "the series has landed" or the beastie boys doing some bender rap at the end of another.
well, i can wait till march 2002 as im not going to watch the german crap anyway  ;)

« Reply #31 on: 08-02-2001 05:23 »

well looks like well have to watch the old s*it for anothe few months, can't wait till 2002. they better have more of that hypnotoad in s4

Delivery Boy
« Reply #32 on: 08-03-2001 19:58 »

I saw those extra endings on the first airings, and I live in America.  Am I the only American who saw that? 

Starship Captain
« Reply #33 on: 08-04-2001 00:40 »

i didn't know anything about those alternate endings.  i'm interested to see them.

Space Pope
« Reply #34 on: 08-04-2001 22:25 »

Might have something to do with FOX "smooshing" the closing credits. I wish whoever invented that would die horribly...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #35 on: 08-10-2001 00:25 »

Originally posted by bart182:
Futurama needs to get back where it was in the beginning!  Right after the SImpsons!  And I know a lot of people like malcalm (and I like it a little also) But screw malcolm!  Futurama needs that time slot. 

no screw reese! kill malcolm...anyway i think futurama would do good at 7:30 too...mitm should be a weeknight thing cuz its not part of the animated 2 hour bloc...family guy should be put in there somewhere  :p

Space Pope
« Reply #36 on: 08-10-2001 01:02 »

Originally posted by futurefreak:
 no screw reese! kill malcolm...anyway i think futurama would do good at 7:30 too...mitm should be a weeknight thing cuz its not part of the animated 2 hour bloc...family guy should be put in there somewhere   :p

Actually, what I'd do is this: Put World's Cheapest Special at 7, Malcolm reruns at 7:30, Simpsons at 8, King of the Hill at 8:30, Futurama at 9 (X-Files having finally been taken out back and shot) and Family Guy at 9:30...

« Reply #37 on: 08-10-2001 16:09 »

From the beginning Futurama has been getting the shaft from Fox.  The show began as a mid-season replacement, giving it the reaking stench of crap.  Then Fox proceeded to move it around in the schedule so many times it became a proud accomplishment to know when it was actually on.  Then they kept it at 7:00 which can hardly be considered prime time.  To make things worse it was pre-empted into submission so badly many shows never even got to air.  Now they're gonna delay the new season till December?  Why does Fox have it in for Futurama?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #38 on: 08-10-2001 18:41 »

I don't care when it's on, just as long as it works out for me.  The old time slot clashed with supper, anyway.  Now I don't have to wait as long to watch it.  But then there's stupid football.  See, all this time I've been saying sports is bad, and I rest my case.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #39 on: 08-12-2001 13:40 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
 Actually, what I'd do is this: Put World's Cheapest Special at 7, Malcolm reruns at 7:30, Simpsons at 8, King of the Hill at 8:30, Futurama at 9 (X-Files having finally been taken out back and shot) and Family Guy at 9:30...

hmm...that does seem better, the 8 to 10 bloc, cuz then after that at 10 comes news... gnice idea kryten  :)
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